Sasazuka Tanaka Clinic - Shibuya City

2.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Sasazuka Tanaka Clinic

住所 :

アンディーラニ笹塚 2 Chome-16-4 Sasazuka, Shibuya City, Tokyo 151-0073, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Postal code : 151-0073

アンディーラニ笹塚 2 Chome-16-4 Sasazuka, Shibuya City, Tokyo 151-0073, Japan
Satoru Masuda on Google

The house was saved with a very easy-to-understand explanation and an endoscopic examination. In addition, they introduced a hospital where they can feel safe when surgery is needed.
NABキャリア 1Up チャンネル on Google

We have an examination of the large intestine and stomach every year. As it sleeps with fu, it is easy chin. I am thankful that the teacher also gives advice to the kindheartedly.
ぐるりちゃん on Google

受付の態度が悪すぎる。不快。 私語も多いし医師がなぜこんな人を雇っているのか謎。患者と話したくないなら工場とか物を相手にする所で働け場いい。
Attitude of reception is too bad. Discomfort. There are many my languages ​​and it is a mystery why the doctor hires such a person. If you do not want to talk with patients, you can work in places where you oppose factories or things.
レピちゃんラブ on Google

前に通っていたことがありましたが、医師の採血がとても下手でした。いつも内出血で、アザになりました。 診察で言っていることも他の先生よりも知識が薄い気がしました。同じ事を言われて同じ薬。
I had been there before, but the doctor's blood collection was very poor. I've always had internal bleeding and became aza. I felt that I was less knowledgeable than the other teachers at the medical examination. The same medicine is told the same thing.
ゆゆ on Google

腹痛と嘔吐で行きました。触診も心臓の音も聞かず何もしらべてくれなくて、適当に薬だされた。 治らず別の病院行った。
I went with abdominal pain and vomiting. He did not listen to palpation or the sound of the heart, he did nothing and he was properly medicated. I went to another hospital without healing.
右手無理奈 on Google

インフルエンザかもしれないって言ったのに検査してくれず、頭痛と喉の薬だけ出されて終わった。 受付も医者も冷めた最悪の態度。 これが病気にかかっている人を受け入れる態度では無い。 マジで行かない方がいい
He said it might be flu, but he didn't check it, and he ended up with only a headache and throat medicine. The worst attitude of the receptionist and the doctor. This is not an attitude to accept people who are sick. It ’s better not to go seriously
type-M Vek on Google

IBSでの受診です。 一言目に「原因は精神しかない」と断言 その後、原因が不明の下痢をまとめてIBSという分類ですよね?と指摘したらキレて『ああ、そうIBSはいわゆるゴミ箱、だから原因はわからない!怒」ですって 最後には「はい、以上帰って!」 あまりにも勉強不足… それでもちゃんと受診料はかかりました。 あの内容だったらこっちからの情報が多かったので金貰いたいくらいです… 内視とか腸洗浄以外はヤブ医者という言葉がぴったりだと思う久々の医者でした。
This is a medical examination at IBS. The first word asserts that "the cause is only spirit" After that, diarrhea of ​​unknown cause is collectively classified as IBS, right? I pointed out, "Ah, yes IBS is a so-called trash can, so I don't know the cause! "Angry" Finally, "Yes, go home!" Too little study... Even so, I had to pay the consultation fee. Since there was a lot of information from this content, I would like to get money... It was a long time since I thought that the word "jab doctor" was perfect except for endoscopy and intestinal cleansing.
まひまひ on Google

10年ほど前に笹塚へ引っ越してきて、家が近いので時々お世話になっています。 ・体調不良時に、さくさく診て頂いて薬を出していただき、症状悪化なども無く、不満はありません。 ・健診で要精密検査となった際に、胃と大腸内視鏡を行っていただき、両方とも意識を失うタイプの麻酔で全く苦しくなかったです。 近場で、経験豊富な先生に、楽な内視鏡検査を行って頂けるので、重宝させていただいております。
I moved to Sasazuka about 10 years ago, and since my house is near, I am sometimes taken care of. ・ If you feel unwell, you will be given a quick medical examination and will be given medicine. There will be no worsening of symptoms and you will not be dissatisfied. ・ When I had to undergo a detailed examination during a medical examination, I had a stomach and colonoscope performed, and both of them were unconscious and did not suffer at all. We are very grateful that an experienced teacher can perform an easy endoscopy in the vicinity.

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