炭火焼肉 炭小屋 - Kawanishi

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

炭火焼肉 炭小屋 - 焼肉屋 居酒屋 - Kdkh601.gorp.jp

川西エリアの焼肉屋 居酒屋、炭火焼肉 炭小屋のオフィシャルページです。お店の基本情報やメニュー情報などをご紹介しています。

Contact 炭火焼肉 炭小屋

住所 :

Sasabe, Kawanishi, 〒666-0104 Hyogo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +888
Postal code : 666-0104
Webサイト : https://kdkh601.gorp.jp/
街 : Hyogo

Sasabe, Kawanishi, 〒666-0104 Hyogo,Japan
田中健一郎 on Google

Korean cold noodles were delicious (* ´ч` *)
菊田裕子 on Google

食べに行くのは3回目ですが、やはりめちゃくちゃ美味しかったです?? 店内満席でした?
It was my third time to go to eat, but it was really delicious ?? The store was full ?
Aラットフラット on Google

空いてる時に行ったので飲み物、食べ物が秒で出てきました! 店員さんが作る人含め3名しかいなかったので、個人経営店っぽいですねぇ〜 味は申し分無しで、ハラミ、カルビ、塩タン、昔話ご飯、韓国風冷麺R、冷やしトマト、鶏肉ポン酢?とビールなどを食べました。 どれも美味かったです! また行きてぇ〜…… ちなみに、混んでる時は店員さんテンテコマイで料理出るの遅かったですねぇ どうも少数精鋭って感じでやってるっぽいので団体には向かないかも?(6~8人などの団体)
I went there when I was vacant, so drinks and food came out in seconds! Since there were only 3 people including the staff made by the clerk, it seems to be a privately owned store ~ The taste is perfect, halami, ribs, salted tongue, old-fashioned rice, Korean-style cold noodle R, chilled tomato, chicken ponzu? And ate beer. All were delicious! See you again ... By the way, when it was crowded, it was too late to cook at Tentekomai. It seems like a small number of people are doing it, so it may not be suitable for groups? (Groups of 6-8 people)
鈴木カツヤ on Google

お肉は美味しかったです。 しかし、お肉の提供時間があまりにも遅すぎる!! ちなみに注文して30分くらいかかりました。 ドリンクも15分くらいかかりました。 そのため空腹で行くとイライラするので来店前はおにぎりとか軽食をとってから来店するといいと思います。短気な人は行かない方がおススメします。 基本的に従業員のレベルは低いので 注意した方がいい!! オーダーミスが顕著である
The meat was delicious. But the serving time for the meat is too late! ! By the way, it took about 30 minutes to order. The drink also took about 15 minutes. Therefore I think that it is good to come to the store after taking rice balls and snacks before coming to the store because going hungry makes me annoyed. I recommend the person who doesn't go for sloppy people. Basically, the level of employees is low You should be careful! ! Order errors are noticeable
川添琢也 on Google

A delicious word. If you have all-you-can-eat and use 10,000 chops for 4 family members, it would be happier to serve a little more and eat delicious meat. The sauce is also delicious! The meat is also delicious.
4910 JSY on Google

厳選おまかせ盛を注文。 肉は固くて噛みきれないorさしが入り過ぎて焼くと油で火事寸前くらいにファイヤー。 そして丸焦げ…。親子3人で一万円…。 二度と行きません…。
Order carefully selected Omakase Sheng. The meat is so hard that it can't be chewed, or if it's overcooked and grilled, it's oiled and fires on the verge of fire. And charred ... 10,000 yen for 3 parents and children ... I won't go again ...
Evelyn Lee on Google

Nice environment and great food!
Greyson Fauchard on Google

A little pricey, but good quality Kobe beef yakiniku. Very tasty. I don't know when I'll be back, but I will.

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