Jexer LightGym Celeo Kokubunji - Kokubunji

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Jexer LightGym Celeo Kokubunji

住所 :

セレオ国分寺 8F 3 Chome-20-3 Minamicho, Kokubunji, Tokyo 185-0021, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Postal code : 185-0021
Webサイト :

セレオ国分寺 8F 3 Chome-20-3 Minamicho, Kokubunji, Tokyo 185-0021, Japan
D M on Google

It is a clean and easy-to-use facility, but it is not recommended for people who use cars. The parking lot is free for 2 hours, but it takes quite a while to get from the parking lot to the parking lot and back to the store, so it is quite busy considering changing clothes and waiting time.
豊永彰宏(mozu) on Google

トレーナーの方やスタッフの対応は良いと思うし、マナーの悪い人はいない。 ただ、wi-fiのバグは日常茶飯事だし、ランニングマシンのスタンバイ画面にはNetflixの画面が出ており、あたかも見れるかのようになっているのに、スタッフに確認すると見ることができないとのこと。 とはいえ場所も良いし綺麗なので上記が気にならなければオススメできます。
I think the trainers and staff are good at handling, and there are no bad manners. However, the bug of wi-fi is a daily occurrence, and the Netflix screen appears on the standby screen of the running machine, but it seems as if it can be seen, but if you check with the staff you can not see it . However, the location is good and beautiful so if you don't mind the above, you can recommend it.
ひでひで on Google

できたばかりのジムで綺麗です。時間にもよりますが、人もそこまで多くなく使いやすい。 スタッフの対応もよく、なるべく応えようとする姿勢は見受けられる。 パーソナルトレーニングは特におすすめ、申し込んでいない人と対応が違うのは当たり前だと思うけど、自分から声をかければ丁寧に教えてくれる。
It is beautiful in the gym that has just been made. Although it depends on time, there are not many people and it is easy to use. The staff responds well, and there is a tendency to respond as much as possible. Personal training is particularly recommended, and I think it's natural that the response is different from those who have not applied, but if you speak to me, you will be taught carefully.
Misa Tanaka on Google

It's new and beautiful, but there aren't any follow-up after the enrollment. The stretch area is quite small, and the locker room has only a minimal amount of equipment. However, it may be such a light gym. I think that the location is convenient and not bad if you use it without expecting too much.
相馬亘 on Google

JEXER戸田公園で僕の右後ろで跳んでた方がインストラクターデビューするとのことで、OT土田紗也さんのUBOUNDに参加しました! 元気いっぱいなキューイングでキュートで完璧でした。 MIX BOUND+のスプリントでは、わがままを聞いて煽っていただき、ありがとうございます。僕の教えたとおりで最高でした! スタジオ音響も土田OTもホントにキレイでした! JEXERのほとんどの店舗に言えることですが、RADICALの事務局に問い合わせてみたところ、コリオやセトリとかウェアについて、RADICAL的にはグレーだと言われ心配してます、、、 @mackranrei
The person who jumped behind me at JEXER Toda Park will make his debut as an instructor, so I participated in OT Saya Tsuchida's UBOUND! It was cute and perfect with energetic queuing. Thank you for listening to and inspiring yourself in the MIX BOUND + sprint. It was awesome as I taught! Both the studio sound and Tsuchida OT were really beautiful! As with most JEXER stores, when I contacted the RADICAL secretariat, I was worried that Corio, Setlist, and clothing were gray in terms of RADICAL. @mackranrei
Haruka Uchiyama on Google

セレオの中に入ってて非常に便利。キレい。 スタジオも充実。 ただ店員さんが少ないので、デスクに不在の時がかる。あと他店をメインにしていると、会員証でエントランスを開けるので、イチイチ店員を呼ばなきゃいけなくて面倒。
Very convenient to enter inside Celeo. It's sharp. The studio is also substantial. However, since there are few clerk, it takes time to be absent from the desk. Also, if you mainly use other stores, you can open the entrance with your membership card, so it is troublesome to have to call a clerk.
KENSEI ABE on Google

安さと便利さに惹かれて数ヶ月前体験に行きました。トレーニング中に飲むEAAを水で溶かして飲もうとウォーターサーバーか自販機がないかと聞いたところ無いとのこと。仕方なく洗面所の生ぬるい水で我慢。対応したスタッフが、「水の自販機なくてすみませんね。本当はあそこに水素水があるんですけど、最初からそういうのをタダでやってあげると良くないと思って、ねぇ」と言ってきた。 はあ?こっちは体験できていて、水素水タダでたかろうなんてこれっぽっちも思ってないのに、いきなりは泥棒扱い?と思い、二度と行かないと決意。
I went to experience a few months ago because of its cheapness and convenience. I heard that I haven't heard if there is a water server or vending machine to dissolve EAA to drink during training. I had no choice but to put up with the lukewarm water in the washroom. The staff member who responded said, "I'm sorry I don't have a vending machine for water. There is actually hydrogen water over there, but I don't think it's good to do that for free from the beginning." Huh? I was able to experience this, and I didn't even think that it would have been free for hydrogen water, but suddenly I was treated as a thief? I decided not to go again.
T Y on Google

このご時世で会話はご遠慮くださいとアナウンスしておきながら、 ストレッチエリアでただ喋るだけの女性集団を止めるどころか一緒にギャーギャー会話するレベルのスタッフのいる店舗
While announcing that you should refrain from talking in this age, Instead of stopping a group of women who just talk in the stretch area, a store with staff at the level of talking together

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