
3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Sanyusha

住所 :

Hiratsuka, Shinagawa City, 〒142-0051 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8788
Webサイト :
街 : Tokyo

Hiratsuka, Shinagawa City, 〒142-0051 Tokyo,Japan
y shimano on Google

戸越付近の物件に強いです。 地元に詳しいため、説明が具体的で丁寧でした。 営業の方の回答が素早く、とても助かりました。
Strong in properties near Togoshi. The explanation was concrete and polite because I am familiar with the local area. The answer from the sales person was quick and very helpful.
皆川さちこ on Google

友人の紹介で伺いましたが、とても丁寧な対応をして頂けました。 接客面には不満はありませんが、家賃を妥協したので-1です。
I asked a friend about it, and he was very polite. I'm not dissatisfied with the customer service, but I compromised the rent, so it's -1.
よしみ on Google

Thank you very much for your kindness over the weeks. After the preview, I asked them to continue looking for the property and shared it by email. Thanks to you, I found a satisfying room. Thank you very much.
ぱおおん on Google

担当の方が爽やかで好感度が良かったです。店舗も綺麗でしっかりしておりました。 やはり担当の方の誠実さと人柄につきますね。 この度誠に感謝しております。
The person in charge was refreshing and had a good impression. The store was also clean and solid. After all it depends on the sincerity and personality of the person in charge. Thank you very much for this time.
琥珀 on Google

地域密着とは言いようで、戸越から徒歩圏内の古い物件がほとんどですね。 仲介手数料、事務手数料、退去費用、もろもろ他業者と比べると高い。
It seems to be close to the community, and most of the old properties are within walking distance from Togoshi. Brokerage fees, administrative fees, move-out fees, etc. are high compared to other companies.
SHIN1CH on Google

うちの場合は入居前後ともに担当者が適切スムーズな対応をしてくれた。 戸越周辺地域に強い会社で地元とのつながりや情報も豊富なので、このあたりで家を探すなら声をかけて間違いはなさそう。
In our case, the person in charge responded appropriately and smoothly before and after moving in. It is a company that is strong in the area around Togoshi and has a wealth of connections and information with the local community, so if you are looking for a house around here, there seems to be no mistake.
杉じい(杉じい) on Google

For renovation two years ago, I consulted with a temporary residence ? I was introduced to the property three times with staff A and visited. After all, I spent a little more than a year on the detached house ? It is close to Togoshi-Ginza Station, and you can see the introduced property at the entrance and feel free to consult without making a reservation! ️
今井恵美子 on Google

When I consulted with you before, only the properties that ignored this request such as area and floor plan were introduced. Mr. Sanyusha has a gentle demeanor, and he has consistently and politely responded from the first visit to the delivery of the keys. Thank you very much.

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