Rikiya Ramen Shop - Takasaki

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Rikiya Ramen Shop

住所 :

49 Shimotoyookamachi, Takasaki, Gunma 370-0873, Japan

電話 : 📞 +878
Postal code : 370-0873

49 Shimotoyookamachi, Takasaki, Gunma 370-0873, Japan
たつんど on Google

二十数年振りに再訪して当時の様に『力屋パート1』を頼もうとしたら『青ネギラーメンパート1』なるものがあるじゃ無いですか⁈ 確か昔は『力屋パート1』=『青ネギラーメンパート1』だった様な気がしてたので青ネギを恐る恐る頼んでみたら…昔のイメージ通りで旨かったです! ついでにチャーハン(並)も旨かったですよ!写真は撮り忘れたけどね。
If I revisit for the first time in more than 20 years and try to request "Rikiya Part 1" like that time, there is something like "Aonegi Ramen Part 1"⁈ Certainly, I used to think that it was "Rikiya Part 1" = "Ao Negi Ramen Part 1", so when I asked him for a scary green onion ... it was just as I used to think! By the way, fried rice was also good! I forgot to take a picture though.
hage783640 on Google

一日目、特選チャーシュー 二日目、力屋ラーメン 三日目、味噌チャーシュー 四日目、塩チャーシュー どれもも旨い! 本当はラーメンとチャーハンを一緒に食べたいがラーメン一杯でおなかいっぱいなのでラーメンチャーハンハーフセットなんてあったらいいな… まだまだ利用回数は片手だけど訪問回数は空振りしてる分多いです。 最近は2時過ぎにのれん下げてるので体力的に大丈夫かなと心配になります。 おいしいラーメンに巡り会えたので まだまだ頑張ってもらいたいです。
Day 1 On the second day, Rikiya Ramen Third day, miso char siu Day 4 Everything is delicious! I really want to eat ramen and fried rice together, but I'm full of ramen and I'm full of stomach, so I would like a ramen fried rice half set ... The number of times of use is still one hand, but the number of visits is still empty. I am worried that my physical strength is good because I have lowered my goodwill after 2 o'clock recently. I was able to meet delicious ramen I want you to do your best.
T K on Google

うまい!汚らしい?古くさい?知らん うまい!それだけ
good! Is it dirty? Is it old? I don't know! that's all
CALEE on Google

20年ぶりに訪問(´゚д゚`) お世辞にもきれいな外観ではない、店内も汚い、タバコ吸えるし、店主もタバコ吸うし(笑) でも、不思議と人は集まるし落ち着くお店です。 ラーメンはまぁ普通です(笑) でも、夜遅くに食べるラーメンは最高やで! 他の方の口コミでもありましたが、チャーシューがキンキンに冷えているので、スープにブチ込むとスープがぬるくなります。
Visited for the first time in 20 years (´ ゚ д ゚ `) The appearance is not beautiful to compliment, the inside of the store is dirty, you can smoke, and the owner also smokes (laughs) However, mysteriously, it is a shop where people gather and calm down. Ramen is pretty normal (laughs) But the ramen you eat late at night is the best! Although it was also a word of mouth of other people, the char siu is cold in the kinkin, so if you put it in the soup, the soup will become slimy.
江原颯 on Google

2度目の訪店 力屋チャーシューの大盛¥950 「力屋」と名前のつくラーメンは,豚骨スープになります.サッパリ系で,とても食べやすいです. カウンター席のみの小さなお店ですが 味は確かです. 替え玉は,メニューを見た限り¥100(大盛)かな? 実はまだ,替え玉をしたことがありません.次は訊いてみようかと思います. 値上げで価格が変更されているかもしれませんが,沢山楽しみたい方はおすすめです. 他のレビューにありますように,ピカピカ清潔な店内ではありません.私は味が良いのでこのお店は大好きです. 店主さんはお年を召しておられるので,味わえるうちに通おうと思います. ご馳走様でした!
Second visit to the store Large serving of Rikiya char siu ¥ 950 Ramen named "Rikiya" is a pork bone soup. It is refreshing and very easy to eat. It is a small shop with only counter seats The taste is certain. As for the substitute, as far as the menu is seen, is it $ 100 (large)? As a matter of fact, I haven't played a substitute yet. Next I will ask you. The price may have changed due to price increases, but those who want to enjoy a lot are recommended. As you can see in other reviews, it is not a shiny and clean interior. I love this shop because it tastes good. The shopkeeper is old, so I will go to the store as much as I can. It was a treat!
k tbs on Google

味はとても美味しい!ただ店内が不衛生過ぎて驚きます。このコロナ禍の中、前客が使用した丼をさっと洗ってすぐ使用…。少し恐怖を感じました。 でもラーメンは美味しい…。もう少し店内が綺麗なら何度でも通いたい。
The taste is very delicious! However, I am surprised that the inside of the store is too unsanitary. In this corona wreck, wash the bowl used by the previous customer and use it immediately. I was a little scared. But the ramen is delicious ... If the inside of the store is a little more beautiful, I want to go there as many times as I want.
原彩香 on Google

たまたま前を通ったところ、繁盛しているラーメン店を見つけ、口コミも良いので入ってみました。 力屋ラーメン(チャーシュー有り)、餃子、チャーハン大盛りを頼みました。 チェーン店も個人店も、わりと色んなラーメン店を巡ってきましたが、ここは旨味も味も濃いめで、ハズレのメニューもありませんでした。 昔ながらのお店という感じです。 オススメします。
When I happened to pass in front of me, I found a thriving ramen shop, and the word of mouth was good, so I went in. I ordered Rikiya ramen (with char siu), dumplings, and a large serving of fried rice. Both chain stores and individual stores have visited various ramen shops, but the taste and taste are strong here, and there was no lost menu. It feels like an old-fashioned shop. I recommend it.
Fayzan Sajid on Google


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