Reputosu - Hamamatsu

4.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Reputosu

住所 :

Wise One 501 2 Chome-13-27 Central, Naka Ward, Hamamatsu, Shizuoka 430-0929, Japan

電話 : 📞 +889887
Postal code : 430-0929
Webサイト :

Wise One 501 2 Chome-13-27 Central, Naka Ward, Hamamatsu, Shizuoka 430-0929, Japan
白米tomo on Google

1月から夫婦で通い始めています。 1ヶ月経って段々と身体の変化が分かるようになってきて、レプトスに行くのが楽しみになっています☆ 体重の変化は旦那が1ヶ月でマイナス7.2キロ、私がマイナス3.2キロです。 食事の指導も丁寧に教えてくれ、何を沢山食べていいか何がダメなのかも分かります。 トレーニングでは毎回同じメニューではなく、色々なメニューを組んでくれ丁寧に指導してくれます。 目標までまだまだなので夫婦で頑張りたいと思います(^^)
I have been going to married couples since January. After one month, I can gradually understand my physical changes and I am looking forward to going to Leptos ☆ Changes in weight are minus 7.2 kg for my husband in one month, minus 3.2 kg for me. He also teaches me how to eat and understands what to eat and what to eat. In the training, you will not be the same menu every time, but will organize various menus and will guide you carefully. I'm still far from my goal, so I want to work hard with my couple (^^)
日常chハシタカ on Google

I tried it out, but the atmosphere in the gym was quite good, and the training this time was mainly on the chest and abdominal muscles. I'm glad that I can hear my muscles firmly. Based on the advice of the trainer, I think that I will be able to build muscle by the summer, so I am considering it.
あみい on Google

元々運動が苦手な私でしたが、痩せて綺麗になりたいと思いジムを探していた所、こちらのレプトスさんを見つけました。 思ったら行動と思い申し込んだ無料体験に行きました。 本格的なトレーニングは初めてで戸惑いましたが、トレーナーさんが分かりやすく説明して下さりあっという間に1時間のトレーニングが終わりました。 トレーニングの後の達成感がとても気持ちよく、トレーニングもジムに行った時で大丈夫とのことで思い切って2ヶ月のコースを申し込みました。 最初の頃はトレーニングをするも動きがぎこちなく、本当に2ヶ月で劇的に変わるのかなと思いながらトレーニングをしてましたが、何回かトレーニングをすると始める前と比べて体を動かすのもスムーズになり、少しずつですが見た目にも変化が出てきました。 トレーナーさんがその人に合ったメニューを組んでくれて、効かせたい所にアプローチしていくので、新しい発見や達成感で満たされました。 また、トレーニングに対しての気持ちも最初と比べると前向きに取り組めるようになり、トレーニングするイメージも変わりました。 運動が苦手でジムも初めてな私でもトレーニングをこなして結果が出たので、悩んでる方は一度検討してみてるといいと思います。
Originally I was not good at exercise, but I was looking for a gym because I wanted to be lean and beautiful, and found this Leptos. When I thought, I went to a free trial that I applied for. The first full-time training was a bit confusing, but the trainer explained it in an easy-to-understand way, and the one-hour training was over in no time. The feeling of accomplishment after the training was very pleasant, and when I went to the gym, I decided that I was OK and applied for a two-month course. In the beginning, I trained but the movement was awkward, I was training while thinking that it really changes dramatically in 2 months, but after training a few times it is easier to move my body than before starting It has changed little by little in appearance. The trainer will set up a menu that suits him and approach him where he wants to be effective, so he was filled with new discoveries and a sense of accomplishment. Also, my feelings about training became more positive than at the beginning, and the image of training changed. Even if I am not good at exercising and I am new to the gym, I did training and I got results, so if you are worried you should consider it once.
rico chan on Google

今まで色んなジムやパーソナル通いましたが 1番良いです‼︎ トレーナーの指導がとても丁寧で、的確! 結果を出したい方はこちらオススメです。 毎回効果を実感出来るので、トレーニング頑張れます。
I used to go to various gyms and personal The best! ︎ The trainer's guidance is very polite and accurate! This is recommended for those who want to get results. You can feel the effect every time, so you can do your best in training.
N Souta on Google

久しぶりにジムに通おうと探していたところ、プラベートジムを駅近に見つけました。 カウンセリングが無料ということで、先日早速伺いました。 経験豊富なトレーナーの方がマンツーマンで親身に教えてくださるところに、私のような初心者でも安心感が持てました。 マンションの一室にありましたがとても清潔で、なにより完全プライベート、というところが私にとってポイントでした。写真は入り口とトレーニング部屋を快く撮らせてもらいました。駐車場もあり車で通えるところも楽です。 トレーナーさんには、トレーニング器具を使っての指導に加えて、日々の食事指導もしてくださっています。仕事で日々忙しい中、体調管理をお任せできるのはとても助かります。 なかなか、ここまで一人のトレーナーさんが専任で全てやってくれるところがなかったので、とても頼りにしています。 わたしのように、体型に悩んでる方にぜひおすすめできるジムだと思い、投稿させていただきました。
When I was looking to go to the gym after a long time, I found a private gym near the station. The other day, I heard that the counseling is free. Even a beginner like me had a sense of security where an experienced trainer taught me one-on-one. Although it was in a room in the apartment, it was very clean and most of all it was completely private. I took pictures of the entrance and training room. There is a parking lot and it is easy to get there by car. In addition to using the training equipment, the trainer also provides daily meal instruction. It is very helpful to be able to leave your physical condition to you while you are busy at work. It's hard to find a single trainer who can do all the work so far. I thought that this is a gym that I can recommend to those who have a problem with their body shape, like me.

友達に紹介され軽いノリで行ってみたけど、想像以上に良かった^ - ^ トレーニングジムは中学から数十年気が向いた時通ってたので、何十人ものトレーナーを見てきたけど、飴と鞭がソフトで合ってるかも 今度はゴースト会員にならないかもね!
I was introduced to a friend and went with a light glue, but it was better than I imagined ^ --^ I went to the training gym when I felt like it for decades from junior high school, so I saw dozens of trainers, but candy And the whip may be soft and fit You may not become a ghost member this time!
Mick 1031 on Google

I felt lack of exercise due to the corona sickness, so I decided to take the plunge. It was my first time to go to the gym and full-scale training, but I am able to continue having fun because I can teach you the training method, correct muscle training, and dietary knowledge carefully. Changes in my body also appeared day by day, and my abdomen was especially refreshing. I'm glad I started going.
ko ri on Google

I enjoy going in pairs! I am grateful to the trainer for always giving me the correct knowledge and polite guidance ? I was able to realize that I was training in the wrong form until now. With muscles, my long-standing stiff shoulders and back pain have completely disappeared, and my waist 12 cm and hips are tightened and I am very satisfied! I look forward to working with you!

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