鉄神 太田川店 - Tokai

3.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 鉄神 太田川店

住所 :

Otamachi, Tokai, 〒477-0031 Aichi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Postal code : 477-0031
Webサイト : https://tesshinotagawa.owst.jp/
街 : Aichi

Otamachi, Tokai, 〒477-0031 Aichi,Japan
ひろくに on Google

All-you-can-drink Nagoya rice plan. I want to eat a different plan. The clerk was happy to be excited
アビーシュート on Google

女性トイレの鍵に不具合ありますよ。 料理は超普通。 親睦会で使わせて頂いたのですが、飲み放題→薄々の飲み物。混んでいたのか、グラスが足りなくなったと、アンバランスなグラスが出てきてガッカリ。 個人的には、悪いけど利用しません。
There is something wrong with the key to the women's toilet. The food is super normal. I used it at a social gathering, but all you can drink → a thin drink. Perhaps it was crowded, and when I ran out of glass, an unbalanced glass came out and I was disappointed. Personally, I don't use it though it is bad.
豆太郎 on Google

先日初めて会社の飲み会で使わせて貰いました。 鉄板焼居酒屋ってどんなお店なんだろうって思っていたのですが中に入ってみると店内はすごくオシャレで、店員さんも常に笑顔の絶えない明るい感じのお店でした! 料理は、お好み焼き、焼きそば、黒毛和牛のステーキが非常に美味しくてまた来たい!と思うお店でした!
The other day, I had them use it for the first time at a company drinking party. I was wondering what a teppanyaki izakaya would look like, but when I went inside, the interior was very fashionable and the staff were always smiling and cheerful! Okonomiyaki, yakisoba, and Japanese black beef steak are so delicious that I want to come again! I thought it was a store!
ゆでたまご on Google

料金は安くて良かったのですが、質が最低。 ビールグラスが温かいって何考えてるんですか。ビール会社の見回りが来たら怒られるレベルですよ。 店員に、ビールは冷たいグラスで注いでくださいと言っても、「当店のビールは全て冷蔵庫で冷やしてから提供しています」の一言。 ここの店の冷蔵庫の温度は食器洗浄機と同じ温度なんですかね。 そのお願いをした後のビールも温くて飲めたものじゃなかったです。 安いのはとても助かりますが、この店で二度とビールを飲むことはないでしょう。
The price was cheap and good, but the quality was the worst. What do you think the beer glass is warm? It's a level that makes me angry when a beer company patrol comes. Even if I told the clerk to pour the beer in a cold glass, he said, "All our beer is chilled in the refrigerator before it is served." Is the temperature of the refrigerator in this store the same as that of the dishwasher? The beer after making that request was also warm and not drinkable. It's very helpful to be cheap, but you'll never drink beer again at this store.
ヨガマッソ on Google

会社の新年会で利用しました。太田川駅周辺の居酒屋あるあるですが、この店も座席が狭い。料理は百歩譲って普通、酒のクオリティ低すぎでした。料理提供は遅く、飲み物の提供時間は許容範囲でしたがクオリティの面が最悪でした、酒の飲み放題のビールにキリン一番搾りと書いてありましたが、発泡酒以下のビールが使われているんじゃないかと感じました(キリン一番搾りはもっと黄色い)。ビールが不味くて飲めないとすぐ判断し、ハイボールを頼んだものの、炭酸がほとんど無く水割りかと思うくらいでした。他のソーダー割りも同様でした。お刺身も臭く、大葉がシナシナ、ワサビはカピカピと、言い出したらきりがない。ただ、一番良かったのは店員のお姉さん達が美人が多かったことくらいで、座席のスペース、酒は最悪でした。よって☆1です。あ、めちゃくちゃポジティブな意見を言うなら、座席のスペースが狭いので密着度の面だけで言えば合コンには持ってこいだと思います。 2019.2.6追加コメント お店の方が真摯に対応してくれるような返信が有り、感心してます☆を2にさせてもらいます。それからお店の方のビールのコメントをふまえ、思い付いた原因がありますので、確認していただければと思い、追加でコメントを書きます。 ビールをピッチャーで運ばれて来ましたが、サーバーからの入れたてだったのでしょうか?ピッチャーからグラスに注いだときに、まったく泡が出ませんでした。ピッチャーにあらかじめ入れておいて冷蔵庫で保管してたのでわ?返信を頂いたのを拝見して思いました。頑張ってください。
I used it at the company's New Year's party. There are pubs around Otagawa station, but this shop also has narrow seats. Cooking handed down one hundred steps, normal, the quality of liquor was too low. Cooking was late, the time offered for drinks was acceptable, but the quality aspect was the worst, although the beer of drinks of all you drinks was written as the best giraffe beer, but beer below Happooru was used I felt that I was there (Kirin's first squeezing is more yellow). I judged as soon as I could not drink beer, so I asked for a highball, but I thought that it was almost water without carbonation. Other sodder splits were similar. Sashimi is also smelly, leaves are Sinashina, and wasabi is gay, it is not enough to say. However, the best thing was that the sisters of the shop clerk were many beautiful people, the space of the seat, the liquor was the worst. Therefore ☆ 1. Oh, if you say a positive opinion, I think that the space of the seat is narrow, so if you are talking only on the degree of adhesion, I will bring it to a gyon. 2019.2.6 Additional comments There is a reply that the store dealings seriously and I am impressed ☆ I will make it 2. Then, based on the comments of the beer from the shop, there is a cause to come up with, so think that you should check, write additional comments. I bought a beer with a pitcher, but was it just getting in from the server? When pouring from the pitcher into the glass, no bubbles appeared at all. I put it in the pitcher beforehand and kept it in the refrigerator? I thought by seeing my reply. Please do your best.
Takeru Sato on Google

I used it for the first time in a long time, but I'm glad I was able to smoke and the atmosphere of the shop was calm!
銀願M on Google

It's a reasonable price, but it's too noisy, and even though the corona has subsided, it's too shabby, I wonder if I can go anymore. I didn't. It's a hassle to call, and it's okay. I'm sorry.
Hiro Yokoyama on Google

Good food and quick order response

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