Ramen House Yamato - Gamagori

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Ramen House Yamato

住所 :

Katsukawa-105-2 Otsukacho, Gamagori, Aichi 443-0013, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8987
Postal code : 443-0013

Katsukawa-105-2 Otsukacho, Gamagori, Aichi 443-0013, Japan
kazuさん on Google

昔ながらのラーメン屋さん。 そして古田新太、松坂桃李主演の映画「空白」に出演したラーメン屋さん。 実際に映画にも出演した店主と奥さんが切り盛りしている。 味は昔ながらのあっさりめ。 個人的なオススメは唐揚げと餃子。因みにお皿を持っていけばテイクアウトも可能。 あえてマイナス点を挙げるならば、机の数が少ないこと。ただ店の規模を考えるとこれは仕方がない。 家族でも一人でも楽しめるかと思う。
An old-fashioned ramen shop. And the ramen shop who appeared in the movie "Blank" starring Arata Furuta and Tori Matsuzaka. The owner and his wife, who actually appeared in the movie, are working hard. The taste is old-fashioned and light. My personal recommendation is fried chicken and dumplings. By the way, if you bring a plate, you can take out. If you dare to give a negative point, the number of desks is small. However, considering the size of the store, this is unavoidable. I think you can enjoy it with your family or alone.
Tetsuya N. on Google

通勤途中にあるラグーナ前にあるラーメン屋さん。タイミング良く寄ることができました。先客1名。 しょうゆラーメンは見た目以上にボリュームあります。麺は平ザルでチャチャっと。 スープは濃いめ。ごめんなさい。残しちゃいました。 餃子は8個+モヤシ+ライスで美味しく頂きました。
A ramen shop in front of Laguna on the way to work. I was able to stop by at the right time. One customer. The salty soy sauce ramen is more voluminous than it looks. The noodles are flat colander and fluffy. The soup is thick. sorry. I left it. The dumplings were delicious with 8 pieces + bean sprouts + rice.
ういんなぁ on Google

Miso butter, dandan noodles, and dumplings are especially recommended, and I don't really want to teach them, but Twice-cooked meat is the best menu.
向山丁子 on Google

I ate stamina ramen. It was like stir-fried vegetable ramen with grated garlic on it. It was delicious normally. Is it only open at night?
トシヤ on Google

はじめてうがい、ランチが有ったので頼んでみました!チャーハンにラーメン 揚げ餃子 漬物までついていました!好き嫌い別れると思いますが自分は美味しかったです、細麺で少し濃いめのスープ 揚げ餃子とても美味しかったです!ごちそうさまでした。 680円税込お値打ちだと思います‼️
I had lunch for the first time, so I asked for it! The fried rice was accompanied by ramen, fried dumplings, and pickles! I think I like it or not, but I was delicious, the soup with thin noodles and a little thick fried dumplings was very delicious! Thank you for the meal. I think it's a good value for 680 yen including tax! ️
オガワはるさん on Google

夫婦二人で営んでる15人でいっぱいになる様な小さなお店です。餃子に着いてるもやしを見てもらえば分かるように、女将さんがもやしの毛を1本1本毎日取ってます。 料理に愛情。手間暇には妥協はしないと思います。何を食べても美味しいと思います。 みそチャーシュー、うま煮ラーメン、餃子をたのみました。
It's a small shop run by two couples and filled with 15 people. As you can see from the bean sprouts on the dumplings, the proprietress takes each bean sprout hair every day. Affection for cooking. I don't think we will compromise on time and effort. I think it's delicious no matter what you eat. I ate miso char siu, boiled horse ramen, and dumplings.
はたちゃん on Google

日曜のお昼前に行きました!空いてるのもあったんですがそれにしても提供が早いなと思いました。味も美味しいです。坦々麺と天津麺とチャーハン 坦々麺の味、濃いめ塩分高めでした!でも美味しかったです 天津麺は卵美味しかった!炒飯は特徴を感じなかったですが普通にザ炒飯!坦々麺の後に出てきたのでそれを食べてからだと味が少し分からなくなってしまた
I went before noon on Sunday! It was vacant, but I thought it would be offered quickly. The taste is also delicious. Tantan noodles, Tianjin noodles and fried rice The taste of dandan noodles was high and the salt content was high! but it was delicious The Tianjin noodles were delicious! I didn't feel the characteristics of the fried rice, but the fried rice is normal! It came out after the dandan noodles, so I couldn't understand the taste a little after eating it again.
Ai Kihara on Google

Great if you love strong tasting ramen

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