Ryutoo Bridge

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Ryutoo Bridge

住所 :

Chuo Ward, Niigata, Japan

Opening hours :
Saturday Open 24 hours
Sunday Open 24 hours
Monday Open 24 hours
Tuesday Open 24 hours
Wednesday Open 24 hours
Thursday Open 24 hours
Friday Open 24 hours
街 : Niigata

Chuo Ward, Niigata, Japan
スナハミ on Google

立派な橋で歩道が両側にしっかりあって歩行者でも安全に橋を利用出来るし、橋からの眺めがとても良いのでゆっくり眺める事が出来ました。 万代テラス等がある川沿いからも歩行者や自転車なら直接橋に上がる事が出来るので便利でしっかりエレベーターも備え付けられておりました。
It is a magnificent bridge with sidewalks firmly on both sides, so even pedestrians can use the bridge safely, and the view from the bridge is so good that I could see it slowly. Pedestrians and bicycles can go up to the bridge directly from the riverside where Bandai Terrace is located, so it was convenient and well equipped with an elevator.
Ken1 Yoshii on Google

Cool bridge
abuたろう on Google

It is the bridge closest to the sea in the lower reaches of the Shinano River.
4K112a N on Google

If you look at the sea side, you can see yachts and ferries and it's beautiful. If you look at the city side, that's fine.
YUUJI K on Google

当方車椅子利用者。 柳都大橋歩道(萬代橋側)にやすらぎ堤緑地右岸、やすらぎ堤緑地左岸を繋ぐ歩行者、自転車用エレベーターが其々有る。 私の主観だが市内の渋滞を緩和する便利な橋なのだが存在感が薄いと思う。
We are wheelchair users. On the Ryutoo Bridge sidewalk (Bandai Bridge side), there are elevators for pedestrians and bicycles that connect the right bank of the Yasuragi Embankment Green Area and the left bank of the Yasuragi Embankment Green Area. It's my subjectivity, but it's a convenient bridge that alleviates traffic congestion in the city, but I think it has a weak presence.
新井修 on Google

A bridge that crosses the Shinano River, which was planned as the "Bandai Bridge Downstream Bridge". It may be useful for distributing the traffic of Bandai Bridge. It seems that the elevated Kurinoki Bypass will extend in the future and the central part of the bridge will also be used as a lane, but by that time the bridge itself may have deteriorated.
jio leo on Google

徒歩での利用。 ピアBandaiや朱鷺メッセ方面から市街地方面へ向かう折に信濃川を横断。 万代橋を上流に眺めながら景観を楽しんでおります。 橋自体は幹線道路そのものの殺風景な雰囲気ですが…
Use on foot. Cross the Shinano River when heading toward the city from Pier Bandai or Toki Messe. We are enjoying the scenery while looking upstream at Bandai Bridge. The bridge itself has a murky atmosphere of the main road itself, but ...
Güliz Doğan on Google

There is a good place for walking and the sunset.

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