Recette - Akita

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Recette

住所 :

1 Chome-2-10 Omachi, Akita, 010-0921, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88879
Postal code : 010-0921
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 11:30AM–2PM
Sunday 11:30AM–2PM
Monday Closed
Tuesday 11:30AM–2PM
Wednesday 11:30AM–2PM
Thursday 11:30AM–2PM
Friday 11:30AM–2PM

1 Chome-2-10 Omachi, Akita, 010-0921, Japan
jj green on Google

The point that I was able to eat in a private room and the polite explanation of the food by the clerk
りぃだ on Google

Unexpectedly casual French. It was ¥ 6000 for the course using Akita ingredients. Bubbles are added in small bottles, and it is good to share them with two people. I can order wine in glasses. There will be 08 sweets for dessert. There is a service charge, but there seems to be no service such as serving a bottle.
広石琥太郎 on Google

I won the AEON sweepstakes and visited for lunch on the tour. It was delicious with a calm atmosphere. It would be better if the hall staff moved a little more smoothly, but it seems like there is no help for 20 people at once. The bread was very delicious and changed.
あんりん on Google

雰囲気もよく、料理もまあまあ美味しかったです。肉の味が、私には甘すぎましたが。 評価を低くした理由は ▪️パンかライスどちらがいいか聞かれずに、強制的にパンを出された。友達と3人で話に夢中だったので、文句もつけずに食べましたけど ▪️メインはお魚を頼んだのにオーダーミスでお肉が来た。作り直すと言われたが、時間がかかりそう&友達と時間ずれて食べるのが嫌だったので、お肉で我慢。スミマセンとは言われたけど、たいした悪びれた様子もなく。サービスもなく。 お高くとまってるお店だなーと思いました。
The atmosphere was good and the food was delicious. The taste of the meat was too sweet for me. The reason for lowering the evaluation ▪️ I was forced to make bread without being asked which one was better, bread or rice. I was absorbed in talking with three of my friends, so I ate without any complaints. ▪️ I ordered fish for the main dish, but the meat came due to an order mistake. I was told to remake it, but it seems that it will take time & I didn't want to eat with my friends at the wrong time, so be patient with meat. It was said to be Sumimasen, but it didn't look like it was bad. No service. I thought it was a very expensive store.
はるまーい on Google

母の誕生日にランチを頂きました! 私はランチコース前菜、パン、スープ、魚料理、デザートでした‪(*ˊᵕˋ* ) 他にもお肉のコース、ステーキなどたくさんメニューがありました(*^^*) 全体的に味付けは控えめで素材の味やハーブの風味をよく感じられました?美味しかったです! 年配の奥様も多く平日でも賑わっていました!
I had lunch on my mother's birthday! I had lunch course appetizer, bread, soup, fish dishes, dessert ‪(*ˊᵕˋ*) There were many other menus such as meat courses and steaks (*^^*) Overall, the seasoning was modest and I could feel the taste of the ingredients and the flavor of the herbs ? It was delicious! Many elderly wives were busy even on weekdays!
加藤陽子 on Google

ランチのコースをいただきました。 メニューが、チキンのマスタードソースだったので、いまいちフレンチらしさを感じませんでした。 白いパンがとてもモチモチで美味しかったです。 隣の席にかなりご年配の女性のグループがいて、耳が遠いせいか会話する声がとても大きく店中に響いていました。 杖をついてる方もいましたが、お店の方の対応はとても親切でしたが、あまりの大声に、こちらは会話も成り立ちませんでした。
I had a lunch course. The menu was chicken mustard sauce, so I didn't feel like French. The white bread was very chewy and delicious. There was a group of very old women in the seat next to me, and the voice of conversation was very loud and echoed throughout the store, probably because I was hard of hearing. Some people were wearing wands, but the shop staff was very kind, but they were so loud that we couldn't have a conversation.
such as on Google

今日は鶏肉のソテーシャリアピンソースのコースと単品でツナとナスのトマトソースパスタをチョイス。安心して食べられるお味です。 コースにはこの他にスープとデザートにパンナコッタ、飲み物が付きます。前みたいにケーキが選べるようになったら、もっと楽しいな!天井が高く開放感は抜群なのだけど、寒いのよ…だからマイナス1
Today, I chose the chicken sauteed Chaliapin sauce course and the tuna and eggplant tomato sauce pasta separately. It is a taste that you can eat with confidence. The course also includes soup, dessert, panna cotta and drinks. It would be even more fun if I could choose cakes like before! The ceiling is high and the feeling of openness is outstanding, but it's cold ... So minus 1
John-Michael Lewis on Google

The food was excellent and well presented. I felt the price was a little high because the venue is more tailored for weddings than people going out for a meal. Also I felt they should label what wine brands and vintage is being sold in their wine menu.

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