Sekka-tei - Kyoto

4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Sekka-tei

住所 :

1 Kinkakujicho, Kita Ward, Kyoto, 603-8361, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Postal code : 603-8361
Webサイト :

1 Kinkakujicho, Kita Ward, Kyoto, 603-8361, Japan
Yutaka Nozaki on Google

Yuka-tei, which stands on the hill of Kinkaku-ji Temple, was destroyed by fire but was rebuilt in 1874. Yuka-tei is a tatami-roofed thatched tea room, and is an elegant building.
japan web magazine on Google

夕佳亭は(せっかてい)と呼ばれ、この茶室から眺める金閣寺の景色は「夕方が特に佳(よ)い」の意味合いから命名されたそうです。 寄棟造茅葺、三畳敷の席に勝手と土間からなる主屋に、切妻造こけら葺で二畳敷の鳳棲楼と呼ばれる上段の間が連なっている。 明治初年に焼失したため、現在の建物は1874年(明治7年)に再建されたもの。 1997年(平成9年)に解体修理を行っている。 なお三畳敷の床柱は茶席としては珍しく南天の木が用いられており、殊によく知られている。
Sekka-tei is called Sekka-tei, and the view of Kinkaku-ji from this tea room is said to have been named after the meaning of "evening is especially good." The main building, which consists of a hipped roof with thatched roof and three tatami mats, and a dirt floor, is lined with a gabled thatched roof and an upper section called the two tatami mats. The current building was rebuilt in 1874 (Meiji 7) because it was burnt down in the first year of the Meiji era. It was dismantled and repaired in 1997 (Heisei 9). The floor pillars of the three tatami mats are made of southern wood, which is rare for a tea ceremony, and are especially well known.
南形浩 on Google

金閣寺の中に在ります、夕佳亭(せっかてい)雰囲気を感じられます。何となくイメージが湧く、スポットです。江戸時代の茶道家 金森宗和が、好んだ数寄屋造りの茶席で、夕日と映える金閣寺が殊に佳いと謂うことから「夕佳亭」と名付けられたそうです。正面に見える床柱が有名な「南天の床柱」です。
You can feel the atmosphere of Sekka-tei in Kinkakuji Temple. It's a spot that gives you an image. Munekazu Kanamori, a tea ceremony artist from the Edo period, liked the tea ceremony in the style of Sukiya, and it was named "Yukatei" because Kinkakuji, which shines in the setting sun, is particularly beautiful. The floor pillar that can be seen in the front is the famous "Nandina floor pillar".
Riccardo Frabboni on Google

The building has a beautiful thatched roof
not so helpful person on Google

A small but serene place inside kinkakuji
Mosey Slu on Google

There is a box you can toss a coin in which is fun. Looked nice so just took a photo for no particular reason.
Archira Chartsiri on Google

Sapat Lang on Google

Everyone else pay less attention to this tea house unless a tour guide tells you about the siginificance of this small structure. That's why i dpn't have a pic. Hehehe. Was constructed during the Edo period. It is famous for its alcove pillar.

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