REPAIR STYLE 岡崎店 - Okazaki

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact REPAIR STYLE 岡崎店

住所 :

Wakamatsuhigashi, Okazaki, 〒444-0822 Aichi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8887
Postal code : 444-0822
Webサイト :
街 : Aichi

Wakamatsuhigashi, Okazaki, 〒444-0822 Aichi,Japan
SKDZ CEO on Google

接客は良かったが、修理の技術が… 色の部分補色を頼んで仕上がりをみたら左右非対称で、素人でもできそうなレベル。 他の修理店より値段が高い割には話しにならないほど悲惨な仕上がり。 別の修理店に持ち込んで話しを聞いたら「半額でこれ以上のきれいな仕上がりにできる」と言われました。 別の靴の修理を考えていたが、大切にしている靴を預けられるようなお店ではないので2度と利用しません。
The customer service was good, but the repairing technique... When you ask for a complementary color and look at the finish, it is asymmetrical, and it is a level that even an amateur can do. Although the price is higher than other repair shops, the finish is disastrous. When I brought it to another repair shop and listened to it, I was told that "half the price can make it look even better." I was thinking of repairing another shoe, but I will never use it again because it is not a store where I can store my valuable shoes.
c o on Google

I am indebted to good use of leather goods. It can be used for a long time by having brand bags and boots also maintained. I think that Saul's changeover, backing is polite and technical fee is also affordable. I am likable because the staff's reception is also pleasant for polite and troublesome counseling. Thank you for your help.
Shin Taki on Google

I asked for the repair of the shoes, but the adhesive went out everywhere and the left and right were also asymmetrical, and I was not able to say a polite and polite job. I will not use it anymore.
Rider Maple on Google

正直、驚きました。 ビジネスシューズのかかとが擦り減ってしまったので修理に出したのですが、細かな汚れまでピカピカになって帰ってきました。 初めてビジネスシューズに愛着を持つことができました。 今後ともよろしくお願い致します。
I was really surprized. The heels of my business shoes were worn out, so I sent them out for repair, but even the smallest stains came back shiny. For the first time, I was able to attach myself to business shoes. We look forward to working with you in the future.
kazumi momi on Google

パンプスのヒールを直してもらいに行ってます。 突然行ってもいつもすぐ直してくれて、毎回助かってます。
I'm going to get my pumps heels fixed. Even if I went suddenly, he always fixed it immediately, and it was saved every time.
ken niinomi on Google

I have used it several times. I asked for all-sole, half-sole, lift replacement and various repairs, but I am very satisfied with the polite work. The shop owner will be kind to you and give you advice unique to experts, so anyone can use it with confidence.
J J on Google

I released a brand-name product. It was polite and clean.
のんのん on Google

靴の疑問にもとことん付き合って頂きました! 靴への愛情の深さも伝わりました✨ またお世話になりたいです。 艶つやに✨ 裏張りも素敵です? 靴の修理やさんってハードル高かったですが、 とっても良心的なお値段でした✨?
I was also involved in the question of shoes! The depth of love for shoes was also conveyed ✨ I would like to take care of you again. Glossy candy The lining is also nice! The repair of shoes was a hurdle, but It was a very conscientious price

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