Sasaki Animal Clinic - Iida

4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Sasaki Animal Clinic

住所 :

2542-5 Kanaenakadaira, Iida, Nagano 395-0801, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Postal code : 395-0801
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–12PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 9AM–12PM
Tuesday 9AM–12PM
Wednesday 9AM–12PM
Thursday 9AM–12PM
Friday 9AM–12PM

2542-5 Kanaenakadaira, Iida, Nagano 395-0801, Japan
fgii kgu on Google

前にかかっていた動物病院に数ヶ月通って良くならず、安楽死を勧められました。諦めきれず、この病院で診てもらい、特殊な心臓病と分かり、治療してすぐに良くなり命が救われました。ここに来ていなかったらと考えると、この子にのつかない事を選択する所でした。 ここの先生は心臓や腎臓などの臓器移植を昔からやっているようで心臓の検査もカラーの超音波などの特殊検査をしてくれて、毎回、細かく丁寧に時間をかけて説明してくれます。 院内の機械も最新の設備で、安心です!うちの子の命の恩人です。ずっとお世話になりたい病院です。
I had to go to the veterinary hospital where I was in the past for several months, and I was euthanized. I couldn't give up and had a medical examination at this hospital, I knew that it was a special heart disease, and after treatment I immediately got better and my life was saved. Thinking that I had not come here It was a place of choice. It seems that the teacher here has been doing organ transplants for the heart and kidneys for a long time, and for heart examinations, special examinations such as color ultrasound are given, and each time, explain carefully and carefully. I will. The machines in the hospital are also equipped with the latest equipment, so you can rest assured! I am a life saver for my child.
S H on Google

黄色嘔吐がたまに出るので、来院しました。 超音波エコー検査で、胆嚢の中に胆泥(たんでい)が詰まってました。 先生の話を聞いて薬を飲ませるよりも安全だと思い「アルピニア」というサプリを3ヶ月間、飲ませることになりました。 その後のエコー検査で、胆泥が見事になくなりました。 本当にビックリしました。 薬では無くサプリメントですので安心して飲ませる事が出来ました。歯石を溶かしたり、皮膚病にも使えて、すごいサプリだと思います。 本当にありがとうございます。
I visited the hospital because yellow vomiting occasionally appeared. Ultrasound echo revealed that the gallbladder was clogged with bile mud. After hearing the teacher's story, I thought that it was safer than taking the medicine and decided to give him a supplement called "Alpinia" for three months. Subsequent echo examinations revealed that the bile sludge had disappeared brilliantly. I was really surprised. It was not a medicine but a supplement, so I was able to drink it with confidence. It is a great supplement that can dissolve tartar and can be used for skin diseases. thank you very much.
kokoperi 1212 on Google

フェレットの副腎からなる脱毛に悩んていました。しっぽの部分だけ毛が無くなってしまい、何とかしてあげたいと思っていた時、アルピニアを紹介していただきました。ムース状だったので患部にも付けやすく、舐めても安心と言われたので1週期間程続けていたら、毛が生えてきたんです! 本当に嬉しかったです。他の方にも試してみて欲しいと思いますし、これからも何かあれば頼りにしたいと思っています!本当にありがとうございました!
I was suffering from hair loss consisting of the adrenal gland of the ferret. When I wanted to give it somehow because the hair on my tail was gone, I introduced you to Alpinia. Since it was mousse-like, it was easy to put on the affected area, and I was told that it would be safe to lick it, so if I continued it for about a week, hair would grow! I was really happy. I want other people to give it a try, and I'll continue to rely on it if I have something! I'm really thankful to you!
tomoko yamada on Google

I saw a parakeet-chan. A very polite explanation helped me. Now I have a medicine and I'm fine. I am relieved. There are few animal hospitals where small parrots can be seen, and I found a nice hospital, and I was reassured when two of my parakeets became ill.
菜樹明 on Google

駐車場も広くスラローブがあって車イスの人でも入れるし清潔的でした。 窓口の人が連れていった猫が途中尿失禁してしまっても嫌な顔一つせず大切に扱ってくれました。男性と女性のお医者さんが診てくれたのですが親切に分かりやすい説明で、薬を猫が飲んでくれにくい事を伝えたら注射に切り替えてくれ臨機応変さも嬉しかったです。 特に女医さんがホントに私に気を使ってくれ途中泣いてしまいそうでした…
Parking lot even if there is a widely Surarobu put in a person's wheelchair was clean manner. Cat window of people took gave me handled with care without unpleasant face one even got to the middle urinary incontinence. Doctor of men and women who seeing but by the description easy to understand the kind, but medicine was the ad hoc of us switched to the injection Once you tell that difficult to me to drink a cat also happy. In particular woman doctor's was the likely cried middle of me with attention to me really ...
hiraco on Google

The teachers and staff were kind and it was a wonderful hospital ✨
_48 ENGINEER on Google

I was introduced by another veterinary hospital. I think it is a very good veterinary hospital as it is recommended by other hospitals. The experienced director and the polite staff, the facilities, and the hospital are very clean.
midoyana8 “ミドっち。” on Google

At this animal hospital ?, our dogs and cats are really indebted to us. The hospital was clean and the staff were polite, and above all ... When it was sudden and impossible, my wife snuggled up to the owner and kindly responded to me, and in the event of an emergency, I was treated promptly. Thank you for your consideration, concern and concern. A female veterinarian's friendly, smiling face and serious approach, explanation by the director, consideration for the owner "Animal is treated the same as a human being" It is a reliable hospital that treats you carefully and kindly. I feel it.

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