Saizeriya - Tokai

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Saizeriya

住所 :

ユウナル東海 2F Shimohamada-137 Otamachi, Tokai, Aichi 477-0031, Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Postal code : 477-0031
Webサイト :

ユウナル東海 2F Shimohamada-137 Otamachi, Tokai, Aichi 477-0031, Japan
イリスレギオン on Google

I often go to Osaka when I go to Osaka, but this is my first visit to the store by myself in the Tokai area. After all, I eat while talking to someone, so I don't care about the taste, but eating alone is not good ?
龍姫 on Google

駅から徒歩1分ほど 屋根伝いに行けるので雨の日も安心 車の場合はラスパの立駐にとめて2階から屋根のある連絡通路からすぐ 店内通路が少し狭い感じがするけど周りのお客様との距離感はそんなに近く感じないかも
About 1 minute walk from the station You can go along the roof so you can rest assured even on rainy days In the case of a car, stop at Laspa and immediately from the second floor to the covered passageway. It feels like the aisle inside the store is a little narrow, but you may not feel that close to the customers around you.
tsum tsum on Google

平日の夕方に伺いましたが、やはり学生さんなど若い方が多いですね〜。 パスタを中心に注文しましたが、麺類大好きな子供達はとっても喜んでくれました!
I visited in the evening on weekdays, but there are still many young people, such as students. We ordered mainly pasta, but children who loved noodles were very pleased!
ふるのちから on Google

ほぼ駅直結の立地なので昼間からサイゼ呑み。 赤のマグナムと料理で一人で3000円程飲食した、マグナムが空になった・・・ 会計の記憶はあるが帰り路の記憶が無い、呑みすぎたやうだ。
Since it is located almost directly connected to the station, you can drink Saizeriya from daytime. I ate and drank about 3000 yen alone with red magnum and food, magnum became empty ... I have a memory of accounting, but I don't have a memory of the way back.
kents egg on Google

太田川駅からすぐ、東海市芸術劇場の隣のユウナル東海の2階。学生が来ることも多いです。値段はかなり安くて、十分美味しく量のあるイタリア料理を楽しめます。メニューも豊富です。間違い探しも楽しめます。調味料が、オリーブオイル、塩、チーズ、胡椒などあります。水はセルフサービス。壁には絵画があります。 ミラノ風ドリア(¥300) 猫舌はやけどに注意。チーズ、クリームの焦がし具合が良く、塩加減もちょうどいい。調味料を加えてもいい。 田舎風やわらかキャベツのスープ(¥300) オリーブオイルを使って、柔らかい野菜を煮込んだスープ。猫舌の人は注意。具材が豊富で満足。
The second floor of Yunal Tokai, right next to Tokai City Arts Theater, right from Otagawa Station. Students often come. The price is quite low and you can enjoy delicious and generous Italian food. The menu is also extensive. You can also enjoy looking for mistakes. Seasonings include olive oil, salt, cheese and pepper. Water is self-service. There is a painting on the wall. Milan-style Doria (¥ 300) Be careful not to burn your cat's tongue. The cheese and cream are well charred, and the saltiness is just right. You may add seasonings. Country-style soft cabbage soup (¥ 300) A soup made by boiling soft vegetables using olive oil. Be careful of people with cat tongues. Satisfied with abundant ingredients.
;;あ on Google

太田川駅すぐ。雨が降っててもラスパの中から屋根付きの通路をつたって行けるので便利。 時々利用しますが、いつ来ても店員さんの愛想が良く、お料理のお値段もリーズナブルなのでついつい多めに頼んでしまいます。
Right next to Otagawa station. Even if it rains, it is convenient because you can follow the covered passage from inside the raspa. I use it from time to time, but the clerk is always friendly and the food is reasonably priced, so I just ask for a lot.
dayo ono on Google

太田川駅からすぐ近くにあり便利です。 初めて行く人は、2階にあるので気づきにくいかもしれない。 安価なメニューが多いので、学生がいて混んでいるかな?と思いきやそれほど混んでいなかった。 安いメニューを食べると具が入っていなく、具入りにするとそれなりの金額になる。
It is convenient because it is very close to Otagawa station. People who go for the first time may not notice it because it is on the second floor. There are many cheap menus, so is it crowded with students? I thought it wasn't so crowded. If you eat a cheap menu, the ingredients are not included, and if you add the ingredients, the price will be reasonable.
Luy on Google

Amazing service, reception was super nice. Congratulations. ;)

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