3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact サンガム日野店 SANGAM HINOTEN

住所 :

Osakaue, Hino, 〒191-0061 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +889
街 : Tokyo

Osakaue, Hino, 〒191-0061 Tokyo,Japan
Y K on Google

ダルチキンのセットを注文。ナンは旨いがカレーは普通。プレーンナンはおかわり無料! 今回はセットにしたが、サラダとライスはなくてもいいから、次回行くとしたら単品カレーとプレーンナンをオーダーするかな。 ナンは注文から提供されるまでに少々時間がかかったから、早めのおかわりオーダーをお勧めする。
Order a set of dalchikin. Nan is delicious, but curry is normal. Plain Nan is a free substitute! This time I made a set, but salads and rice do not have to be present, so if I go next time I will order single curry and plain. As Nan took a while to be delivered from the order, we recommend an order instead as soon as possible.
NASH on Google

It is 0 points due to problems before taste and customer service. The smell of cigarettes drifted during the meal, which was very unpleasant. Probably from the kitchen, not from the outside. The customer service was a little unfriendly, but it was within the permissible range. I had iced coffee as a set drink, but it was probably a commercially available pack and it wasn't delicious. You don't want to drink at the store. The curry was delicious, but the base is sweet and the spiciness comes later, so it seems to be a favorite. Nan was full of volume and delicious. It's a shame because the favorite curry and naan were delicious. Generally, the negative points are too big and I will not repeat it, but if you do not care about anything other than taste, please try it once.
ノブ on Google

「味は悪くはないのに、接客が足を引っ張っている」 本場のインドカレーを初めて食べて、ナンの美味しさも知ることができたのに、あの接客では日本人にはなかなか受け入れられないと思いました。注文を取りに来た時や会計をした時も、笑顔も愛想も全く無く、ボソボソと喋って何を言っているのかよく分かりませんでした。特にナンのお代わりを頼んだときに、携帯をいじりながらだったのには呆れました。結構長いこと営業されているという事ですが、正直意外に感じました。 結構ボリュームがあり、ナンのお代わりも出来るので、お腹一杯になります。接客より味重視の人にはいいと思います。
"The taste isn't bad, but the customer service is holding back." I ate authentic Indian curry for the first time and was able to know the deliciousness of naan, but I thought that the customer service would not be accepted by Japanese people. When I came to pick up my order or made a payment, I didn't have a smile or amiability at all, and I couldn't understand what I was talking about. Especially when I asked for Nan's replacement, I was surprised that I was playing with my cell phone. It's been open for quite a long time, but to be honest, I felt it was surprising. It's quite voluminous and can be used as a substitute for naan, so you'll be full. I think it is good for people who value taste rather than customer service.
king stone on Google

美味しいし接客は日本の店より良い。人間味のある方で笑顔が素敵!心まで優しくなれる店 =追記= 最近はライスのクオリティが著しく下がった。家族全員使ってますが、ライスは食べていません。前は美味しかったのに何故なんだ?
It's delicious and the customer service is better than Japanese restaurants. A humane person with a nice smile! A store where you can be kind to your heart = Addendum = Recently, the quality of rice has dropped significantly. I use it for the whole family, but I don't eat rice. Why was it delicious before?
YU I on Google

豊田駅北口のサンガムは火事で廃業。地元の先輩に聞いた話だと火災保険に入ってなくて大家に叩き出されたらしい。インド人の社長も店員達も、全員が日本人のこと大っキライな人たちなんですと。日野店の逆ギレ店長の態度も納得だけど、私はどうでもいいけどねー(笑) でもデカいGがウロチョロした時点で二度と行かないと誓った(*_*)しかも三匹…ガタブルで泣きそうになったしカレーほとんど全部残したよー (ToT)(ToT)(ToT)
Sangam at the north exit of Toyoda Station is closed due to a fire. According to a story I heard from a local senior, he was beaten up by a landlord without having fire insurance. The Indian president and the clerk are all very nice Japanese people. I'm convinced by the attitude of the manager of the Hino store's reverse curry, but I don't care (laughs) But I swore that I would never go again when the big G wandered around (* _ *) And three ... I'm going to cry with a guttable I left almost all the curry (ToT) (ToT) (ToT)
河野亮二 on Google

日野駅から少し坂を昇ったところにあるインド料理屋さんです。大きな駐車場のあるコンビニやラーメン屋さんなどに挟まれたところにあります。インド料理と言いつつ、ネパールの方が経営してます。 キーマカレーとほうれん草のカレーを頂いたのですが、日本人向けにアレンジしてくれているのか、非常に美味しく頂けました。中辛にしたのだけれど、辛さは控えめな方だと思います。ランチはナンやライスがお代わり自由。これも嬉しいサービスです。ラッシーもランチに含まれてます。 店内はカウンター席とテーブル席、奥にはちょっとした個室の用な空間もあります。とても愛想の良い店員さんのサービスも嬉しいですよ。
It is an Indian restaurant just uphill from Hino Station. It is located between convenience stores and ramen shops with large parking lots. Although it is called Indian food, it is run by Nepal. I got a keema curry and spinach curry, and it was very delicious whether it was arranged for Japanese people. I made it medium spicy, but I think the spiciness is modest. For lunch, naan and rice can be used as an alternative. This is also a nice service. Lassie is also included in the lunch. There are counter seats and table seats in the store, and there is a small space for private rooms in the back. I am very happy with the service of the very friendly staff.
サーモンマグロ丼 on Google

昔はよく使ってました。 最近は味が買わっしまった(特にナン) 味が変わる前はどちらもとても美味しかったです。
I used to use it a lot in the past. Recently I bought the taste (especially Nan) Both were very delicious before the taste changed.
H I on Google

①無愛想な店員さんに淡々とメニューを伝える。バターナンのおかわりが出来るからセットがお勧めです ②厨房から漂うバターの匂いを嗅ぎながら待つ。タバコの匂いがして来たら「やめて」って素直に言って下さい ③バター香るナンが来たら、わちゃわちゃしながら手かフォークで小分けにして食べる(すごく熱いけど美味しい) ④時間が経つほど加速度的にナンが不味くなるので、スマホ弄りや雑談などせず、速やかにカレーとナンを食べる。足りなかったら、ナンのお代わりどうぞ ⑤無愛想な店員さんに(くどいですね)現金かPayPayで支払う。お釣り無いはずなのにお釣り渡されたら、ちゃんと断る 変な店ですが、カレーとナンは美味しいですよ。いかがですか。
① Tell the unfriendly clerk the menu. A set is recommended because you can replace Butternan. ② Wait while sniffing the butter drifting from the kitchen. If you smell a cigarette, just say "stop" ③ When the buttery naan comes, eat it in small portions with your hand or fork while messing around (it's very hot but delicious) ④ As time goes by, the naan becomes unpleasant at an accelerating rate, so eat curry and naan promptly without playing with your smartphone or chatting. If you don't have enough, please replace Nan ⑤ Pay the unfriendly clerk with cash or PayPay. I shouldn't have changed, but if I get caught, I refuse properly It's a strange shop, but the curry and naan are delicious. How do you like it.

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