Assist Musashi-Koyama - Shinagawa City

4.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Assist Musashi-Koyama

住所 :

3 Chome-3-21 Ebara, Shinagawa City, Tokyo 142-0063, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87999
Postal code : 142-0063
Webサイト :

3 Chome-3-21 Ebara, Shinagawa City, Tokyo 142-0063, Japan
クッピーラムネ on Google

兄弟ともに、朝倉奨大さんに担当していただいたのですが、とても丁寧な対応や説明で分かりやすく、接していて気持ちが良かったです。 気さくに話題を振ってくれたりもして、初対面でも気遣うことなく物件探しができました! 朝倉さんに任せれば物件探しはいい家が見つかり間違いないと思います!ありがとうございました!
Both my brothers were in charge of Mr. Shodai Asakura, and it was easy to understand with very polite correspondence and explanations, and it was nice to be in contact with them. He was kind enough to talk about it, and I was able to find a property without worrying about it even when I met him for the first time! If you leave it to Mr. Asakura, you will surely find a good house to find a property! thank you!
稲葉祐斗 on Google

全く知らない土地でしたが、担当してくださった朝倉さんが、とてもご丁寧で自分が求める条件に合った物件をいくつも紹介してくださり、自分が納得できる物件を見つけることが出来ました。 また、メリットだけでなくデメリットも隠さず教えて下さって、非常にありがたかったです。 また、他のスタッフのみなさんも明るく元気でとてもいい雰囲気だと感じました。 この度はありがとうございました!
It was a land I didn't know at all, but Mr. Asakura, who was in charge of it, introduced me a number of properties that were very polite and met the conditions I wanted, and I was able to find a property that I was satisfied with. .. Also, I was very grateful that he taught me not only the advantages but also the disadvantages. I also felt that the other staff members were cheerful, energetic and had a very nice atmosphere. Thank you for this time!
Mao Yamazaki on Google

店頭の物件紹介の張り紙を見ていたところ、スタッフさんにお声がけいただきました。まだ物件を決めるつもりはなかったにも関わらず、丁寧に相談に乗っていただき、その後契約までお世話になりました! 物件の相談や内見も、こちらの条件等をよく理解してくださり、親身に考えていただけたことが印象的でした! お取引中の店舗LINEでのやり取りも迅速にご対応いただき、安心でした。
When I was looking at the poster introducing the property in the store, the staff asked me. Even though I hadn't planned to decide on a property yet, I was kindly asked to consult with me, and after that I was taken care of until the contract! I was impressed by the fact that they understood the conditions, etc., and thought about the property in a friendly manner. I was relieved that I was able to respond promptly to the exchanges at the store LINE during the transaction.
りきあん on Google

今回、菅野さんと石井さんに担当していただきました。 初めはふらっと寄った不動産だったのですが、 どのスタッフの皆さんも笑顔で店内はとても雰囲気が良く、お家選びをここで決めることにしました。 お家選びはワクワクもありながら、もちろん体力も使うことですが、 菅野さんと石井さんをはじめ、どのスタッフさんもいつも明るく、熱心にアドバイスしていただき、前向きに楽しく物件を探すことができました。 本当にありがとうございます。 おすすめの不動産です。
This time, Mr. Kanno and Mr. Ishii were in charge. At first, it was a real estate that I dropped by, but All the staff were smiling and the atmosphere inside the store was very nice, so I decided to choose a house here. Choosing a house is exciting, but of course it also uses your physical strength, All the staff, including Mr. Sugano and Mr. Ishii, were always cheerful and enthusiastic, and I was able to positively and happily search for a property. thank you very much. Recommended real estate.
Y M on Google

Thank you for this time. Mr. Asakura, who is in charge, kindly and politely responded, and I was able to decide the property smoothly. Introducing many properties, I was able to choose from among many choices compared to other companies. I felt that it was a real estate company that I could trust and feel at ease. Thank you very much, Mr. Asakura.
PENGUIN In_tha_sky on Google

今回ルームシェアをする部屋を探すため行きました。担当して頂いた菅野さんに、2週間も一緒に探していただきました。細かく希望を聞いていただき、何軒も内見をして2人の希望にそった物件を見つけることが出来ました。 物件の希望に沿っていない所も隠さず、しっかりと案内をして頂けとても感謝しております。ありがとうございました。
I went to find a room to share a room this time. Mr. Kanno, who was in charge, searched for it for two weeks. After asking for their wishes in detail, we were able to find a property that suits the wishes of the two people by inspecting several houses. I am very grateful that you have been able to guide me firmly without hiding the places that do not meet the wishes of the property. Thank you very much.
きのっぴー on Google

初めてこちらの株式会社アシストという不動産で物件を探しました。 今回担当していただいた菅野様の対応がとても素晴らしかったです。 ルームシェア可で探していたのですが私自身初めてのルームシェアで何もわからなかったのですがその都度この部屋はここはいいけどここは自分達的にどうなのかなとすごく親身になって対応していただいてとても良かったです。 最終的にはとても良い物件が見つかったので次回もし何かあればご利用させていただきたいと思います。本当にありがとうございました!
For the first time, I searched for a property in this real estate called Assist Co., Ltd. The response from Mr. Kanno, who was in charge of this time, was very wonderful. I was looking for a room share, but I didn't know anything about it because it was my first time to share a room. It was very nice to have you. In the end, I found a very good property, so I would like to use it next time if there is anything. I'm really thankful to you!
Timothy Dooley on Google

Mr. Tadashi Shimada was a great help in finding the best spot for my needs. Thanks for your help. I appreciate your professionalism and enthusiasm! I highly recommend Assist.

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