Honda - Midori

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Honda

住所 :

59-8 Omamacho Omama, Midori, Gunma 376-0101, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8778878
Postal code : 376-0101
Webサイト :

59-8 Omamacho Omama, Midori, Gunma 376-0101, Japan
小泉大樹(桜井六実) on Google

I have been taking care of me since I bought a new car by jumping in. It's close to my home, and he kindly handles all kinds of consultations.
桐生晶禎 on Google

I use it because it is close to my home.
1995 PORSCHE on Google

子供が免許証を取得したので、N-BOXを購入しようと実車を見に初訪問。 納車まで3ヶ月もしくは4ヶ月掛かるとお店の外で言われ、見積もりすら出す気配も無く… 売る気が無いようでしたので、その帰り道に違うホンダカーズさんに向かいました? いい勉強になりました?
Since my child got a license, I visited for the first time to see the actual car in order to purchase the N-BOX. I was told outside the store that it would take three or four months to deliver the car, and I didn't even get a quote... I didn't seem to sell it, so I headed for a different Honda Cars on the way home ? It was a good study ?
早川修 on Google

フロントに美人さんがいます。 コーヒーがおいしいです。エスプレッソも頂けます。 インテリアが美しい。綺麗で広く、大きなソファーセットが複数あり、ゆったりくつろげます。
There is a beautiful woman at the front desk. Coffee is delicious Espresso is also available. The interior is beautiful. It is beautiful and spacious, and there are several large sofa sets, so you can relax and relax.
ユーミン on Google

4年ほど前に購入した際は、正直買って終わりのような対応で、次は無いなと思っていたのですが、最近トップが変わったのかな?対応がとても良いです!(整備も営業も!)これならもっとお付き合いを続けたいなと思うくらい、違いがあると思います 。お客様対応について、何かテコ入れがあったのでは?と思うくらい、違いを感じています。 以前の不満がある分、今の評価は多少過剰になっているかもしれませんが、このまま頑張っていただきたいと思いました。 お店自体は元々とてもきれいで、トイレのアメニティなども好印象です!
When I bought it about 4 years ago, I honestly bought it and thought that there would be no next one, but has the top changed recently? Correspondence is very good! (Maintenance and sales!) I think there is a difference so much that I want to continue dating. .. I wonder if there was something to be done about customer support. I feel the difference as much as I think. The current evaluation may be a little overkill due to the previous dissatisfaction, but I would like you to do your best as it is. The shop itself is very clean from the beginning, and the toilet amenities are also a good impression!
みちゃみちゃ on Google

Saito, who became the new store manager, was too bad at serving customers, so I thought I'd like to see him at other stores in the future. I don't think that attitude is there. I feel sick.
H K on Google

内外装ともにキレイになり、ゆっくりできる店内です。 駐車場も多く停めやすいと思います。
The interior and exterior are both beautiful and you can relax inside the store. I think it is easy to park in many parking lots.
MMAR type-R on Google

私はここで新車を購入するくらいなら 少し遠くても他のホンダへ行くことをお勧めいたします。 口コミ投稿前者様同様1番上が酷すぎる。 購入時裏からノソノソでてきて不適な笑みを浮かべて 片手で名刺を渡された際終わっていると感じました。 営業の方は一生懸命やってくださっていましたが マツダの営業よりはいいかなと思う程度 レクサス>>>>日産>>トヨタ>ホンダ>マツダ 個人的な思想です。
I would buy a new car here We recommend that you go to another Honda even if it is a little far away. Like the former, the top is too terrible. At the time of purchase, it came from the back and smiled inappropriately I felt it was over when I was handed a business card with one hand. The sales people did their best, I think it's better than Mazda's sales Lexus >>>> Nissan >> Toyota> Honda> Mazda It's a personal idea.

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