Saito Surgery,Internist and Dermatology Clinic - Nagoya

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Saito Surgery,Internist and Dermatology Clinic

住所 :

11-5 Takebashicho, Nakamura Ward, Nagoya, Aichi 453-0016, Japan

電話 : 📞 +889
Postal code : 453-0016

11-5 Takebashicho, Nakamura Ward, Nagoya, Aichi 453-0016, Japan
Tetsuo Suzuki on Google

m m on Google

I was worried when I saw the word of mouth, but he was a teacher who explained kindly and politely.
みみ on Google

It was easy to understand and understand the story.
youko chizu on Google

皮膚科として利用しました。 ・先生の持論により、かゆみ止めの薬は処方されません ・おまけに的外れな治療だったため、皮膚科としての利用はお勧めしません ・おじいちゃん先生の話が長いです。 ・建物はきれいです。 ・駐車場が非常に駐めにくいので、利用の際は車以外あるいは近隣のコインパーキングを利用するのが無難です。
I used it as a dermatologist. ・ According to the teacher's theory, anti-itch medicine is not prescribed. ・ As a bonus, it was an irrelevant treatment, so we do not recommend using it as a dermatologist. ・ The story of Grandpa-sensei is long. ・ The building is beautiful. ・ Since the parking lot is very difficult to park, it is safe to use a coin parking lot other than a car or nearby.
Hキャラメル on Google

転勤の為、ここを利用しました。 以前かかっていたお医者さんはアトピーにステロイドのモメタゾンを多めに処方していてくれたので、モメタゾンの処方を希望した所、急にモメタゾンなんて強い薬は処方しないの一点張りで、体の患部や湿疹を診察する事なく、ヒルドイドの保湿薬だけ塗っとけば良いの事。その場でモメタゾンの処方はしてくれるのですか?と伺うと、『あ、しとくよ』と流し返事。結局処方されてませんでした。 また頭皮に塗るアンテベートも希望しましたが、モメタゾンのくだりをいつまでもねちねち言われ、相手にしてくれませんでした。 薬局に行って出されたのはアンテベートの軟膏タイプで希望していたローションタイプではなかったです。髪の毛越しに塗るのに軟骨では地肌に塗れません。 ろくに診察もせず、間違ってる薬を処方されるなど、あまりにも不快でした。 もう一度言います。不快でした。
I used this because I was transferred. The doctor I had had before prescribed a lot of steroid mometasone for atopy, so when I wanted to prescribe mometasone, suddenly I do not prescribe a strong medicine such as mometasone, I will not give it, but on the affected part of the body or eczema. All you have to do is to apply only the moisturizer of Hirudoid, without going to the doctor. Can you prescribe mometasone on the spot? I asked "Ah, Shitokuyo" and replied. After all it was not prescribed. I also wanted antebate to be applied to the scalp, but I was always told by Mometasone's fruit, and he did not make me a partner. The one I went to the pharmacy was an antebate ointment type, not the desired lotion type. Although it is applied over the hair, cartilage cannot be applied to the skin. I was so uncomfortable that I was not given any medical examination and was prescribed the wrong drug. I will say it again. It was uncomfortable.
Y on Google

かれこれ20年以上、かかりつけ医としてお世話になっています。 幼少期の頃から印象は変わらず、とても優しい院長先生です。 改善に向かわなかったことはなく、その腕はたしかだと思っています。
I have been indebted as a family doctor for more than 20 years. My impression hasn't changed since I was a child, and he is a very kind director. I've never failed to improve, and I'm sure that skill is good.
ant mini on Google

すごく親身になって話を聞いてくれて説明も分かりやすかったです。 ただ受付に人がいない事が多いのは、入った後どうしていいか分かりづらかったです。 私は初診だったのですかいつも来ているような人も受付に人がいない事で戸惑っている人もいました
He was very kind and listened to me, and the explanation was easy to understand. However, it was difficult to know what to do after entering because there were often no people at the reception. Was it my first visit? Some people seemed to come all the time, and some were confused because there were no people at the reception.
井藤優貴 on Google

保健所からの紹介で利用させて頂きました。 着いて早々、診察や質問は一切無し。 急に鼻奥に綿棒突っ込まれ、コロナの抗原検査を受けさせられました。 陽性と分かるなり喧嘩腰でしか話をされず、対応にとても不満しか無いです。 陽性者はウイルスを撒き散らすだけの害でしかないので話をするなとも言われました。 福岡県から入社式の為に愛知まで来ていたので、同行者含め今後どうしたらいいのかと伺うも、旅行しに遊びに来ている奴が何言ってるんだとも言われました。 患者を睨みつける、怒鳴り散らすで話になりません。 先生曰く、同じ話を2度も言わせるなだそうです。これが当院の方針であり、診察結果は出したから後は勝手にどうぞとも言われました。 とりあえず申し訳ないけど二度と行かないです。 電話口の看護師さんはとても素晴らしい対応だっただけに残念でした。
I used it by introduction from the public health center. As soon as I arrived, there were no medical examinations or questions. Suddenly, a cotton swab was thrust into the back of my nose and I was given a corona antigen test. As soon as I found out that I was positive, I was only talked about in a quarrel, and I was very dissatisfied with the response. It was also said that positive people should not talk because it is only harmful to spread the virus. I came to Aichi from Fukuoka prefecture for the entrance ceremony, so when I asked what I should do in the future, including my companion, I was told what the guy who came to visit for a trip was saying. I can't talk about it because it glares at the patient and shouts at me. According to the teacher, don't let him tell the same story twice. This is the policy of our hospital, and since the results of the medical examination have been obtained, I was told that I would like to do it without permission. I'm sorry for the time being, but I'll never go again. It was a pity that the nurse on the phone was very nice.

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