ホリデイスポーツクラブ 市原五井

3.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ホリデイスポーツクラブ 市原五井

住所 :

Sarashina, Ichihara, 〒290-0050 Chiba,Japan

電話 : 📞 +877
Webサイト : https://www.holiday-sc.jp/%3Fshop%3D056-ichiharagoi
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–11PM
Sunday 10AM–7PM
Monday 10AM–11PM
Tuesday 10AM–11PM
Wednesday 10AM–11PM
Thursday 10AM–11PM
Friday 10AM–11PM
街 : 〒1F Chiba

Sarashina, Ichihara, 〒290-0050 Chiba,Japan
M accot on Google

Machine surface cloth? Although it is torn, only first aid with tape. Why do you want to refresh it or repair it properly? Sauna is quite lively. Others often look at the paste such as "quietly", but even if they say to the staff they do not do anything in particular, so it seems like that policy. One facility is relatively new is the only good place.
ひしぎラウ on Google

月7千円でも年配や初心者の人多くガチ勢が少なく初めての人でも通いやすい。 おかげさまでひと月で体重-2の体脂肪-3%、ウエスト-2.6センチに。 スタッフも礼儀正しくイケメンが多いのでおばさまたちには癒しの所かもしれませんw 残念な所は美女のスタッフさんが少ない所かなw
Even if it is 7,000 yen a month, there are many elderly and beginners, and it is easy for even the first person to go there. Thanks to one month, body weight -2 body weight -3%, waist -2.6 cm. The staff are also polite and handsome, so it may be a healing place for aunts w (unfortunately, there are few beautiful staff w
ノリ豚 on Google

オジさんオバさんが非常にうるさく 器具を拭かないことも多い。また、お風呂も体の汗を流さないまま湯船やサウナを利用するので気持ち悪い。
Oji-san and Ova-san are very noisy Often do not wipe the equipment. Also, I feel uncomfortable because I use the bathtub and sauna without sweating my body.
Flying fish on Google

The staff is polite and the equipment is new, so I think it's a good place to solve the lack of daily exercise. However, if the timing is bad, there is a queue waiting for parking up to the road, even if there are people with low morals (people who are sitting on the machine and talking with people for a long time without training) I need to be relaxed.
菊地政範 on Google

この世界はなんて試練を与えるんだろう… 今月の21日東京の店舗に異動する副店長はホリデイスポーツクラブの楽しさを率先して届けてくれたスタッフです。 今回の騒ぎがなければ会員のみんなが彼女のいままでの仕事に対する情熱と貢献に対して感謝して晴れ晴れしく新たなステージに踏み出すシチュエーションが待ちかまえてたのに… 今回はそんな機会がないまま時間が過ぎていくんだろうな、くやしいな。 今日久しぶりにおじゃましたら汗まみれになったマシーンを懸命に消毒してくらるスタッフの人たちが耀いてみえた。 1日も早く彼らが光耀いて本来の仕事に打ち込める世界が戻ってきてほしいと切に願う。
How challenging this world is ... The assistant manager who moved to a store in Tokyo on the 21st of this month is the staff who took the initiative in delivering the fun of the Holiday Sports Club. Without this turmoil, members would be grateful for her passion and contributions to her work, and she was waiting for a new and exciting stage ... I guess time will pass without such an opportunity this time. Today, after a long absence, the staff members who are working hard to disinfect the sweaty machine are shining. I hope they can return to the world where they can shine and work on their work as soon as possible.
K A on Google

出来た当時から行ってました。 みなさんが言うように混む・・・。車ね。駐車待ちww バイク、自転車なら でも自転車で来て中でバイク漕いでたら・・・何とも。
I've been there since I was able to do it. As you say, it gets crowded ... It's a car. Waiting for parking ww For motorcycles and bicycles But if you come by bicycle and row a bike inside ...
O A. on Google

The staff are bright and refreshing. However, probably because the number of cleaning specialists has decreased since the corona started, the bathrooms are getting dirty. I hope it will be a little more beautiful.
山田太郎 on Google

普通のジム 減点は、混みすぎ。 いやね。わかる。周りになかったから集中しますよね。 スタッフさんたちは、皆さんがいう様に明るく元気。 親切丁寧。ちゃんと聞いたことに応えてくれる。いやこれ当たり前なんだけど当たり前じゃないところがあるから。どことは言わないけど。興味がある方は私の口コミを参考にしてください。 混んでるところってやっぱりスタッフの質なんですよね。 聞いてもわからない 自分でもできない そんな人がスタッフやっててもね。お客の立場からしたら不安要素しかない。 ここは混んでることとモラルの低い人がいなければいい感じ。 気になったのは無駄に有酸素してる人が多いことかな。
Ordinary gym deductions are too crowded. No. Recognize. I'm not around, so I'll concentrate. The staff are cheerful and energetic as you say. Kind and polite. It responds to what you hear properly. No, this is natural, but there are places where it is not natural. I don't say where. If you are interested, please refer to my review. The crowded place is the quality of the staff, isn't it? I don't understand even if I hear it. Even if such a person is a staff member, I can't do it myself. From the customer's point of view, there is only anxiety factor. It would be nice if there were no people here who were crowded and had low morals. I'm curious that many people are aerobic in vain.

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