
4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ケーキハウスノリコ

住所 :

Chigasakihigashi, Tsuzuki Ward, Yokohama, 〒224-0033 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Webサイト : http://www.cakehouse-noriko.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–6PM
Sunday 10AM–6PM
Monday 10AM–6PM
Tuesday 10AM–6PM
Wednesday Closed
Thursday 10AM–6PM
Friday 10AM–6PM
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Chigasakihigashi, Tsuzuki Ward, Yokohama, 〒224-0033 Kanagawa,Japan

It was delicious so I also tried the whole cake. The cream and strawberries were all delicious without disappointing.
三塚育代 on Google

I was not good at whipped cream, but this whipped cream has a modest sweetness, so I became a fan. My recent favorite is the seasonal Napoleon. The strawberries are also sweet and the base pie crust is crispy, which is great.
ウガウガルーゴ on Google

チョコレートのケーキがとびきり美味しいと地元では有名ですが、デコレーションケーキはチョコレートも生クリームもデコレーションをイチゴ、フルーツから、サンドもイチゴ、バナナ、メロンから選ぶことができて自分好みにカスタマイズする楽しみもあり、7号サイズまでなら予約無しでも10分程度で作っていただけます。 ケーキの種類がとにかく豊富でハズレなし!
It is famous locally that chocolate cakes are exceptionally delicious, but for decoration cakes, you can choose from strawberry and fruit decorations for chocolate and fresh cream, and strawberry, banana and melon for sand, and you can enjoy customizing it to your liking. You can make up to size 7 in about 10 minutes without reservation. There are so many kinds of cakes that you won't lose!
Risa T. on Google

ケーキ3点とプリンを購入しました。 どれもとても美味しかったです。 駐車場もあります。
I bought 3 cakes and pudding. Everything was very delicious. There is also a parking lot.
しーちゃん on Google

「ケーキといえばここ!」と家族で決めていて 子供の頃から馴染みのお店☺️❤️ …だったのですが、地元を離れて久しぶりに来店したらおばさん店員の態度が悪くて最悪でした。 まず笑顔はないし、商品を受け取る際には 「ありがとうございました」をこっちも見ずに そそくさとカウンター内へ戻りながら言われて 嫌々仕事してます感が伝わってきて残念です。 お客さんは私たち以外居なかったし そのあとすぐ私語を始めていたので お店が忙しかったわけではないと思います。 他の店員さんはちゃんとこっちを見て ありがとうございましたを言ってくださったので この方だけなんでしょうけど、 ケーキは美味しいし何より家族の思い出の味なので 今日の事が非常に残念でした。 他の方の口コミでも接客態度のことを書かれてるクチコミがいくつかあり、きっと対応されたのは同じ方なのではないかと思います。 今まで何回も通ってきて初めてこんな対応されました。これからも利用したいので、接客指導をして欲しいですね。
My family decided that "cake is here!" A shop that has been familiar since childhood ☺️❤️ It was ... but when I left my hometown and came to the store for the first time in a long time, the attitude of the aunt clerk was bad and it was the worst. First of all, there is no smile, and when you receive the item Without seeing "Thank you" I was told while returning to the counter It's a pity that I feel like I'm working unwillingly. There were no customers other than us I started to speak privately soon after that I don't think the store was busy. The other clerk looks at this properly Thank you for saying thank you I think this is the only one The cake is delicious and above all it tastes like a family memory I was very disappointed with today. There are some reviews that describe the customer service attitude even in the reviews of other people, and I think that the same person was surely responded. This was the first time I've been there many times. I would like to continue using it, so I would like you to provide customer service guidance.
Kenichi Ichikawa on Google

Christmas, wife's birthday, etc. Cakes are always here. This year, I also made New Year's greetings here. There was also a gorgeous baked confectionery set for New Year's greetings, but the contents were emphasized. So it looks normal. I visited you today on my birthday.
佐藤正美 on Google

I ordered a chocolate mousse for egg allergies. The rich chocolate mousse was delicious. I was able to celebrate Kiju with my grandson who was allergic to eggs, and my father was happy. I will be using this again.
まめぞう on Google

平日の11時ごろに伺いました。 お店の裏に7台分の駐車場があるのですが、ほぼ満車でした。 お客さんもひっきりなしで人気店なんだなあと思います。 入り口付近で消毒をしてからショーケースを拝見。 下記を購入、すべて税抜きです。 夏苺のショートケーキ(450円) シャルロット・マロン(450円) サバラン(400円) ショコラ・メゾン(400円) 家族とともにいただきました。 私が食べたのはシャルロット・マロンでした。 見た目は小ぶりなのですが、持つとずっしり、ボリュームたっぷりのモンブランでとても美味しかったです。 家族が食べたショートケーキは甘さ控えめだった様子ですが、ちょうどいいくらいの甘さといっていました。 ケーキのことはそんなに詳しくないのですが、このお値段でこのクオリティならとてもコスパが高いと思います。
I visited around 11:00 on weekdays. There is a parking lot for 7 cars behind the shop, but it was almost full. I think that the customers are always popular. After disinfecting near the entrance, see the showcase. Purchase the following, all tax excluded. Summer strawberry shortcake (450 yen) Charlotte Marron (450 yen) Savarin (400 yen) Chocolat Maison (400 yen) I had it with my family. I ate Charlotte Marron. Although it looks small, it was very delicious with a generous amount of Mont Blanc. The shortcake that my family ate seemed to be modest in sweetness, but it was said to be just right. I'm not so familiar with cakes, but I think that this quality is very cost effective at this price.

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