Segafredo Itsutsubashi Park

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Segafredo Itsutsubashi Park

住所 :

Itsutsubashi, Aoba Ward, Sendai, 〒980-0022 Miyagi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +897
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 8AM–7PM
Sunday 8AM–7PM
Monday 7:30AM–8PM
Tuesday 7:30AM–8PM
Wednesday 7:30AM–8PM
Thursday 7:30AM–8PM
Friday 7:30AM–8PM
街 : Miyagi

Itsutsubashi, Aoba Ward, Sendai, 〒980-0022 Miyagi,Japan
MJ 5 on Google

It's a pop atmosphere, so it's hard to say that it's calm, but I was able to spend a relaxing time.
浅井深志 on Google

過ごしやすくて安心です! 場所も仙台駅を少し出たところなので立ち寄りやすく、雰囲気もかなりいいです。カフェのような落ち着く雰囲気と赤と黒を基調としたデザインは、まるで映画のワンシーンのような気分を与えてくれます。
It is easy to spend and is safe! The location is also a little out of Sendai station so it is easy to drop in and the atmosphere is quite nice. A calm atmosphere like a cafe and a design based on red and black gives you a feeling like a movie scene.
Masashi Yamashita (Mashi) on Google

どこかで読書ができる場所がないかなと、ウロウロしていたところ、たまたま当店を発見。 落ち着く店内と客の年齢層も30~40代でとても静か。 空調も効きすぎず、弱すぎず冷え性の方にも適温に感じます。読書をするにはうってつけのカフェです。またお邪魔します。
When I was wondering if there was a place where I could read, I happened to discover our shop. The calm interior and the age group of customers are very quiet in their 30s and 40s. The air conditioning is not too effective, it is not too weak, and it feels suitable for people with poor circulation. It's a perfect cafe for reading. I will bother you again.
Haruka Ashita on Google

緑に囲まれており、雰囲気も良くカフェ利用でも食事利用でもどちらでも可能。wifiも完備しており、空間が広いので周りをあまり気にせずにゆっくり過ごせてカフェ利用でもワークでも利用しやすい。チェーン店ではあるが、店員さんの接客が心地よく、どんなスタッフでもあっても丁寧だけど肩肘張らずにカジュアルに対応してくれる。オーダーを急かすような感じもないし、スタッフもこのお店のゆったりした雰囲気を作っていると思う。 仙台駅周辺だと混んでいたりするので、新緑や紅葉の季節は散歩がてら五橋公園を目指して歩いて、このカフェで一息つくのがおすすめ。カフェタイムのデザートと飲み物のセットがお得。外のテラス席があるのもポイント。
Surrounded by greenery, the atmosphere is good and you can use either the cafe or the meal. It is fully equipped with wifi, and the space is large, so you can spend your time slowly without worrying about the surroundings, and it is easy to use for both cafe and work. Although it is a chain store, the clerk's customer service is comfortable, and any staff is polite but casually responds without having to stretch their shoulders. I don't feel like rushing to order, and I think the staff creates a relaxed atmosphere in this shop. The area around Sendai Station is crowded, so during the fresh green and autumn leaves season, it is recommended that you take a walk toward Itsutsubashi Park and take a break at this cafe. Great value for a set of dessert and drink at cafe time. It is also a point that there are terrace seats outside.
nny Su on Google

I spilled a lot of coffee for two people, but the clerk immediately rushed to clean it up, and I didn't have a bad face, and I was worried that I wasn't injured or my clothes weren't dirty. .. He calmed us down and took us to another seat, and soon after that he brought us the same thing. He also brought a lot of hand towels. I offered to reimburse the cup I broke and pay for the item I brought again, but he said it was unnecessary, and when I apologized again when I returned, I smiled and said, "It's ridiculous, please be careful. hand! ". I was very impressed with how much I really appreciate it. We apologize for the inconvenience. Great shop, great clerk. The coffee was also very good. I would like to ask you again.
Don Kelone on Google

仙台駅から少し歩いたところにあるカフェです。 軽食も取れて、テラスもあります。 コーヒーの種類が多く、少し時間を潰したりするには丁度良いです。
It is a cafe located a short walk from Sendai station. You can also have light meals and there is a terrace. There are many types of coffee, which is just right for killing a little time.
Nicola Siegfried on Google

One of the best cups of coffee in Sendai! A great option if you are used to nice, strong coffee.
Ninava Davion on Google

I like the atmosphere, it’s calm and quiet and ideal for relaxing with a good cup of coffee while studying or reading. There’s a lot of room to sit so it doesn’t feel worded at all. Also about a 10 min walk from the station so it’s close enough to make your train in time.

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