Sandandaki Waterfall - Yamagata District

4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Sandandaki Waterfall

住所 :

Akiota, Yamagata District, Hiroshima 731-3833, Japan

Postal code : 731-3833

Akiota, Yamagata District, Hiroshima 731-3833, Japan
たまちゃん on Google

はじめて行きました。 遊歩道が段差があるので、歩きにくかったです。 所々崩れた箇所がありました‼️わかりやすいようになってました✨ 遊歩道の何キロの表示を見ながら歩きました。 以外と時間がかかりました。 三段滝は遊歩道のゴール地点にありました。 昨年の水害で崩れたみたいで二段滝に見えました。 マイナスイオンたっぷり。 帰りも同じように来た道を歩いて帰りました。 途中できれいな?がありました。
I went for the first time. Because the promenade has a step, it was difficult to walk. There were places that collapsed in some places‼ ️It became easy to understand✨ I walked while looking at how many kilometers of the promenade. It took time with the other. Sandan Falls was at the goal point of the promenade. It looked like a two-tiered waterfall that seemed to have collapsed due to water damage last year. Plenty of negative ions. I went back the same way on the way home. There was a beautiful kite on the way.
久保康記 on Google

It is a spectacular waterfall with great power. It's a really wonderful waterfall.
X-TRAIL旅 on Google

ベストシーズンに行き合わせて満足。平日だった為、遊歩道も渡し船も混まずにゆったり秋を堪能できた。 水梨口→猿飛(二段滝)。あと三段滝を経て水梨口に戻った。適当な運動量であり爽やかな1日を過ごせたよ。 但し駐車場(水梨駐車場11:00頃着)はあと僅かの場所しか空いてなかったので要注意!土日だと、、、、。 おむすびと熱いお茶、チョコもあるといい。
Satisfied with the best season. Since it was a weekday, I was able to relax and enjoy autumn without the promenade and ferry. Mizunashiguchi → Sarutobi (two-tiered waterfall). I returned to Mizunashiguchi via Sandan Waterfall. I had a good amount of exercise and had a refreshing day. However, please note that the parking lot (arriving at Mizunashi parking lot around 11:00) was only available in a few places! On Saturdays and Sundays ... It would be nice to have rice balls, hot tea, and chocolate.
ゲーニッツ on Google

It is a healing waterfall where you can see various faces in spring, summer, autumn and winter.
Jane Henderson on Google

Serene and away from everything

Good to go early in the morning
Wai Onn Ng on Google

Great hike to see the three tier waterfall. The route there was sceneric.
DJ D on Google

A superb hike on a paved path leading to an excellent three-tiered waterfall. I can't more highly recommended this hike, and the waterfall makes it all worthwhile. The hike leads along a creek where you hear the sound of white water the entire way. Overall an incredible experience that is highly recommended. There is only one, very brief, steep section, that after about 5 to 10 minutes levels back out and follows a route right next to the creek.

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