Azuma Clinic - Shibuya City

3.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Azuma Clinic

住所 :

ビラージュ笹塚3 4F 1 Chome-30-3 Sasazuka, Shibuya City, Tokyo 151-0073, Japan

電話 : 📞 +888
Postal code : 151-0073
Webサイト :

ビラージュ笹塚3 4F 1 Chome-30-3 Sasazuka, Shibuya City, Tokyo 151-0073, Japan
mimi fuya on Google

妊娠判明から里帰りするまでの間お世話になりました。 院長はお孫さんがいらっしゃるくらいご年配の先生です。 初診の時は、先生の話し方が高圧的に感じられて少しドキドキしましたが、回数を重ねるごとに先生の雰囲気にも慣れ、妊婦と胎児への愛が強い方だと分かりました。 別の病気で診て頂いたこともあるのですが、自分の身体や病気に対して曖昧な認識でいると、ズバッと指導されます。 看護師さんも仕事慣れした方ばかりでした。 いつ行っても混雑していて2時間待ちもざらでした(つわりの時期は辛かった…)ので、星4つとさせて頂きますが、かかりつけ医におすすめのクリニックです。
I was taken care of from pregnancy until returning home. The director is an older teacher as long as his grandson is here. At the first consultation, my teacher's way of speaking seemed high-pressure and I was a little nervous, but as I repeated myself, I became accustomed to the teacher's atmosphere and realized that I was a person with a strong love for pregnant women and fetuses. I have been diagnosed with another illness, but if I am unclear about my body and illness, I will be instructed to do so. Nurses were just people who got used to work. It was crowded whenever I went, and I had to wait for two hours (the morning sickness was painful ...), so I will have 4 stars, but it is a recommended clinic for GPs.
M MAKI on Google

夏前に検査をし、子宮内膜症と 診断されホルモン治療をする予定でしたが 様子がおかしく病院を変えて再検査した所 妊娠4ヶ月と言われました。 そのホルモン治療の前に中用量のピルを 処方され副作用?(今思えば悪阻?)で 吐き気がすごく丁度お盆休みで休みと仕事で タイミングが合わず中々病院に行けなかったのですが、やっと行けたと思ったら何でそこまで なって病院に来ないのか分からない。など 言われました。で、吐き気止めの処方。 悪阻で吐き気ってどうなんですか。 そもそもその前にエコーも見て、尿検査もしてMRIも撮ってって分からないものなんでしょうか?妊娠と分かっていたら吐き気止めなど飲まなかったです。。まだ子どもは産まれてないのですが影響あったらと思うと怖いです。
I had an examination before summer and had endometriosis I was diagnosed and planned to have hormone therapy The situation was strange and I changed the hospital and re-examined I was told that I was 4 months pregnant. Take a medium dose pill before the hormone therapy Prescribed side effects? (If you think about it now, is it bad morning sickness?) Nausea is just right during the Obon holidays, during the holidays and work I couldn't go to the hospital because the timing wasn't right, but when I thought I could finally go, why did I go there? I don't know if I won't come to the hospital. Such I was told. So, a prescription to stop nausea. How about nausea due to morning sickness? In the first place, do you not understand if you look at the echo, do a urine test, and take an MRI before that? If I knew I was pregnant, I didn't take any nausea. .. I haven't had any children yet, but I'm afraid if it affects me.
Y M on Google

大学病院の紹介でこちらに行くようになりました。 おじいちゃん先生で、意見が強めではあるものの、自分次第でうまく付き合っていければ大丈夫かなと思っていました。 なぜ今のピルを処方されているのか、他のピルとの違いは何かを質問すると、すこし威圧的な態度で「そんなこと(なぜピルが処方されるか)を聞いてきた人は初めてだ!」と軽いお説教をされ、笑われました。 終始話がかみ合わないし、こちらの話も最後までちゃんと聞いてくれない印象。ホルモンバランスの関係もあり、情緒が不安定だったため、泣きながら帰宅。若干トラウマです。 今別の婦人科に移れるように探し中です。
I came to go here with the introduction of a university hospital. He is a grandpa teacher, and although he has a strong opinion, I thought it would be okay if I could get along well with him. When asked why they are prescribing current pills and what makes them different from other pills, they are a little intimidating and say, "It's the first time I've heard that (why pills are prescribed). He gave a light sermon and laughed. The impression that the story does not engage from beginning to end and that this story does not listen properly until the end. Due to the hormonal balance, my emotions were unstable, so I went home crying. It's a little traumatic. I'm looking for a move to another gynecology department.
Hell Nun on Google

癌検査の結果はまだ出ていないので診断に関して何も言えませんが、先生は口コミよりも好印象でした。 口コミを見て勝手に女の先生をイメージしてしまっていたのですが、年配の男の先生です。 私の知らない名前の症状については、写真を見せながら説明をしてくれました。 基本的に早口ですが、最後に「何か質問や気になることはありますか?」と、聞いてくれたので、雑に扱われた印象はありませんでした。 毎日たくさんの方を相手にされてるのであのくらいのスピード感は仕方ないと思いますが、不安な方は事前に聞きたいことなどまとめておいた方が安心です。 この辺は婦人科が少ないので、混んでいます。 時間に余裕を持って来た方が良いと思いました。(受付が開くのは10時からですがその前から15名以上並んでいます。) 受付後も待ちきれず数名帰っていましたが、受付に声をかければ一時退出も可能です。
I can't say anything about the diagnosis because the results of the cancer test haven't come out yet, but the teacher was more impressed than the word of mouth. When I saw the word of mouth, I had imagined a female teacher without permission, but I am an elderly male teacher. He explained the symptoms of a name I didn't know while showing the pictures. It's basically a tongue twister, but at the end, he asked me, "Do you have any questions or concerns?" I think it's unavoidable to have that speed because I'm dealing with a lot of people every day, but if you're worried, it's safer to summarize what you want to ask in advance. This area is crowded because there are few gynecologists. I thought it would be better to bring some time to spare. (The reception opens from 10 o'clock, but more than 15 people are lined up before that.) I couldn't wait after the reception and several people had returned, but if you ask the reception, you can leave temporarily.
まな on Google

旅先で子宮に痛みを感じ受診。 元々生理不順でピルを進められ一度飲んだことあるが飲んだ際に鬱(私は精神疾患持ち)の症状が出てとてもつらかったことを話したら、『じゃあこっちで試してみよう』と言われて、なおかつ、卵巣嚢腫も見つかり診察も上手だったし話もとても聞いてくれて本当に優しい先生でした。 地元に帰ったら、すぐにかかりつけの婦人科に行ってねと言われて帰宅後、すぐに行きましたが特に大きな問題もなかったです。 ありがとうございました。 本当に感謝してます。
I felt pain in my uterus while traveling and went to see a doctor. Originally, I was able to proceed with the pill due to irregular menstruation, and once I took it, I had symptoms of depression (I have a mental illness) and it was very difficult. Moreover, he was a really kind teacher who found an ovarian cyst and was good at medical examination and listened to the story very much. When I returned to my hometown, I was told to go to my family's gynecology department immediately, and after returning home, I went immediately, but there were no major problems. Thank you very much. I really appreciate it.
miina hata on Google

20 years old, college student. I wanted to start taking low-dose pills and went to this local clinic for the first time. There were various reviews, but I was relieved that the director of Higashi Clinic was a very polite and good person. He took the time to explain the mechanism of menstruation and pills (it was like a class!), And I learned so much that I wish I could teach him so much in detail even in school classes. I got a lot of materials and was able to fully review at home. It was my first time to come to the obstetrics and gynecology department by myself at this age, but I am really glad that I came to the East Clinic.
Allison Tong on Google

Dr. Azuma is a very thorough doctor who cares a lot about his patients. He also speaks fluent English and has an extensive knowledge and experience in his field. I highly recommend visiting his clinic. He is a very straight forward doctor, which I really appreciated.
The RockingPanda on Google

The doctor speaks perfect English and he’s super warm hearted, so are the nurses. To be frantic in a place that is not very friendly to us foreigners nor females, especially in gynecology, I am grateful to find this clinic to do my annual check and prescriptions. The clinic doesn’t take appointments, my experience of the best visiting time is 15-30 minutes before the opening time to ensure a faster check.

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