K's Denki - Ichihara

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact K's Denki

住所 :

4 Chome-1番1 Sarashina, Ichihara, Chiba 290-0050, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Postal code : 290-0050
Webサイト : https://www.ksdenki.com/shop/s/s0111200

4 Chome-1番1 Sarashina, Ichihara, Chiba 290-0050, Japan
川崎美津江 on Google

キーボード購入しました 店員さんの接客は 大変感じが良く 知識もバツグン
I bought a keyboard The customer service of the clerk feels very good Knowledge is also outstanding
SOX百識猫(Weegie) on Google

Ario市原にあるケーズデンキ。 店舗が平面でムチャクチャ広い。 買い物がとてもしやすいが、端から端まで歩くと結構な距離がある。 何と行っても、駐車場に相当ゆとりがあって、Arioなので違う用事も一緒に済ませられるのが便利。 道路向にはスポーツデポもある。
K's Denki in Ario Ichihara. The store is flat and wide. It's very easy to shop, but walking from one end to the other is quite a distance. No matter what you do, there is plenty of room in the parking lot, and since it's Ario, it's convenient to be able to do different tasks together. There is also a sports depot for the road.
秀美野村 on Google

アリオ市原やカインズでBLACKに出てた炊飯器が予約出来ず、ケーズデンキに行って同じような炊飯器を探した。 担当の男の子の対応がとても良く割引もしてくれたので全然安く買えました!!良かった(*^^*)
I couldn't make a reservation for the rice cooker that appeared in BLACK in Ario Ichihara and Cainz, so I went to K's Denki and searched for a similar rice cooker. The boy in charge responded very well and gave me a discount, so I was able to buy it at a low price !! It was good (* ^^ *)
マサ on Google

2021年1月24日 妻が数日前に市原五井店でダイソンの掃除機を 購入しました? 型落ちモデルのためか、価格は新品の半額程 でした。 値引きにも応じてくれて表示している 価格からさらに5%値引きしてくれたそうです。 妻は憧れのダイソン掃除機が安く購入出来て ニヤニヤ? ( ̄∇ ̄) 自宅でダイソンを使うと以前使っていた スティク式の掃除機より吸引力がパワフルで 愛猫が撒き散らしたトイレの砂や抜けた毛などをパワフルに吸い取ってくれると感動して いました? 流石はダイソンですね。 つい最近、我が家の古い電気ケトルも ティファールに代わっていました。 ティファール製の電気ケトルもこちらの K'sデンキで購入したみたいです。 勿論、妻が大好きな?型落ち品ですが? 我が家から近いお店なので電化製品は大抵 こちらで買っています? -------------------------------------------- 前回の記述 店舗の中が広くて電化製品の種類も豊富。 新製品は見ているだけでも 楽しいし結構時間を潰せます?
January 24, 2021 My wife vacuumed Dyson at the Ichihara Goi store a few days ago. I bought it ? The price is about half the price of a new model, probably because it is a model that is out of shape. was. It is displayed according to the discount He said he gave me an additional 5% discount from the price. My wife can buy the Dyson vacuum cleaner that she longs for cheaply Grinning ? ( ̄∇ ̄) I used to use Dyson at home More powerful suction than a stick vacuum cleaner I was impressed that my cat powerfully sucked up the sand and hair that had fallen out of the toilet. I was there ? As expected, Dyson is right. Just recently, my old electric kettle It replaced Tiffal. Tefal electric kettle is also here It seems that I bought it at K's Denki. Of course, do you love your wife? It's an out-of-mold product, but ? Since the store is close to my home, most of the electrical appliances are I'm buying here ? -------------------------------------------- Previous description The store is large and there are a wide variety of electrical appliances. Just looking at the new product It's fun and you can kill a lot of time ?
秋山由加利 on Google

照明器具8つとエアコンを 見に行ったのですが 買う気までは なかったのですが あまりに 店員さんが 親切で感じが 良かったので 即決しちゃいました(笑) ヤ○ダ電機にも 行きましたが あちらは 店員さんが❌ 感じ悪い
I went to see 8 lighting fixtures and an air conditioner. I didn't feel like buying it, but the clerk was so kind and pleasant that I decided immediately (laughs). I also went to Yada Denki The clerk over there ❌ feels bad
伊藤裕一 on Google

郊外型店舗なので、駐車場も広く、お店も広いです。今回はネット通販の商品の受け取りのため利用しました。現金値引きが原則なので、ポイントはありません。 以前にも掃除機の修理に利用しましたが、レジの店員さんも親切な対応をして頂き、満足でした。
Since it is a suburban store, the parking lot is large and the store is also large. This time, I used it to receive products from online shopping. Since cash discount is the principle, there are no points. I used it to repair the vacuum cleaner before, but I was satisfied with the kindness of the staff at the cash register.
中性脂BOW (中性脂肪まなみん) on Google

言わずと知れた電化製品のお安いお店です。以前、引越の時はまとめ買いしてかなりお値引きしてもらいました。 お値段交渉の出来るスタッフ(社員さん?)と客に声をかけるパートさんがいて…“お客さんが何を見に来てるのかと声をかけるのがパートさんのお仕事“なのでしょう。 一般的な流通価格とか実際の大きさとかを見に行っただけで「今日は下見で金額を調べてますので」と言ったがずっと着いてくる(;´д`) 結局、送料などを除いた金額(持って帰れる大きさでしたので)で【驚安の殿堂店】の方が千円安くて… 念の為、ネットショッピングを見たら送料込みの金額で二千円以上も安く売られていた。(勿論、新品の同ブランドで製造年も同じ物)翌日には届いたし(^_^;) 壊れやすいデリケートな機器や補償が重要な商品を買う時はケーズさんの○年補償は捨て難い。まとめ買いの時とかも。 それ以外の単体の商品は追いかけ回されずに選べるネットショッピングでいいのかなぁと思いました。
Needless to say, it is a cheap shop for electrical appliances. Previously, when I moved, I bought them in bulk and got a considerable discount. There is a staff member (employee?) Who can negotiate prices and a part-time worker who talks to customers ... "It is part-time job to talk to customers what they are coming to see." Just by going to see the general distribution price or the actual size, I said "I'm checking the amount by preview today", but it will arrive all the time (; ´д `) After all, the price (because it was a size that you can take home) excluding shipping costs, etc., is 1,000 yen cheaper at the [Amazing Hall of Fame] ... Just in case, when I looked at online shopping, it was sold cheaper than 2,000 yen including shipping. (Of course, it is a brand new product with the same year of manufacture) It arrived the next day (^ _ ^;) When buying fragile and delicate equipment or products where compensation is important, K's's ○ year compensation is hard to throw away. For example, when buying in bulk. I wondered if it would be okay to do online shopping where you can choose other single products without being chased around.
mauricio lemmi ayres on Google

used to have more options for computers parts in the past. smartphone area is a bit confuse. i definitely dont like the sellers waiting you step inside after the door like hienas.

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