(I) Hachiminekai Ikeda Clinics - Ryugasaki

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Contact (I) Hachiminekai Ikeda Clinics

住所 :

3690-2 Kaiharatsukamachi, Ryugasaki, Ibaraki 301-0856, Japan

電話 : 📞 +897
Postal code : 301-0856
Webサイト : http://www.ikedabyoin.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–12PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 9AM–12PM
Tuesday 9AM–12PM
Wednesday 9AM–12PM
Thursday 9AM–12PM
Friday 9AM–12PM

3690-2 Kaiharatsukamachi, Ryugasaki, Ibaraki 301-0856, Japan
ひナ on Google

ゆちきめ on Google

gた on Google

I got a call even though I had nothing to do with the hospital here. I want you to stop because it is annoying
まぼろし0602 on Google

最悪の病院でした。主治医は院長先生でしたが、保護室にいるとき前の病院のカルテもみずに、自分でかってに配薬を決めてしまい相性の悪いリスパダールを出し、落ち着いていた症状が3日で失神して失禁してしまいました。「僕はむやみやたらに増薬はしません」となぜか声高々に宣言し、勝手に解釈するなど医者として3流もいいところでした。 私は医療保護観察方で鑑定入院だったのですが、完全に犯罪者扱いされ看護師にも院長と同じ様に冷遇されました。私達は不起訴になって鑑定なので犯罪者ではないのです。入院病棟は劣悪で殴りかかってくるボケ老人と同じ保護室におかれました。歯を磨いているとき理由無く殴られて反撃したら「2度と暴力を振るわないでください」と私ののみに注意されました。「助けてと」と大声を出したのに主任看護師たちがSSから全くいなくなってしまい、自分の身を守らざるを得ませんでした。耳栓とアイマスクを保護室に良く寝るために入れさせてもらえないか院長に診察室でいったところ「私が引き取ってあげたんですよ。感謝して下さい。立ち場をわきまえてください」といわれ何か自分を勘違いしてる様でした。入院病棟にいる人は年金や生活保護を受給され長期入院してるひとばかりでした。月に20万以上要求されあくせく支払いをしてる家族がたくさんありました。完全にボケ老人の姥捨山状態でここに自分の親を入院させるのはやめておいた方がいいですよ。この病院は完全に院長の王国でした。医院長が良いと言えば全てが許可されました。患者同士の盗みあい、暴力事態も多く、ここに家族を入院させるのは考えた方がいいです。
It was the worst hospital. The attending physician was the director, but when I was in the protection room, I did not look at the medical record of the previous hospital, decided on the drug myself and issued an incompatible Rispadal, and the calm symptoms fainted in 3 days I have been incontinent. For some reason, he proclaimed loudly, "I will not do unnecessarily to increase the number of drugs," and he was a good doctor as a doctor. I was hospitalized for medical probation, but I was treated completely as a criminal and my nurses were treated as cold as the director. We are not criminals because we are accused and appraised. The inpatient ward was in the same protection room as the old, poorly beaten bokeh. When I was brushing my teeth and hit back for no reason, I was only warned, "Don't be violent again." He shouted, "Help me," but the chief nurses disappeared from the SS at all, and I had to protect myself. I asked the director in the consultation room if I could put my earplugs and eye mask into the shelter to sleep well, and she said, "I've picked it up. Thank you. He seemed to misunderstand himself. The people in the hospital ward were only those who received pensions and welfare and were hospitalized for a long time. Many families paid more than 200,000 per month and were paying a lot. It is better not to hospitalize your parents here when the old man is completely disused. This hospital was completely the director's kingdom. Everything was allowed if the clinician said good. There are many cases of patient abuse and violence, so it is better to consider putting your family in the hospital.
ka i on Google

二年前、土曜限定の石○(名前忘れ)という先生でしたが、悪化しました。一見で穏やそうですが、劣等感が強く悲観的で私以外にも患者を悪化させるであろう要素が多くてとてもストレスを受けました。ここに行かなければもっと早く回復してたと思います。 能力ある精神科医は患者の特性を個性や才能として明るい見方ができ、励ます力があり心を癒し回復させることに向き合いますが、形だけの精神科医は治す能力がないので、患者の個性を劣悪と捉え、患者がいかに悪いか溜め息混じりに話し、いちいち患者のせいに仕向けます。 状態が悪いから来てるのだから検査の結果も悪くて当然なのに、それが本人の全てかのような言い方をします。 私はその精神科医と出会って存在否定される沢山の言葉に傷つき体調不良が出ていましたが、毎回早く帰りたかったので言いませんでした。そしたら検査の結果が悪いとどんどん決めつけて余計悪化しました。 鵜呑みにする傾向があると言われましたが、これはそのままその精神科医に強く言えます。誰でも察せるくらいあからさまに早く帰りたい態度や言葉を言ったとしても、例えばそっぽ向くのは健常者ではないなど決めつけられた発言ばかりで驚きました。あなたが悪いから私は困っているという感じで、こちらがシンプルに早く帰りたいということは伝わってない様でした。 人の見た目の決めつけ方も浅はかでした。私はその日アメリカの有名なブランドのシャツを来ていましたが、緩い格好だった為(そういうファッション)見た目を気にしないアスペルガーと決めつけられました。呆れてブランドのことも教えませんでしたが、女の癖にメイクもしないしとセクハラ紛いな発言もします。わざわざ精神科にメイクやお洒落をしたくない人は少なくないという発想がない精神科医の方が浅はかかと。 そして親の前でいかに能力が劣っているか説明し続けとても悲しかったので少し怒ると、親が心配してるんだよ!と説教。むしろ私は親が心配するのでわざわざ来たのに、そんな意志は少しも汲み取る能力なくその辺の一般的な人のコミュニケーション以下です。 その精神科医は自分が学校の勉強を世間に従いがんばったからか、学校の勉強だけで人を差別します。私は主に芸術方面が得意な人間ですが、そんな話一つも聞かず見下した態度で、あなたは毎日同じ内容の仕事なら出来るからと偉そうに。アドバイスしてるつもりなのでしょうが、私からすれば自分の良さを潰されてるとしか思えませんでした。患者の長所を一つも見抜けないのか見抜くつもりすらないのか、分かってもらえない悲しみを感じました。学校の勉強は私の人生では使わないものが多いからあまりやらなかった言うと全否定されました。また私が、ここに本当は来たくなかったなどと発言するだけで『私(その精神科医)の存在意義を否定しているのか』というフレーズを拗ねる様子で度々言ってくるような人を救える器でない。本人もそれが分かってるからこんなフレーズが出てくるのでしょうが。的外れな決めつけで話をしたいとすら思えない気持ちにさせ、患者を悪化させ給料だけは貰っているこんな人に見下され、非常にストレスでした。
Two years ago, I was a teacher named Ishi ○ (forgot my name), which was only available on Saturdays, but it got worse. At first glance, it seems calm, but I was very stressed because I felt inferior and pessimistic, and there were many factors other than me that would make the patient worse. If I didn't go here, I think I would have recovered faster. A competent psychiatrist can take a bright view of the patient's characteristics as individuality and talent, and has the power to heal and restore the mind, but the shape-only psychiatrist has no ability to cure, so the individuality of the patient. Is considered to be inferior, and he sighs and talks about how bad the patient is, and blames the patient one by one. It's natural that the result of the test is bad because it comes because the condition is bad, but I say that it is all about the person himself. I met the psychiatrist and was sick with many words that were denied existence, but I didn't say it because I wanted to go home early every time. Then I decided that the test result was bad and it got worse. I was told that I tend to swallow, but I can say this to the psychiatrist as it is. Even if I said an attitude or words that I wanted to go home as soon as anyone could guess, I was surprised at the prescriptive remarks that, for example, it was not a healthy person to turn away. I felt like I was in trouble because you were bad, and I didn't seem to know that I simply wanted to go home early. The way people decided on their appearance was also shallow. I was wearing a shirt from a famous American brand that day, but because I was loosely dressed (that kind of fashion), I was categorized as Asperger who didn't care about the appearance. I was amazed and didn't tell him about the brand, but he made a sexual harassment saying that he wouldn't make up for the habit of a woman. Psychiatrists who do not have the idea that there are many people who do not want to bother to make up or dress up in psychiatry are shallower. And I kept explaining in front of my parents how inferior I was, so I was so sad that when I got a little angry, my parents were worried! And preached. Rather, I came all the way because my parents were worried, but such a will is less than the communication of ordinary people in that area without the ability to grasp at all. The psychiatrist discriminates against people just by studying at school, probably because he did his best to study at school. I'm a person who is mainly good at art, but with an attitude of looking down without listening to such a story, I'm proud that you can do the same work every day. I'm going to give you some advice, but from my point of view, I could only think that my goodness was being crushed. I felt sadness that I couldn't understand whether I couldn't see any of the patient's strengths or even intend to see them. I was totally denied that I didn't do much school study because there are many things I don't use in my life. Also, I can save people who often say "I (the psychiatrist) is denying the significance of existence" just by saying that I didn't really want to come here. Not a vessel. I wonder if such a phrase will come out because he knows that too. It was very stressful to be looked down upon by such a person who made me feel like I didn't even want to talk with the wrong decision, worsened the patient and received only the salary.
yu-ri akasaka on Google

石川って言う医師がゴミクソ そんなこと聞いてませんとか 過去のことじゃなくて今のこと〜とか 話しかけバカ 病院食もクソまずいし個室でも患者が平気で開けてきて物盗む。 院長先生はマシかな☆ でも他の病院をお勧めします?
A doctor named Ishikawa is trashing I didn't hear that It ’s not the past, it ’s the present. Talking stupid The hospital food is crap, and even in a private room, the patient opens up and steals. I wonder if the director is better ☆ But I recommend other hospitals ?
むむ on Google

ほかのレビューにもありますが石川という医師が医師として未熟というだけでなく、人として下劣、品位に劣る最低の医師です。茨城県医療安全相談センターに指導を依頼しました(なお病院側に伝わるようにとはっきり言わないと指導はなされません)。 急遽体調を崩した妻を診てもらいに予約外で受診したところ、このクズな医師をあてがわれてしまいました。精神を患っているからこれまで通院を続けているのに、前のカルテも見ずに数秒のやりとりだけで「病気じゃないよ」「こんなとこ来てないで警察行けば」挙げ句に「もともとの人格がおかしいだけ」と暴言の数々。精神病であるがゆえの虚勢や妄言、整合性のない話を聞いても疑問を持つこともなくすべて信じ込むため、こちらが「夫婦個別に話を聞いて整合性をとったほうがいいのでは」と提案しても「必要ない」。目が節穴な上に理解力に乏しく、更に憚ることなく暴言を放つ。ありえません。本当に困って予約外で受診したのに、より状態が悪化して帰らざるを得ませんでした。こちらを受診するときはどんなに火急のことでもこの名の医師が担当することがわかったらなんとしてもすぐに帰りましょう。命に関わります。 一方で院長は付添者などがきちんと希望を伝えることができれば最大限に患者の希望に沿った対応をしてくれるように見えます(無茶な入院スケジュールや服用する薬の希望、予約外の対応など)。自分のなかでやってほしいことがあるのに伝えることができず病院側主導で自分の理想通りやってもらいたいような方には合わないかもしれません。
As mentioned in other reviews, Dr. Ishikawa is not only immature as a doctor, but also the worst doctor who is inferior and inferior in dignity as a person. I asked the Ibaraki Medical Safety Counseling Center for guidance (the guidance will not be given unless I clearly tell the hospital to tell it). When I went to see my wife who was sick in a hurry without making an appointment, I was assigned this crap doctor. I've been going to the hospital because I'm suffering from a mental illness, but I just exchanged for a few seconds without looking at the previous medical record. The personality is just strange. " Because I have a mental illness, I believe in all the vainness, delusions, and inconsistent stories without any doubts. Even if you make a suggestion, it is "not necessary". His eyes are knuckle, his comprehension is poor, and he utters abusive words without hesitation. impossible. I was really in trouble and had a medical examination outside the appointment, but my condition got worse and I had to go home. If you find out that the doctor of this name is in charge of any emergency, let's go home as soon as possible. It is life-threatening. On the other hand, the director seems to respond to the patient's wishes as much as possible if the attendant can properly convey his wishes (unreasonable hospitalization schedule, wishes to take medicine, response outside the appointment, etc.) ). It may not be suitable for those who want to do what they want to do, but cannot tell what they want to do, and want the hospital to take the initiative in doing what they want.
展承天 on Google

デイケアは僕を優しく包んでくれる大切で友情等溢れる非常に僕にとっては欠かせない場所です。主任のTさんはとても優しい御方です。デイケア全体が家族みたいです。 院長先生は非常に面白い人でいつも僕を笑わせてくれます。石川先生や他の先生もそんなに悪い人はいないと思います。悪口を言う人は池田病院、いや、デイケアに来ないでください。ケースワーカーさんたちもいい人ばかりで迷惑かける人は絶対に僕が許さないです。
Day care is an important and very indispensable place for me, which is full of friendship and wraps me gently. The chief, Mr. T, is a very kind person. The whole day care is like a family. The director is a very interesting person and always makes me laugh. I don't think Mr. Ishikawa and other teachers are so bad. If you speak badly, please do not come to Ikeda Hospital, no, day care. The caseworkers are all good people and I will never forgive those who bother me.

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