大衆馬肉酒場 ジョッキー 三軒茶屋店

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 大衆馬肉酒場 ジョッキー 三軒茶屋店

住所 :

Sangenjaya, Setagaya City, 〒154-0024 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Webサイト : https://retty.me/area/PRE13/ARE20/SUB2003/100001467425/
街 : Tokyo

Sangenjaya, Setagaya City, 〒154-0024 Tokyo,Japan
千早洋子 on Google

You can enjoy fresh and sweet horse sashimi ☆ We recommend chochin stabs and leba sashimi, koune and futaego of super rare parts ♡ In addition, salt yukke inari of horse meat for shime rice! Good salted plum horse meat, spicy sesame oil flavored shari and juicy fried mariage are exquisite ♡ I want you to eat ♪ Drink is Nishio Matcha High! Hebirote is enough to order Nishio's matcha (laughs).
久保田学 on Google

馬肉はおいしかったです。 しかし、接客が・・・ 挨拶なし。 おしぼりも言わないと出てこない。 スタッフもお話に夢中。 もう利用することはないかな
The horse meat was delicious. However, the customer service is ... No greeting. If you don't say a hand towel, it won't come out. The staff is also crazy about talking. I wonder if I will use it anymore
小沢直子 on Google

OPEN当初は接客も検温もしかっりしていたのですが、 今ではすっかり大学の文化祭レベル。 馬肉は美味しくリーズナブルに楽しめるのに 非常に残念。それから注文数勝手に認識されて えらい額になっていて驚いたこともあります。 2度と行きません。
At the beginning of OPEN, the customer service and temperature measurement were good, but It is now at the level of a university school festival. Horse meat is delicious and reasonably enjoyable Very disappointing. Then the number of orders is recognized without permission I was surprised at how big it was. I will never go again.
Tsuyoshi Arai on Google

Fried horse meat? !! It was delicious. There is no ordinary fried chicken, but the clerk's response is good, so I would like to go again.
佐瀬慧 on Google

馬肉が安くで食べられる。 コスパは最高。 高級店では無く居酒屋の様な雰囲気。 店は開店からそんなに経っておらず清潔感がある。 名物のおひとり様1つ限りの10円馬から(馬の唐揚げ)も魅力。 ドリンクはアルコールと割り材とトッピングを選んで自分好みに出来る。 割り材の炭酸ジュースのみも200円程で注文出来るので子連れにもオススメ。
Horse meat is cheap and can be eaten. Cospa is the best. An atmosphere like a tavern rather than a luxury store. The store hasn't passed so much since it opened and is clean. From the 10-yen horse that is limited to one specialty, the fried horse is also attractive. For drinks, you can choose alcohol, crackers and toppings. You can order only split-leaved carbonated juice for about 200 yen, so it is also recommended for children.
三茶散歩 on Google

大衆居酒屋なのに気持ちはプレミアム「馬肉酒場ジョッキー」は三軒茶屋の飲みに欠かせない存在。 テーブルに馬刺しがあるだけでなんかアガる! そんな魅惑の食材「馬肉」 馬肉のお店少なくありませんが、 そのお店が「大衆酒場」と謳われるとそれはまた気持ちも高まります。 馬肉が大衆設定。
Though it is a popular pub, the feeling is premium "Makinshuka Jockey" is an essential existence for drinking at Sangenjaya. It's just that there's a horse stab at the table! Such fascinating ingredients "horse meat" There are many horse meat shops, When the store is known as a "pop-up bar", it also increases the feeling. Horse meat set popular.
BUNNY on Google

10円ウマからと馬肉メンチカツは、油を何日も替えてないと見えて とても色濃く衣が硬く揚がってました。 味は、値段に対して良くも悪くもないとゆう感じです。 近くに馬肉専門の飲食店があるので、値段の差はありますが やはり鮮度や旨味等比べてしまいます。 今回は、飲み放題にしましたが 百万馬力の焼酎は、悪酔いするので ハッピーアワーの早い時間帯に ビールや金宮でサク飲みする程度が良いと思います。
From 10 yen horse meat, horse meat minced meat cutlet seems to have not changed the oil for days The batter was very dark and hard and fried. The taste is neither good nor bad for the price. There is a restaurant specializing in horse meat nearby, so there is a difference in price, After all it will compare the freshness and umami. This time, I made it all-you-can-drink One million horsepower shochu is a hangover In the early hours of happy hour I think it's better to drink beer or crispy at Kanamiya.
まな on Google

If you want to eat horse meat that is delicious and hard to eat, I highly recommend it! !! There are various types of liquor, such as chu-hi and highball, and you can divide it yourself, so you can adjust it to your liking! Drinks are priced in the 200 yen range, so it's too cheap! !!

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