Ryuzu Falls - Hiroshima

4.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Ryuzu Falls

住所 :

Yukicho Oaza Mugidani, Saeki Ward, Hiroshima, 738-0602, Japan

Postal code : 738-0602

Yukicho Oaza Mugidani, Saeki Ward, Hiroshima, 738-0602, Japan
taki koke on Google

akkun m on Google

I stopped on the shoulder around the entrance and went to Ryuzunotaki. The road to the entrance is closed due to falling rocks. As you wrote, there is a dangerous iron plate at the beginning, but it is not supportive. Once you cross it, you can go up the stream and there is a moving view.
AN仲枝 on Google

The footprints are unclear and you need to walk in the river, but the scenery of this waterfall is amazing. A mysterious space spreads in front of the waterfall.
50 hmaguna on Google

駐車場からいきなり危険な橋があります!真ん中にあるはずの橋の支えがなくなっていて、両岸のみの支えでいつ壊れるかはわかりません。下の沢を渡ろうと思いましたが結構水量が多かったので、結局橋を渡りましたが、、 少し道があり、あとは沢上りみたいな感じですが、長靴でいけます!水の中にはほとんど入らず、岩の上や沢横を歩いていく感じです! ただ、雨後は岩が滑りやすく危険になりやすいので注意が必要です! 目印のテープがたくさんあるので迷うことは無いと思います!道は悪いです。 歩いて15-20分くらいだと思います!
Suddenly there is a dangerous bridge from the parking lot! The bridge that should have been in the middle is no longer supported, and it is not known when it will break with only the two banks. I thought I would cross Shimozawa, but the amount of water was quite large, so I ended up crossing the bridge, There is a little road, and after that it seems like a lot of climbing, but you can wear boots! It's almost like I'm walking on a rock or Sawaki, without getting into the water! However, be careful as rocks tend to slip and become dangerous after rain! There are lots of tapes to mark, so you won't get lost! The road is bad I think it takes about 15-20 minutes to walk!
ヤスごろ on Google

龍頭の滝の看板から沢伝いに遊歩道を歩いて行きます。遊歩道は所々倒木や瓦礫に覆われてわかりにくい所もありますが、よく見れば判別出来ます。どんどん進んで行くと最後は崩れて落ちそうな鉄の橋(行き止まり)に着きます。その左手下に龍頭の滝はありますがそこからは滝の落ち口らしきものがチラリと見えるだけです。滝前に行くには少し引き返して急斜面を降りて行き少し沢を上らなければ行けませんが、降りる場所の目印に赤い(ピンクだったかな?)テープが木に巻いてあります。そこから降りて少し沢を上がると龍頭の滝の素晴らしい姿を目の前に見ることが出来ます。沢へ降りる斜面は滑りやすいのでそれなりの靴として格好が必要です。 滝の看板のあたりに車を止めれるスペースがあります。そこから滝前まで歩いて10分~15分で着きます。
I walk the promenade from the signboard of the dragon head waterfall to the Sawa Pass. Although there are places where the promenade is covered with fallen trees and rubble, it is difficult to understand, but it can be determined if you look closely. As you move forward, you will end up with an iron bridge (dead end) that is likely to collapse and fall. There is a dragon head waterfall on the left hand side, but from there you can only see the waterfall's falling edge. To go before the waterfall, I need to turn back a little and go down a steep slope and go up a little stream, but there is a red (pink or not?) Tape wrapped around the tree on the mark of the place to get off. As you get off from there and go up a little, you can see the wonderful view of the Ryuto Falls in front of you. The slope to the slope is slippery, so it needs to be worn as a proper shoe. There is a space around the waterfall sign where you can stop the car. From there, it takes 10 to 15 minutes on foot to reach Takimae.
s m. on Google

道路から即見れます。 しかし鉄板の橋が朽ちてふわふわしています。 橋の下を覗いてみると錆びて割れてる箇所もあり いつ落ちてもおかしくない状態です。 行かれる方は気をつけてください。
It can be seen immediately from the road. However, the bridge of iron plate is falling and fluffy. When I look under the bridge, there are places that are rusted and broken It is not a strange condition even if it falls anytime. Please be careful if you are going.
ナポリタン寿司 on Google

・駐車場なし。そもそも、観光地として未整備 ・路肩が広いのでそこに停めるのみ。 ・遊歩道の整備ほぼなし。川沿いに山道を歩くのみ ・家族、カップルで行かれる方は絶対やめたほうがいい。危険。 ・大体徒歩で20分くらい。 ・滝は素晴らしい。マイナスイオン感じる。 ・結構木々が邪魔したりするがそれでも最高。 ・川遊びができる。 結果、最高
・ No parking. In the first place, it is not yet developed as a tourist destination ・ Because the shoulder is wide, only stop there. ・ There is almost no maintenance of the promenade. Just walk along the mountain path along the river ・ If you are a family or a couple, you should definitely quit. Danger. ・ About 20 minutes on foot. ・ The waterfall is wonderful. I feel negative ions. ・ The trees are quite disturbing, but it is still the best. ・ Can play in the river. Result, best
tetsu on Google

国道433号から川の所から林道に入って行くと、龍頭の滝の看板が、立っているので、そこに車を停めて、直ぐ橋が、有るので、渡ります、橋の下を、見るとしなり防止の柱見たいな物が、ぶら下がっているけど、問題無いです。 遊歩道は、無いので、長靴と、手袋を、持って行った方が良いです。後は、現地で、杖になる用な物が有れば、取って、沢沿いに歩いて行きます、杖が、必要なのは、ヌメリで、滑るので、杖を岩の間に刺しながら、難関を、歩いて登ります そうすると龍頭の滝に、着きます 周りは、岩盤に囲まれて神秘的です 左方向から上を見ると、吊り橋が見えますが、鉄板に穴が、空いてたり、まだそれなら良いのですが、橋の途中からグネット橋が曲がっていて、木々が、邪魔して先も見る事が、出来ないです、この橋の入口付近から下を、見ると龍頭の滝の上の別の滝が、有ります。大した滝では、無いです。この橋までも危険なので、オススメしませんが、ネットには、出て要るので、行って見たい方は、気を付けて下さい、別の場所から林道を、上がります。 いつか、橋を、直してまだ有る滝を、見たいですね ネットで、見ると矢張メインは、この滝ですね
When you enter the forest road from the river from Route 433, the signboard of Ryuzu Falls stands, so park your car there, and there is a bridge right away, so cross it, look under the bridge. The pillar of the prevention of bending There is something I want to see hanging, but there is no problem. There is no promenade, so you should bring your boots and gloves. After that, if there is something that can be used as a cane in the field, I will take it and walk along the river. Walk up Then you will reach Ryuzu Falls Surrounded by bedrock, it is mysterious If you look up from the left, you can see the suspension bridge, but if there is a hole in the iron plate, it is still good, but the Gnet bridge is bent from the middle of the bridge, and the trees are in the way and look ahead. I can't do that, looking down from near the entrance of this bridge, there is another waterfall above the Ryuto waterfall. Not at a big waterfall. I don't recommend this bridge because it's dangerous, but you need to go out on the net, so if you want to go and see it, please be careful, go up the forest road from another place. Someday, I want to fix the bridge and see the waterfall that still exists. If you look on the net, Yahari's main waterfall is this waterfall.

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