Sakamoto Clinic - Shibuya City

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Sakamoto Clinic

住所 :

Village Sasazuka-1, 1 Chome-31-11 Sasazuka, Shibuya City, Tokyo 151-0073, Japan

電話 : 📞 +899
Postal code : 151-0073
Webサイト :

Village Sasazuka-1, 1 Chome-31-11 Sasazuka, Shibuya City, Tokyo 151-0073, Japan
中野理枝 on Google

It has already taken nearly 20 years. I specialize in pediatrics and I am an adult, but always take appropriate measures. I also like the kind personality of the teacher.
Kensei on Google

He listens sincerely and diagnoses accurately. It also gives advice on rice when your stomach is bad. It may seem natural, but I feel relieved if you think that you care. We have been using it as a family since we arrived here.
aki on Google

時間帯によっては小児科メインです。 先生は柔らかい印象 混んでましたが、受付の方も普通です。 ただ、空気がこもっている様に感じました
It is pediatrics main depending on time. Teacher has a soft impression It was crowded, but the receptionist is also normal. I just felt like the air was muffled
セブンネクサス on Google

丁寧なお話をされ、不要な治療にはきちんと説明していただき、安易に抗生物質や解熱剤を出さないので信頼しています。 先生だけなら、星5つなんですが、受付がひどい。特に太った女の人がひどい。 受付の人は、知り合いになった患者以外には、全般的に不躾で攻撃的な態度なので、不愉快になります。 3、4回は、とても嫌な思いをしました。
I have been given a polite talk and explained properly about unnecessary treatments, and I trust because I do not easily emit antibiotics and antipyretics. If you are just a teacher, the number of stars is 5, but the reception is awful. Especially fat women are terrible. The receptionist will be uncomfortable as they are generally disciplined and aggressive except for the patients they have known. I felt very uncomfortable three or four times.
marin coco on Google

大人でもインフルエンザなどの予防接種を受けられます。お話をよく聞いてくださる優しい先生ですが、他の方も書いてますが受付の対応は残念です。 高熱でインフルエンザかもと来院し、待合室の他の小さいお子さん達にうつしてはいけないと思い、受付の方にその旨をお伝えし別部屋で待った方がいいかお聞きしたら、「ここにもインフル疑いの人がいますので(あなただけ特別扱いはできない)」と苦笑されました。嫌な受けとり方だし、嫌な返しだなと思いました。
Even adults can be vaccinated against influenza. He is a kind teacher who often listens to me, but other people have written it, but the receptionist is disappointed. I thought that I should not go to the other small children in the waiting room when I visited the hospital due to high fever for influenza, so I told the receptionist that it was better to wait in another room and asked, ``I also suspect that there is an influenza here. There are some people (only you can't treat them specially)." I thought it was a bad way to receive it, and a bad return.
Ria Ma on Google

Even if I made an appointment for a medical examination, an elderly person who did not make an appointment was interrupted by influenza vaccination. The receptionist and the nurse are terrible!
hou ou on Google

It's close to my house, so I started going here. It was a pity that the teacher didn't listen to me much about the situation of my child.
sakae - on Google

先生や看護師は良い人たちです。 ただ、受付けが感じ悪い?
Teachers and nurses are good people. However, the acceptance is unpleasant ?

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