Saint Marc Kyoto Fushimi - Kyoto

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Saint Marc Kyoto Fushimi

住所 :

121 Shimotoba Rokutannagacho, Fushimi Ward, Kyoto, 612-8206, Japan

電話 : 📞 +879
Postal code : 612-8206
Webサイト :

121 Shimotoba Rokutannagacho, Fushimi Ward, Kyoto, 612-8206, Japan
みなもといずみ on Google

フォションホテルで夕食、朝食をいただいた後だけに、クオリティの低さが目立ってしまった。普通なら星3レベルなんだろうけど… 代わり映えのしない牛蒡スープ、美味しくないハンバーグ 気のきかない学生アルバイト店員 ちゃんとした大人が行くレストランではない
Only after having dinner and breakfast at the Fauchon Hotel, the poor quality was noticeable. Normally it would be 3 stars level ... Burdock soup that doesn't look good, hamburger that doesn't taste good A casual student part-time clerk Not a restaurant where proper adults go
阿波島富美子 on Google

I made a reservation for the birthday menu. The customer service was attentive and the food was good. Still, it took a little over an hour to complete the course. It was almost full and I'm really glad I went today. I wanted to go again.
寺石利明 on Google

I made a reservation at 9:30 in the morning and came to the store. I asked for a fried eggs set and a scrambled eggs set. You can change as many coffees as you like. All-you-can-eat freshly made bread. Even if I'm hungry, I just eat it. I stayed until 11:00, the time limit. It was full by 10:00.
壽美 on Google

若鶏と彩野菜のグリル マスタードソース 平日限定ランチで頂き、パンの食べ放題付きでした。
Grilled young chicken and Aya vegetables Mustard sauce We had a weekday limited lunch with all-you-can-eat bread.
稲葉美恵乃 on Google

I wanted to eat freshly baked bread. Anyway, the price is high! Carbonara pasta costs about 1700 yen, isn't it? It feels like this price. The freshly baked bread was very delicious.
北村裕美 on Google

ランチでプチ贅沢する時に使わせていただいてます。焼きたての可愛くて美味しそうなパンを次々と勧められます。 お料理もお値段以上に美味しいです。 登録しておくとお誕生日やイベントにはハガキが届きお得なサービスもうけられますよ。
I use it when I have a petit luxury at lunch. Freshly baked cute and delicious bread is recommended one after another. The food is more delicious than the price. If you register, you will receive postcards for birthdays and events, and you will get a great service.
K “F” F on Google

駐車場があります。 5000円のお肉コースを注文 食べ放題でパンが付いてきます。 パンが小さいサイズなのでいろんな種類が食べれて良きです。 お肉の質は5000円にするとそんなにかな? コース初めの冷水スープ美味しかったです◎
There is a parking lot. Order a meat course of 5000 yen All-you-can-eat bread comes with it. Since the bread is small in size, it is good to eat various kinds. Is the quality of meat so much if it is 5000 yen? The cold water soup at the beginning of the course was delicious ◎
さすけS on Google

娘の誕生日に利用しました。 時間が遅くてもたくさんの焼き立てのパンが出てきました。(220円で食べ放題) 声をかけてもらったり、水は言うことなくてもいつでも注ぎにきていただいたり 従業員の対応もみなさんとても良く、 良い時間を過ごすことができました。 もちろん、料理もとてもおいしかったです。
I used it for my daughter's birthday. A lot of freshly baked bread came out even if it was late. (All-you-can-eat for 220 yen) You can ask me to call you, or you can always pour water without saying it. The correspondence of the employees is also very good, I had a good time. Of course, the food was also very good.

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