フレーベル館 Kinder Platz ガーデン前橋店

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact フレーベル館 Kinder Platz ガーデン前橋店

住所 :

Koyaharamachi, Maebashi, 〒379-2121 Gunma,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8777
Webサイト : https://kinderplatz.froebel-kan.co.jp/allstorelist/garden-maebashi/
街 : Gunma

Koyaharamachi, Maebashi, 〒379-2121 Gunma,Japan
三浦正子 on Google

子供が小さい頃、お世話になった絵本の会社 何だか懐かしく、思わず絵本を買ってしまいました。 室内型の子供かあそべる施設で、とても広い空間。 ソーシャルディスタンスをたもちながら、遊べます。
A picture book company that helped me when my child was small I felt nostalgic and bought a picture book. It's an indoor facility where children can play, and it's a very large space. You can play while having a social distance.
z4qYgQ6zyTL on Google

I found it inconvenient because the table was reserved by time. I think it's good for children to play.
塩川和義 on Google

Located on the 2nd floor of Garden Maebashi, I think it is a place that small children can enjoy.
Dai Taichi on Google

It was spacious and the number of people was limited, so I didn't feel a sense of urgency. Employees were always disinfecting and cleaning. Adult rates are also reasonable at the accompanying price. If you register as a member (free of charge), you will get a considerable discount. You can also get a work kit, so you can sit down and work slowly.
1998 0828 on Google

My son messed up his toys, and he was careful and tidying up each time, but a female staff member around the age of 25 looked unpleasant and said something to other staff members. It was unpleasant to be careful of other children and clean up afterwards. It would have been very disappointing if I left it as it was or bothered other children.
Yusuke Matsui on Google

スペースは広く、数多くの遊具があり、たくさん遊べます。 ただ、雨の日曜日だったため、大変混んでいました。 スタッフが場内にほぼいないため、保護者のマナーが悪いと、ルールを無視して危ない子がいました。また、席の確保も禁止なのですが、スタッフが全く注意しないため、ルールを守ろうとする人だけが不利益を被るシステムとなってしまっていました。 ハードはいいですが、ソフト面の改善がないと、休日の利用はないかなぁと思いました。
The space is large, there are many play equipments, and you can play a lot. However, it was very busy because it was a rainy Sunday. Because there were almost no staff in the hall, there was a child who ignored the rules and was dangerous if the manner of the parents was bad. In addition, although securing of a seat is also prohibited, since the staff did not pay attention at all, it became a system that only those who would like to obey the rule would suffer. The hardware is good, but without the improvement of the software, I thought there would be no holidays.
横尾奈保美 on Google

あまりの暑さに耐えかねて室内でたくさん遊べるところを検索していたら見つけました! エアー滑り台はあるわ、三輪車??のサーキットが年代別にあったり、はたまた エアー滑り台ではないけれどふわふわの アスレチック??みたいなのとか、 もぅキャーを超えてギャー×2♥?楽しんでました!! 疲れたら座ってお茶するところもあるし、 一日フリーパスなら途中抜けてご飯食べてまた遊びに戻れるし、コインロッカーも 貸し出してもらえるし、とても満喫でした! 小さい子向けの遊び場もたくさんあって 知育に良さそうなパズルとかもありました! まだできて間もないんだなぁって思えるほど、木の香りが新鮮でとてもこまめに消毒もされています。 新しいこの施設、ぜひまたいきたいと思います。 値段はフリーパスなら休日一人1500円 決して安くはないけれど、一日中遊んでられる。 エアー(ふわふわ)滑り台はお試しです?
I found it when I was searching for places where I could play a lot indoors because I couldn't stand the heat! There's an air slide, a tricycle? ? There are different types of circuits, It's not an air slide, but it's fluffy Athletic? ? Like, I enjoyed being a girl x 2♥!! !! There are places where you can sit and have a cup of tea when you are tired. If you have a free pass for one day, you can skip the route, eat, and return to play. You could rent it out and enjoyed it very much! There are many playgrounds for small children There were puzzles that seemed good for intellectual education! The scent of wood is so fresh that it seems like it's just been done, and it's also thoroughly sterilized. I would love to visit this new facility again. Price is 1500 yen per person if you have a free pass It's not cheap, but you can play all day long. Air slide is a trial ?
大畑幸恵 on Google

お盆休みに行ったのが悪かった。マナーのなってない親子が多かった。係の人もそんなに見回りに来ないし。 設備は広いし、しっかりしてた。
It was bad to go to Obon holiday. There were many parents and children who did not have good manners. The person in charge doesn't come around so much. The facilities were large and solid.

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