Ryugasakisaiseikai Clinics - Ryugasaki

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Contact Ryugasakisaiseikai Clinics

住所 :

1 Chome-1 Nakazato, Ryugasaki, Ibaraki 301-0854, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8977
Postal code : 301-0854
Webサイト : http://www.ryugasaki-hp.org/

1 Chome-1 Nakazato, Ryugasaki, Ibaraki 301-0854, Japan
. . . yoko on Google

内科の若目の宮崎という先生は、短気で、椅子を少し寄せただけでどなりつけたり、病状説明もろくにしてくれずに最悪で二度とお世話になりたくないです! 高齢者に対してもそんな態度、信じられない! みんな筑波大とか経歴載せてるのに彼だけ載せてないらしいのも納得です。 産婦人科の先生方はしっかり親身に診てくれました。脳神経外科の先生も一人お世話になりましたがとても優しくて良い先生でした。 小児科の先生は今はどうか分かりませんが、子供がお世話になった当時は微妙な感じでした。 なのでここはとても両極端! 気をつけたいですね。。
A young teacher in internal medicine, Miyazaki, is impatient and doesn't want to be taken care of again at worst without screaming or making the explanation of his condition fragile just by pulling the chair a little! I can't believe such an attitude toward the elderly! It's understandable that everyone has a career like University of Tsukuba, but he doesn't. The obstetrics and gynecology teachers gave me a thorough examination. One of the neurosurgery teachers was indebted to me, but he was a very kind and good teacher. I don't know if the pediatrician is right now, but it was a subtle feeling when the child was taken care of. So this is a very extreme! I want to be careful. ..
M on Google

以前婦人科系の手術で入院しました。 私が当たった先生、看護師さんは全員とても丁寧で優しく、安心して入院生活を送ることができました。 1人の看護師さんは自身の不妊治療の体験を語りながら励ましてくださり、とても救われました。 ご飯があまり美味しくなかったのだけが残念ですが、人にお勧めできるくらい婦人科の先生、看護師さんは素晴らしい人が多かったです。
I was previously hospitalized for gynecological surgery. All the teachers and nurses I hit were very polite and kind, and I was able to live a hospitalized life with peace of mind. One nurse encouraged me while talking about my experience of fertility treatment, and I was saved very much. It's a pity that the rice wasn't very good, but there were many wonderful gynecologists and nurses that I could recommend to others.
Ej KOM on Google

Cars were transported in a car accident. It was hard for me because no one of the nurses in the hospital helped me because I was hitting hard, so it was difficult to walk on my own! Do CT and X-ray photography, and just bruise is okay! I couldn't get a compress or a painkiller and I couldn't sleep at night because of some days of pain. I could not feel any feelings for the patient. After that, I went to a nearby doctor's office and carefully cared for me, and I was able to rehabilitate such things as whip whip and healed me a lot. I am grateful to have been examined by emergency transport, but I do not want to see it again!
くまくまかず on Google

2018年 三連休の最後の午前四時に母が腹痛のため、救急車を呼び、この病院へ。当直の医者の診断は、尿道結石との事。痛み止めを一錠処方され、痛がる母に帰れと言う。看護師さんの方が見かねて車椅子で、外まで連れていってくれる程の状態で帰らされた。家に帰って痛がる母に、また救急車を呼ぶ事も出来ず、「我慢してなぁ」「我慢してなぁ」と言うことしか出来ず、辛い思いをした。他の病院が明くのを待ちかねて診察すると直ぐに入院が必要との事で即入院に。検査の結果、腎臓の方が悪いと判明。この病院だって、後、数時間で動き出すのに、何で空いているソファーでも、何でもいいので、病状悪化しないかと居させてくれないのか理解できない。色々な病院の話を聞くが、痛がる患者に帰れと言う病院を初めて見た。この病院には絶対に行っては、駄目です。救急医療の看板を掲げてほしく無い病院です。痛がる母をただただ、連れ回しただけでした。こんな対応をする位なら、救急車で連絡された時に受けてくれない方が良かったです。もうこの病院には絶対に行きません。 追加情報 (四年経過) 後日、苦情を担当者に受付で文句を言い診察カードを真っ二つにし、投げつけて帰りました。 茨城に引っ越して直ぐだったので知りませんでしたが、何人も文句や苦情を言う人がいるらしく、病院側はなれていて、全く相手にしない方針だとの事。医療裁判に持って行く人は、ほぼ居ないとの考えらしい。まして裁判で負けるなどの事例は余程だと。逆にブラックリストに入れられると、近所の人に聞きました。 行かなければいいのですが、自分の意識が無い場合など、緊急病院に指定されているので、考えただけで、恐ろしい病院です。
2018 My mother had a stomachache at 4 am at the end of the three consecutive holidays, so I called an ambulance and went to this hospital. The doctor on duty diagnosed it as a urethral stone. I was prescribed a painkiller and told my mother to go home. The nurse was in a wheelchair and was able to take me outside. I couldn't call an ambulance again to my mother who was in pain when I got home, and I could only say "I'm patient" and "I'm patient", which made me feel painful. When I had a medical examination without waiting for another hospital to open, I was immediately hospitalized because I needed to be hospitalized immediately. Examination revealed that the kidneys were worse. I don't understand why this hospital will start moving in a few hours, but it doesn't matter what the vacant sofa is, so I'm not sure if my condition will get worse. I listened to various hospitals, but for the first time I saw a hospital that told me to go back to a patient who was in pain. You should never go to this hospital. It is a hospital that I do not want you to put up a sign for emergency medical care. I just took my mother in pain. It would have been better not to receive it when I was contacted by an ambulance if I was to take such a response. I will never go to this hospital anymore. Additional information (4 years have passed) Later, I complained to the person in charge at the reception desk, halved the examination card, and threw it home. I didn't know it because I moved to Ibaraki right away, but it seems that there are many people who complain and complain, and the hospital side is far away and it is a policy not to deal with it at all. It seems that few people take it to a medical trial. Moreover, there are not many cases such as losing in a trial. On the contrary, I asked my neighbors that I would be blacklisted. I wish I hadn't gone, but if I wasn't aware of it, it was designated as an emergency hospital, so just thinking about it is a scary hospital.
藤倖 on Google

10年以上前ですがこちらで2人の子供を出産しました。 当時はとても素晴らしい助産師さん、看護師さん、医師の皆さんで親身になってくださり、感謝いたしました。が、最近は事情が変わったようです。 歳の離れた弟が結婚し、お嫁さんが出産するのでこちらを勧めたのですが、 ・分娩費用が上がっている ・医師から心ないことを言われた(若そうな女医さんとのこと) ・パワハラかと思うような叱責を若いスタッフにしている年配の助産師がいた ・上記の助産師に「どうしてできないの」何度もため息をつかれ、母乳育児がトラウマになった ・毎朝医師がナースステーションに集まって話しているが、患者の個人情報が丸聞こえ ・夜中、保育器に入っている赤ちゃんがいても、助産師さんがステーションにいないことよくあった。保育器の子のお母さんは不安そうにしていた 等々、勧めたこちらが申し訳なくなる不満があったようです。 大半の助産師さんはとてもよくしてくれたとのことでしたが、やはりコロナ禍とはいえ、不安要素が大きいのは困りものだと思います。 医師が代替わりなのか、私が知っている優しい医師はいなくなっていたようでもありますし、もうこちらを勧めることはやめておこうと思います。 私の中では素晴らしい病院だったので、星2つにしておきます。
More than 10 years ago, I gave birth to two children here. I am grateful to all the wonderful midwives, nurses, and doctors at that time for their kindness. However, the situation seems to have changed recently. I recommended this because my younger brother, who is aged away, gets married and his wife gives birth. ・ Delivery costs are rising ・ The doctor told me something I didn't mind (a young female doctor) ・ There was an elderly midwife who had a young staff member who rebuked him for power harassment. ・ The above midwife sighed many times, "Why can't I?", And breastfeeding became traumatic. ・ Every morning, doctors gather at the nurse station to talk, but I can hear the patient's personal information. ・ In the middle of the night, even if there was a baby in the incubator, the midwife was often not at the station. The mother of the incubator child was anxious And so on, it seems that there was a dissatisfaction with the recommendation. Most of the midwives said that they did a great job, but I think it's a problem that there is a great deal of anxiety, even though it's a corona illness. It seems that there are no more kind doctors I know, perhaps because doctors are a substitute, and I will stop recommending them anymore. It was a great hospital for me, so I'll leave it with two stars.
fgagath ahhaha on Google

出産費用が病院の案内の記載より10万円高くて驚きました。 病院の入院の案内では45万円前後とありますが、出産後に請求を見たら60万近かったです。 45万円前後は数年前の料金で、今はそれよりも値上げしてるが、古い案内を配布しています。 申込み時には古い案内を配布していながら、出産後に高い値上がり後の金額をいきなり請求し、おかしいと抗議はしましたが、支払ってから退院だといわれました。 しかし、古い案内を配布したのは貴院の責任なはずですが、全く悪びれておらず払って当たり前との態度で驚きました。 この金額なら他の病院にすれば良かったのは言うまでもありません。 出産費用自体も周りの産婦人科に比べて高すぎます。 個室でもなく、エステ等のサービスもなく、何のお土産もなし、入院に必要なタオルやパジャマ、ナプキン等病院で一切用意されておらず全て持参、病人と同じ病院食ですが、60万円近いです。 病院食だから、みんなご飯が足りないと言ってました。売店で買い足したり、旦那に持ってきてもらっている人までいました。 (45万の他院よりサービスが悪いです。45万円の病院でさえタオルや入院着等を全部病院が用意してくれている所もたくさんあります) さらに事前告知なしこちらの同意なしで、色々なオプション料金を加算されます。 驚いたのは、4人部屋が満員だったら個室になりますが、その場合でも個室料金が発生するとの説明を入院直前に聞きました。運良く空いてたから58万円ですみましたが、個室ならさらに料金がかかっていたとのことです。 国の指針では、満室、感染症等の病院都合の個室入室の場合は原則個室料金は請求できないようですが… 他にも事前に説明がなかった(人によっては間違った時間を説明されていた)時間外が発生するようで、入院患者同士でもおかしい、高すぎるとの話題もありました。 会計職員はイライラを患者にぶつける人がいます。 医師も出産後になるまで来ず、おめでとうもなく、こちらがよろしくおねがいしますと挨拶しても、医師は一言も声を発せず、非常に気分が悪いお産でした。(コロナ前です) 助産師の方も数人ヤンキーあがり?みたいな方がいて、出産時に当たってしまい、怖かったです。 何人か素晴らしい助産師さんがいる事も事実で、真面目にやってる彼女達まで一緒くたに悪いイメージになってしまうのは可哀想ではありますが、やはり酷い職員がいる事、料金や医療内容における病院のずさんさは確かです。 二人目で他の病院で出産経験がありますが、済生会は他院に比べて明らかに待遇も悪く、不当な料金や説明不足などトラブル続きで最悪でした。 行ってない検査まで請求が複数あり、ずさん極まりない病院です。
I was surprised that the cost of childbirth was 100,000 yen higher than the information in the hospital. According to the hospital admission guide, it is around 450,000 yen, but when I saw the bill after giving birth, it was close to 600,000. The price of around 450,000 yen was a few years ago, and now it is higher than that, but we are distributing old information. At the time of application, while distributing old information, I suddenly charged the amount after the high price increase after giving birth and protested that it was strange, but it was said that I was discharged after paying. However, although it should be your responsibility to distribute the old information, I was surprised at the attitude that it was not bad at all and paid for it. Needless to say, this amount of money should have been sent to another hospital. The cost of childbirth itself is too high compared to the surrounding obstetrics and gynecology departments. It is not a private room, there is no service such as beauty treatment salon, there is no souvenir, towels, pajamas, napkins etc. necessary for hospitalization are not prepared at the hospital and all are brought, it is the same hospital food as the sick, but 600,000 yen It's close. Everyone said that they didn't have enough food because it was a hospital food. Some people even bought more at the shop or had their husband bring it to them. (The service is worse than other hospitals of 450,000. Even in hospitals of 450,000 yen, there are many hospitals that provide all towels and hospital clothes.) In addition, various option fees will be added without prior notice and without this consent. To my surprise, I heard that if the quadruple room is full, it will be a private room, but even in that case, a private room fee will be charged, just before admission. Fortunately, it was 580,000 yen because it was vacant, but it was said that it cost more for a private room. According to the national guidelines, if you enter a private room due to hospital reasons such as full occupancy or infectious disease, you cannot charge the private room fee in principle ... There was also a topic that there seemed to be overtime that was not explained in advance (some people explained the wrong time), and it was strange even among hospitalized patients, and it was too expensive. Some accounting staff are frustrated with patients. The doctor didn't come until after giving birth, and congratulations, and even though I said hello to you, the doctor didn't say a word and I felt very sick. (In front of Corona) A few midwives are also Yankees? I was scared because I was hit by someone like that when I gave birth. It is a fact that there are some wonderful midwives, and it is a pity that even the serious women get a bad image, but there are still terrible staff, and the hospital is sloppy in terms of fees and medical contents. That's for sure. The second person had a childbirth experience at another hospital, but the Saiseikai was obviously worse than the other hospitals, and was the worst due to a series of troubles such as unreasonable fees and lack of explanation. It is a sloppy hospital with multiple requests for tests that have not been performed.
山田望 on Google

Sato, a gastroenterologist, doesn't know how to talk to people. I'm not smart. You should start over from compulsory education.
蕪木充瑠 on Google

I had a fever three times in a week, and the third time I went to the hospital with a fever that did not heal, and it was normal to measure the non-contact heat at the entrance, so I asked the teacher at the entrance. When I told him about his body temperature and symptoms, he was told that he was suspected of having a corona instead of a cold and had an examination. If the result is positive, the health center will contact you the next day, and if it is negative, the doctor will mail you a certificate on the weekend, and you will be told to use a commercially available antipyretic. Then, the next day, when I was anxious and contacted the hospital for confirmation, I was told that if it was positive, it would be from the hospital instead of the health center, and I might contact him late at night. In the end, it was negative, but the answer from the teacher and the receptionist was different, and I knew that it was a sloppy large hospital without giving any medicine.

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