Sakura Mall - Midori

3.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Sakura Mall

住所 :

40 Omamacho Omama, Midori, Gunma 376-0101, Japan

電話 : 📞 +877788
Postal code : 376-0101
Webサイト :

40 Omamacho Omama, Midori, Gunma 376-0101, Japan
桑原久子 on Google

Well, I'm a little dissatisfied with it ended in November, but have you been shopping a lot? I wonder if I got a bag
オッチー on Google

When I found the signboard of Daiso and entered, it was a shopping mall. It didn't look that big from the parking lot where I parked my car, but there were a lot of tenants lined up.
淡雪山のユキヒコ on Google

通称は『さくらもーる』です。 見た感じよりも、存外と中は広く、 あれやこれやとお店がてんこ盛り‼ まずは、スーパーストアのカスミ。 それから、お茶屋さん、お煎餅屋さんに眼鏡屋、時計屋、雑費と小物の店、 お肉屋さん、中華の弁当と惣菜の店、 衣料品などの店が幾つか、靴屋さんに カバン屋さんに化粧品専門店、 本屋さん、ダイソー、呉服屋さんに、手芸品とお裁縫の店、うどん屋に、 ラーメン屋、マックドナルド、そしてサーティワン‼パン屋?さん‼ パン屋?さんもあります‼ そうそう、 美容院にクリーニング屋さんに トラベルサロンまでもあります。 あらまぁ‼なんと素晴らしい‼ ここに来れば、大体の用は済みます。 補足 郵便ポスト、証明写真機 があります。 お肉とコロッケや唐揚げの店、 『みや』は大人気みたいです。 余談 こゝは、素晴らしいまでに 桜?が綺麗であります。 追記 今年も桜?が咲きました‼ 『あれよあれよと、 咲いて舞い散る 桜花?』 『マスクいろいろ』 このところ、さくらもーるの 幾つかのお店で、マスクを 売っています。 マスク不足も値段高騰も、 ようよう収まったのかしら?
The popular name is "Sakuramoru". The outside and inside is wider than it looks, There is a lot of shops with this! First of all, Kasumi from the superstore. Then, a tea shop, a rice cracker shop, an eyeglass shop, a watch shop, a miscellaneous expense and accessory shop, Butcher, Chinese lunch and side dish shop, Several shoe stores such as clothing stores A store specializing in cosmetics in a bag shop, Bookstores, Daiso, kimono shops, handicraft and sewing shops, udon shops, Ramen shop, McDonald's, and 31 Baker ? san‼ ‥ There is also a bakery ?‼ Yes Yes, To a beauty salon to a laundry There is even a travel salon. Oh yeah What a wonderful! If you come here, you're almost done. Supplement Mailbox, ID photo machine there is. A shop of meat and croquette and fried chicken, "Miya" seems to be very popular. Digression This is wonderful The cherry blossoms ? are beautiful. Addendum Cherry blossoms have bloomed this year too !! “That ’s it Bloom and scatter "Sakura ?" "Various masks" Sakura cherry tree Masks at some shops selling. Shortage of masks and soaring prices, I wonder if it fits in like that?
Kazuhisa Okada on Google

It's small, but there are various shops such as food courts and bookstores, so it's relatively quiet. Easy to use personally.
群馬のまぁたん on Google

The building is old and the lighting inside the store is dim. Occasionally, I buy Taiyaki at the narrow food court on the first floor. Surprisingly, there are few permanent stores where you can buy Taiyaki, so I use it personally. There are several types from ordinary Ogura bean paste ¥ 130.
山田ぷらぱん on Google

店舗南側に銀行ATM、郵便ポスト、証明写真の機械があります。 建物は全体的に暗め。建てられてから30年以上経過しているので、やや老朽化は否めません。 駐車場は面積はそれなりに広いのですが、狭苦しく感じます。 フードコート的な場所もあり、マクドナルドやカレー屋さん、たい焼き屋さんがあります。ただ、飲食するスペースはそれほど無く、あまり利用している人も見かけません。 トイレもバリアフリー化はしていないです。洋式以外にも和式のトイレもありますので、和式派の方にとっては良いかも知れません。
There is a bank ATM, a mailbox, and an ID photo machine on the south side of the store. The building is dark overall. It's been over 30 years since it was built, so it's undeniable that it's a little old. The parking lot has a fairly large area, but it feels cramped. There is also a food court-like place, and there are McDonald's, curry shops, and taiyaki shops. However, there is not much space to eat and drink, and I don't see many people using it. The toilet is not barrier-free either. There are Japanese style toilets as well as Western style, so it may be good for Japanese style people.
T Y on Google

みどり市大間々にあるショッピングセンター。 イオンとは関係のない全く独立したショッピングセンター。 建物内は意外と広く、清潔感もある。 懐かしさを感じるゲームセンターやフードコートなどがある。 一部、照明が暗い所がある。 駐車場は台数は多く停められるが、出入り口が分かりにくい。
A shopping center in Omama, Midori City. A completely independent shopping center that has nothing to do with Aeon. The inside of the building is surprisingly large and clean. There are arcades and food courts that make you feel nostalgic. There are some places where the lighting is dark. Many parking lots can be parked, but the entrance and exit are difficult to understand.
maku biboso on Google

Not much to do

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