Sara Sakae Clinic - Nagoya

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Sara Sakae Clinic

住所 :

栄SENTビル 3 Chome-27-5 Sakae, Naka Ward, Nagoya, Aichi 460-0008, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Postal code : 460-0008
Webサイト :

栄SENTビル 3 Chome-27-5 Sakae, Naka Ward, Nagoya, Aichi 460-0008, Japan
k tao on Google

I have been going to the hospital for a long time. Recently, a new teacher came and seems to be specializing in allergies, so he was very kind to me and asked me for advice in addition to Chinese medicine. I was surprised that my asthma became very easy. Even if you contact us late, the receptionist will respond comfortably. I want to be a family member.
H M on Google

ドクターや看護師さん、受付の方も優しいため、気持ちよく受診できます。ドクターが真摯に話を聞いてくれ、症状に合わせた漢方薬の調整をしてくれます。 院内も綺麗で通いやすいクリニックです。
The doctors, nurses, and receptionists are also kind, so you can have a pleasant consultation. The doctor will listen to you seriously and adjust the Chinese medicine according to your symptoms. The clinic is clean and easy to go to.
M “みおん” N on Google

診療は良いです。 ただ、予約時間に行っても早いときは10分、遅いときは30分以上待ってからの診察になるのですごく時間にゆとりを持って来院した方が良いです。
The medical treatment is good. However, even if you go to the appointment time, you should wait 10 minutes at the earliest and 30 minutes or more at the latest, so it is better to come to the hospital with plenty of time.
on Google

驚くほどの雑な診察でした。 ダイエットの高額な薬を勧められ、保険内でというとびっくりする速さで診察終了でした。 診察時間2分くらいかな。 なんだったんだろう。
It was a surprisingly rough examination. I was advised to take expensive medicines on a diet, and the examination was completed at an astonishing speed within the insurance. The consultation time is about 2 minutes. I wonder what it was.
メイチャン on Google

今年の夏頃、更年期障害の診察でお世話になりました。 福岡在住のため、オンライン診察でカウンセリング、漢方薬の処方をしていただきました。 更年期うつのような症状が1年以上続き、不眠や自律神経失調などで死ぬ程辛かったのですが、 さら先生からプラセンタ注射を勧めていただき、近所の内科でプラセンタ注射での治療を始めました。 治療を始めて3ヶ月経ちますが、やっと本来の体調を取り戻し、すこぶる元気になりました。 先生にプラセンタ注射を教えていただかなかったら、どうなっていたか分かりません。 本当に感謝しております。 私は症状が強かったからか、体質に合わなかったからか、漢方薬はあまり効かなかったですが、お話をきちんと聞いてくださり中医学には大変お詳しいようなので、とても頼りになる先生だと思います。
Around this summer, I was taken care of by the medical examination for menopause. Since I live in Fukuoka, I received counseling and prescription of Chinese herbs through an online medical examination. Symptoms like menopausal depression lasted for over a year, and it was painful enough to die from insomnia and autonomic imbalance. In addition, Dr. Sara recommended placenta injection, and I started treatment with placenta injection at a local internal medicine department. It's been 3 months since I started the treatment, but I finally got back to my original condition and became very well. I don't know what would have happened if I hadn't taught my teacher the placenta injection. I really appreciate it. I think that Chinese medicine didn't work very well, probably because I had strong symptoms or because it didn't suit my constitution, but he listened to me properly and seems to be very familiar with Chinese medicine, so I think he is a very reliable teacher. ..
a s on Google

PMSがあるため、漢方を処方してもらいに伺いました。 初回訪問時には受付の方に無視され、今回はうまく予約の時間に受診できなかったのに加え、処方箋を間違われたらしく、薬局で薬を出すことができないと言われ、お薬をいただくことができませんでした。 先生やスタッフの方は謝罪のお声がけをくださったり、柔らかい院内の雰囲気などは素敵だと感じましたが、美容注射など単価の高いお客様を優先している印象でした。 何年も通っていた他の婦人科ではこんなことは無く、とても悲しくなりました。 違う婦人科を探そうと思います。
Since I have PMS, I asked him to prescribe Chinese medicine. At the time of the first visit, it was ignored by the receptionist, and this time I could not get a medical examination at the reserved time, and I was told that I could not get the medicine at the pharmacy because I seemed to have the wrong prescription, so I can not get the medicine. was. The teachers and staff gave me an apology, and I felt that the soft atmosphere in the hospital was wonderful, but I had the impression that customers with high unit prices such as cosmetological injections were prioritized. This was not the case in other gynecology departments that I had attended for many years, and I was very sad. I will look for a different gynecology department.
_m u on Google

食欲不振と自律神経の乱れを感じて受診し、漢方を処方していただきました。服用して3日ほどでどちらの症状も楽になり始め、今はかなり良くなりました。 ちょっとした不調や気になることでも相談するとしっかりキャッチしてくださり、オンラインでも的確な診療をしてくれるので、とても頼れる先生です。 看護師さんやスタッフの方々も優しくて通いやすいクリニックだなと思います。
I felt anorexia and autonomic nervous system disorder, so I went to see a doctor and prescribed Chinese medicine. About 3 days after taking it, both symptoms started to get better and now it's much better. He is a very reliable teacher because he will catch you even if you have a slight problem or anxiety, and he will give you accurate medical care online. I think the clinic is kind and easy for nurses and staff to attend.
Marinelle Yamada on Google

The female doctor and staffs are very nice? Good service Kind staffs Cool doctor

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