Sembikiya Shin-Yokohama Branch

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Sembikiya Shin-Yokohama Branch

住所 :

Shinyokohama, Kohoku Ward, Yokohama, 〒222-0033 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +878
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–8PM
Sunday 10AM–8PM
Monday 10AM–8PM
Tuesday 10AM–8PM
Wednesday 10AM–8PM
Thursday 10AM–8PM
Friday 10AM–8PM
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Shinyokohama, Kohoku Ward, Yokohama, 〒222-0033 Kanagawa,Japan
MM KK on Google

この日は新横浜でランチを食べた後、 まだデザートを食べていなかったので、近くの千疋屋総本店に行ってパフェを食べることにしました。平日は空いていて快適でした。
After having lunch in Shin-Yokohama on this day, I hadn't had dessert yet, so I decided to go to nearby Senbikiya Sohonten to eat parfait. It was vacant and comfortable on weekdays.
T I on Google

クリームも甘さ控えめで美味しい! イートインもあって人気のお店です。
The cream is also modestly sweet and delicious! It is a popular restaurant with an eat-in.
丸山毅 on Google

マンゴーカレーハーフセット¥1500(税別)を注文。総本店と新横浜店しかこのセットはやっていない。 ハーフサイズなので量が少ないのは仕方がない。 マンゴーカレーには薬味に生マンゴーとピクルスがついてくる。カレーにマンゴー入れると甘くて良い。 フルーツサンドは4切れ。フルーツはさすがに旨い。 ダージリンティーでしめ。
I ordered the mango curry half set ¥ 1500 (excluding tax). Only the main store and the Shin-Yokohama store have this set. Since it is half size, it is unavoidable that the amount is small. Mango curry comes with raw mango and pickles as condiments. If you put mango in the curry, it will be sweet. 4 slices of fruit sandwich. The fruit is really delicious. Darjeeling tea.
Miko Aki on Google

変わらぬ美味しさ。 感染対策もバッチリです。
L HotDog on Google

A high-end store of fruits. I want you to make a menu that you can enjoy all the menus at a reasonable price.
阿部雅俊 on Google

くりが、美味い、柔らかい。満足です。上品な味でした。 喫茶の利用は最大9人までの入店。コロナ対策で席が互い違いになっていました。大人数での利用は困難かと。
Chestnuts are delicious and soft. I'm satisfied. It was an elegant taste. Up to 9 people can use the coffee shop. The seats were staggered due to corona measures. Is it difficult to use with a large number of people?
中田淳子 on Google

Autumn of taste, seasonal chestnuts. I haven't come across a delicious Mont Blanc cake recently, so I expected it. At the first bite, the mellow aroma of Western liquor goes through the nose and raises expectations, but it is sweet and the taste is monotonous, so I get tired of it on the way. It should have been a parfait safely. If you make a cake set, you can get a 300 yen discount on drinks. 1210 yen. It's a little subtle, but when you look at it, it's Mont Blanc, which is synonymous with chestnuts. The inside of the store is small, and it may be lined up a little on Saturdays and Sundays. Before 14:00, I waited for about 15 minutes.
A Y on Google

3月の三連休最終日午後に友人と2人で利用。 コロナ対策で対面での着席ができないため、広くない店内に4、5組程度しか入れません。 そのため、混雑時は入店までに時間がかかります。 私達が到着した時は先客が2組並んでおり、30分程度待って入れました。 イチゴの美味しい季節なので、私はイチゴヨーグルトパフェと昼食代わりのマンゴーカレー(ハーフサイズ)を注文。 カレーはマイルドで優しいお味です。ごはんの量が少なめで、小腹満たしにちょうどいいかも。 イチゴヨーグルトパフェは文句なしの美味しさでした。 イチゴはもちろん、生クリームやアイスも上質で、ほどよい甘さで最後までもたれることなくペロッと食べられました。 お店の方の接客は親切、丁寧でさすがの千疋屋さんです。 お値段ははりますが、たまに贅沢したい時にはピッタリのお店です。 ご馳走様でした。
Used by two friends on the afternoon of the last day of the three consecutive holidays in March. Since it is not possible to sit face-to-face due to corona measures, only about 4 or 5 groups can be placed in a small store. Therefore, it takes time to enter the store when it is crowded. When we arrived, there were two pairs of customers lined up, and we waited for about 30 minutes before entering. It's a delicious season for strawberries, so I ordered a strawberry yogurt parfait and a mango curry (half size) instead of lunch. Curry has a mild and gentle taste. The amount of rice is small, so it may be just right for filling your stomach. The strawberry yogurt parfait was absolutely delicious. Not only strawberries, but also fresh cream and ice cream were of good quality, and they were moderately sweet and could be eaten without leaning to the end. The customer service of the shop is kind, polite and truly Sembikiya. It's expensive, but it's perfect for occasional luxury. It was a treat.

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