
4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 深山峡

住所 :

Kake, Akiota, Yamagata District, 〒731-3501 Hiroshima,Japan

街 : Hiroshima

Kake, Akiota, Yamagata District, 〒731-3501 Hiroshima,Japan

Sandankyo is full of people and I came here where there seemed to be few people, but it was better than I expected. I recommend
鈴木潔 on Google

広島県加計の近くで、 紅葉シーズンは、ちょっとした、 穴場スポットです! 掲載の写真は、 2021年11月12日の状況
Near Kake, Hiroshima Prefecture, The autumn leaves season is a little ... It's a little-known spot! The photos shown are Status of November 12, 2021
Hiro Cova on Google

Short walk from the parking lot. It is a beautiful waterfall.
takeshi matsuda on Google

戸河内ICからのアクセスもよく 渓谷沿いの遊歩道も整備(途中、橋が危ないとこはあるが)され、歩きやすく 今時期、紅葉を眺めながら、マイナスイオンをたっぷり吸収できます。
Easy access from Togochi IC The promenade along the valley is also maintained (although the bridge may be dangerous on the way), making it easy to walk. At this time of year, you can absorb plenty of negative ions while watching the autumn leaves.
tae aki on Google

Izumo Taisha Shrine stopped on the way home. I had a wonderful time blessed with fine weather. All seven waterfalls (Fukayama Falls, Sandan Falls, Sister Falls, Virgin Falls, Godan Falls, Jigokudani, Jigokudaki) were connected in layers over about 1 km. The largest waterfall is "Fukayama Falls", which is about 22m long. I am very grateful for the great outdoors.
地図三三五 on Google

It was a good place to be near the parking lot, but as of 2021.7.28, it was closed to traffic from a little ahead of Miyama Falls, and I was disappointed that I could only go to the first part ...
kaerucompany on Google

11・29 朝寒そうな深入山を見て、三段峡を歩くのをやめ 「深山峡」に行きました?‍♂️✨。 すぐそこに民家がある所、突如現れる渓谷。 しかも凄く整備されているのに驚き! 途中途中、お水が飲める場所まである。 最初の滝は駐車場からすぐなので、行きやすくて良い場所だなーと。 最後まで歩いても片道30分ほどかと。 紅葉もわずか?。 地面には紅葉が沢山で風情がありました。 熊に注意ですが、とても良い所でした✨ #雨が降ってきたので途中断念 #また行きます #三密どころか #日曜の10時誰もいませんでした #おすすめスポット #あきおおた
11/29 Stop walking in Sandankyo after seeing Mt. Shinnyu, which seems to be cold in the morning I went to "Miyamakyo" ?‍♂️✨. A valley that suddenly appears where there is a private house right there. Moreover, I was surprised that it was very well maintained! On the way, there is a place where you can drink water. The first waterfall is just off the parking lot, so it's a good place to go. Even if you walk to the end, it takes about 30 minutes one way. There are only a few autumn leaves ?. There were a lot of autumn leaves on the ground and it had a taste. Be careful of bears, but it was a very good place ✨ #Abandoned on the way because it was raining #I will go again #Far from the Three Cs #Sunday at 10 o'clock nobody was there #Recommended spots #Akiota
masafumi umemoto on Google

夏場は川にもつかれる穴場スポット、人も少ないのでゆったり過ごせる。 夏場限定で地域の方がやられているお店もうれしい。そうめんやかき氷、フライドポテトを頂いた。心温まる空間。
In the summer, it's a little-known spot that can be used by the river, and there are few people so you can spend a relaxing time. I'm glad that the shop is open only in the summer and is open to the locals. I got somen noodles, shaved ice, and french fries. A heartwarming space.

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