Rai Rai Tei - Aichi District

3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Rai Rai Tei

住所 :

2 Chome-4-3 Shimizu, Togo, Aichi District, Aichi 470-0165, Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Postal code : 470-0165
Webサイト : http://www.rairaitei.co.jp/

2 Chome-4-3 Shimizu, Togo, Aichi District, Aichi 470-0165, Japan
矢藤裕之 on Google

Compared to Okazaki and Toyota stores, the customer service is sloppy. I feel something different. I had only my favorite chain, and I thought it was kind of tedious. The taste is good.
冷蔵庫満タン on Google

ランチに行きました。 少し出遅れたら満席でしたよね。 少し待つこと入店。 昼時に食べに行きました。 目的は「レバーの唐揚げ」これだけを食べに来る価値ありです。 ラーメンはねぎ大盛。 ランチはライス(大・中・小から選べる)が一杯無料でついてきます! 来来亭は私にとって塩辛いのでいつも醤油は薄味にお願いしてます。 ラーメンも美味しですよ❗ 何よりもランチのパートのお姉さまの素晴らしい接客が心なごみます。
I went to lunch. It was full if I was a little late. Enter the store after waiting for a while. I went to eat at noon. The purpose is "fried liver" It is worth coming to eat only this. Ramen is a large serving of green onions. Lunch comes with a free cup of rice (choose from large, medium and small)! Rairaitei is salty for me, so always ask for a light soy sauce. Ramen is also delicious ❗ Above all, the wonderful customer service of the older sister of the lunch part is soothing.
Misokusikatu Nt on Google

特製ラーメン+辛ニラ辛もやしトッピング(基本の醤油ラーメン、麺固め味薄め背脂少なめ葱多め) ★★★ あっさりラーメンと具が絡み合って美味しかったです。キムチ、ニラ、もやしの辛味も程よく、コレに生一味を加えると旨辛ラーメンより好きかもです。ごちそうさまです。 ラーメン ★★★ 定番のアッサリ醤油。細麺、あっさりチャーシュー、シャキシャキ葱とバランスが取れてて美味しい。スープは背脂の旨甘味を考慮して出汁の濃度は軽めです。。タレは濃厚傾向なので、カスタマイズの薄味ができるのが嬉しい。普通味だと私には塩辛い。葱が美味いのが来来亭の良いところいつもも葱多めで注文します。九条葱をスープに浸してチャーシューとたべると最高です。注文の際に塩味の濃淡、背脂の多少など選べますが、混雑状況や調理する人によっては若干ぶれがあります。忙しときは標準がお勧めです。ごちそうさまでした。 チャーシューメン★★★ 普通のラーメンと同じように薄切りチャーシューがたくさん並べてあると思いきや、色々な部位カットが入っていました。心なしか厚さも厚めですがバラバラ感はいなめません。ラーメンや葱を巻いて食べにくいのは残念。プラス170円で肉量としては十分満足できます。馳走さまでした。 梅干し★★★★ サービス品の梅干し。 程よい酸味で美味い。 中国産ですが、品質はしっかりしてるとおもいます。個体差ありますが、そこは無料サービス品。贅沢言ってはバチがあたります。 ラーメンにいれてもよし、ごはんと食べても良し。食欲増します。✕毎回 生一味★★★★ サービス品の調味料。 生ならではの味。特に冷麺は辛子抜きにして、こっちを足すのがオススメ。味噌ラーメン以外は毎回匙2杯いれてます。✕毎回 こってりラーメン★★★ アッサリが、好みですがパスがある事もあり、初めて注文してみました。予想通り背脂チャッチャ系タップリバージョンですね。 基本の醤油ラーメンが美味しいので、バランスとれてました。私は基本薄味好きですが、こちらは油分との兼ね合いもかり普通味にしましたところ、美味しくいただけました。ごちそうさまです。 冷麺 ★★ 来来亭独特のゴマ味。定番の甘酸っぱ醤油の冷やし中華とはちがいました。辛子がアクセントですね。入れるかどうか聞いてくれます。麺は太麺で、もちもちで食べごたえありますが具が寂しい。金属容器は熱伝導よすぎて温くなるのがはやいですし、普通の冷やし中華の方が好きかな。2回目以降は辛子抜きにしてテーブルの生一味いれました。ピリッとして美味しい私は辛子より唐辛子の方があってると思いました。ごちそうさまでした。 まぜそば★ キャンペーン品?台湾混ぜそば好きなので楽しみでしたが、タレが塩辛く濃く食べ終わった直後に水を2杯一気飲みしました。具が玉葱以外ほぼラーメンの流用です。具メンマは存在が主張しないですし、細かいチャーシューが端肉のようで固く塩辛い。コレならいらないです。魚粉の風味も弱かったです。温度は熱くていい感じでした。麺はタレを弾きます。総じて自宅チルド麺と差がないです。残念。ごちそうさまです。 旨辛まぜそば★ まぜそばの、旨辛版。 うまから味噌がのってます。 最初の三口まではイケると思いましたが、味噌が全体に絡むと塩辛い。チャーハンの3倍ぐらい。唐辛子の辛さは好きですが塩っぱいのは苦手な私にはキツかった。汗かいた後の食事ならいいと思います。辛味は程よく感じました。 ラーメンみたいに味の濃淡がチョイスできると良いと思いました。 残念。ニンニクの風味はとっても良かったです。 ギョーザ定食★★★ 定番の定食。いつもの味で美味しい。ギョーザの焼き加減が最高。表面パリ、皮しっとり。少し具が物足りなく感じてしまう。最近、冷凍食品のレベルが上がり過ぎて店舗の苦労が伺えます。セットならこれが一番だとおもいます。 ギョーザ(別日) 皮がもちもちしてカリっとしてます。具もニンニクがしっかり感じられつつ肉野菜感があり美味しかったです。ただわがまま言わせて頂くと、前回の方が焼きが更に1段上のカリカリももっちりでした。日によっての違いがわかるのも楽しみではあります。ごちそうさまでした。 旨辛麺★★ 程よい辛さで、夏にピッタリ。太麺と野菜も入っていて美味しかったです。ただ、辛味のを受け止めるボディがスープに感じられないので、担々麺の胡麻やピーナツみたいな油脂が絡んだ旨辛であればいつで食べたい味でした。ごちそうさまでした。 塩ラーメン★★★ アッサリスープと塩味がしっかり感じられ美味しかった。私には少し塩辛いので、薄味カスタムできるとちょど良い。チャーシューも赤身で脂がスープを濁さす美味しい。焦がしネギ?のアクセントもいいですね。ネギが嬉しい事に白葱です。 私はこっちが好きです。ごちそうさまでした。×1 唐揚げ定食★★★ 胸肉のアッサリ唐揚げが4つ。添えたレモンが嬉しい。熱々で肉汁もあり、衣もカリッとしていました。ラーメンで物足りないときにオススメしたい定食です。 ごちそうさまでした。×2 赤味噌ラーメン★★★ 愛知の赤味噌(豆味噌)と思って注文したら、何と赤い辣油(辛い)味噌ラーメンでした。 しかし、プリッとした太麺に旨味たっぷりの味噌ダレのスープが絡み美味い。 アクセントの胡麻やチャーシューも辛味を帯びて、多めにパティスリー ル パラディとチャーシューと梅干をレンゲに山盛りにして食べるとまた、お酒が進むようなオツマミ的な味で美味しいです。辛旨よりこっちが好きですね。ごちそうさまです。✕1 チャーハン(半)★★★ パラパラしつつも、米が乾いてなく熱々で美味しいです。醤油ダレの味がつよいので、濃い味好きな方には喜ばれそうです。具の端チャーシューよく絡んで一体化してます。混ぜそばとは大違い。こちらも味が濃いので、総じて濃厚にかんじます。本日は満席で多忙のようです。定員さんが調理時間が長くなることを伝え周り気持ちよく待つことができました。炒飯は調理師さんの技術によって若干のバラツキがあります。どこの店でもそうですが、以前食べたのに比べると炒め方が良かったとおもいます。ごちそうさまでした。✕2 カレーラーメン★ カレー大好き、ラーメン大好き。 夢のコラボですね。 スパイス感は強くありません。 辛味は市販ルーの中辛ぐらいかな。太麺が食べ応えあります。 しかしながら私には塩味が濃すぎる。レンゲ4杯分の水を足しました。普通の醤油ラーメンにカレーペーストを大さじ1杯ぐらい足したような塩味に感じました。スープの塩分でいつも程よく感じるチャーシューがハムの様に感じました。某カレーチェーンの様なラーメンを勝手に期待しましたが方向性が違うようです。再注文はなさそう残念。ごちそうさまでした。 葱ラーメン★★ 通常のラーメンに使われる青葱を千切りにして葱油を絡めた商品でした。ネギラーメンといえば白髪ネギがピリ辛に和えてあるのがドッサリのイメージですので、青ネギバージョン来来亭のみです。過去数回頼みましたが、どの店舗でも葱が写真の状態で上手いこと刻まれてませんので麺に絡みません。葱切るのは難しいとはおもいますがざんねんねす。 葱の山をなんとか解すのですがダマになります。長く細いので噛み切りにくいです。これなら、通常ネギのトッピング✕2にテーブルの一味を絡めたほうが私のイメージしてるネギラーメンぽいかも。白髪葱バージョンなら毎回頼みたい。ごちそうさまでした。 天津飯★★★ あっさりしてラーメンによく合います。カニカマも玉子焼きがタップリですがお値段抑えめで良かったです。私的にはチャーハンよりこっちかな。ただ、ラーメン屋さんの天津飯というとカニは僅かでもスープがラーメンと同じ出汁で旨味タップリな薄味というイメージですが、少し軽いような感じがしました。辛旨麺でも感じたので来来亭さんはタレの旨味が強いのでしょうか。あと、玉子焼きはもう少し火入れ時間を短くして予熱調理にしていただけるとフワフワで嬉しいです。忙しそうなので難しいかもしれません。肉の焦げはパリッと感につながり美味しのですが、玉子の焦げは独特の食感になり万人受けしないと思います。 火を入れすぎるとどうしても固い茹玉子の黄身のようなモワッとした感じになります。でもセットで頼むとお得なのでリピートあるかも。リピしました。餡が多めになってて美味しかったです。ごちそうさまでした。✕2 豚キムチ★★ バラ肉のチャーシュー?とキムチを炒め辛いタレが和えてあります。酸味は少なめで辣油の味強めです。ご飯もしくはビールが進む味です。ネギが上に添えられていましたが、一緒に炒めてもらえるとより美味しくなる気がします。来来亭さんは他のメニューもネギが上に散らしてあるのですが、熱々のラーメンと違いネギに火が通る要素がない品は一緒に火を通してもらえると嬉しいですね。 肉に予め火が通してあるのと下味がバッチリはいっているので、よくある酸味が効いたがっかり豚キムチではなく、濃厚な豚キムチだとおもいました。ごちそうさまです。 パス最終日に素晴らしいサービスをされるハキハキした定員さんがいらっしゃいました。お年寄り、家族連れと状況に合わせた案内や説明。他の従業員への気遣い、仲間の仕事のフォローと気持ちよく食事捺せていただきました。ごちそうさまです。 ゴルードパスにて1ヶ月の口福と財布にも嬉しい日々です。 スタッフの皆様、本当にありがとうございます
Special ramen + spicy lard sprouts topping (basic soy sauce ramen, noodles with a thin taste, less backfat, more green onions) ★★★ The ramen and ingredients were easily intertwined and it was delicious. The spiciness of kimchi, leek, and bean sprouts is also moderate, and if you add a raw bite to this, you may like it more than spicy ramen. Thanks for the meal. Ramen ★★★ Classic assari soy sauce. It is well-balanced with thin noodles, light char siu, and crispy green onions and is delicious. The soup has a light soup stock in consideration of the sweetness of the backfat. .. The sauce tends to be rich, so it's nice to be able to customize it. It's salty to me if it's normal taste. The good thing about Rairaitei is that the green onions are delicious. I always order a lot of green onions. It is best to soak Kujo green onions in soup and eat with char siu. When ordering, you can choose the shade of saltiness and the amount of backfat, but there may be slight fluctuation depending on the congestion situation and the person who cooks. Standard is recommended when you are busy. Thank you for the meal. Char siu men ★★★ I thought that a lot of sliced ​​pork was lined up like ordinary ramen, but there were various cuts. It's thick, but it doesn't feel disjointed. It's a pity that it's hard to eat with ramen and green onions. Plus 170 yen is enough for the amount of meat. It was a treat. Umeboshi ★★★★ Umeboshi, a service item. Delicious with just the right amount of acidity. Although it is made in China, I think the quality is solid. There are individual differences, but there are free service items. When it comes to luxury, it's a drumstick. You can put it in ramen or eat it with rice. Increases appetite. ✕ every time Raw gang ★★★★ Service product seasoning. Raw taste. Especially for cold noodles, it is recommended to remove the mustard and add this. Except for miso ramen, I put 2 spoons each time. ✕ every time Rich ramen ★★★ I like assari, but I have a pass, so I ordered it for the first time. As expected, it's a backfat chatcha type tap reversion. The basic soy sauce ramen is delicious, so it was well-balanced. I like the basic light taste, but when I made it a normal taste in consideration of the oil content, it was delicious. Thanks for the meal. Cold noodles ★★ Sesame flavor unique to Rairaitei. It was different from the classic sweet and sour soy sauce chilled Chinese. The mustard is the accent. You will be asked if you want to put it in. The noodles are thick and chewy, but the ingredients are lonely. Metal containers are too heat-conducting to get warm quickly, and I wonder if I prefer ordinary chilled Chinese. From the second time onward, I took the mustard and enjoyed the whole table. It's spicy and delicious, and I thought there were more peppers than mustard. Thank you for the meal. Mazesoba ★ Campaign product? I was looking forward to it because I like mixed soba noodles in Taiwan, but I drank two glasses of water at once immediately after I finished eating the sauce was salty and thick. The ingredients are mostly ramen except onions. The existence of Menma is not claimed, and the fine char siu is like meat and is hard and salty. I don't need this. The flavor of fishmeal was also weak. The temperature was hot and nice. The noodles play the sauce. Generally, it is no different from home chilled noodles. Sorry. Thanks for the meal. Spicy mixed soba ★ A spicy version of Mazesoba. Miso is on top of the horse. I thought it was cool up to the first three mouths, but it was salty when the miso was entwined throughout. About 3 times as much as fried rice. I like the spiciness of peppers, but I don't like saltiness, so it was hard for me. I think it's good to have a meal after sweating. I felt the spiciness moderately. I thought it would be nice to be able to choose the shade of taste like ramen. Sorry. The garlic flavor was very good. Gyoza set meal ★★★ A classic set meal. Delicious with the usual taste. The degree of grilling of Gyoza is the best. Surface Paris, moist skin. I feel a little unsatisfactory. Recently, the level of frozen foods has risen too much, and we can see the difficulties of stores. I think this is the best set. Gyoza (another day) The skin is chewy and crispy. The ingredients were delicious with a sense of meat and vegetables while the garlic was firmly felt. However, let me tell you selfishly, the last time the grill was one step higher and crispy. I'm looking forward to seeing the difference from day to day. Thank you for the meal. Spicy noodles ★★ Moderately spicy, perfect for summer. It was delicious with thick noodles and vegetables. However, the body that catches the spicy taste does not feel like soup, so if it is spicy with oils and fats such as dandan noodles sesame and peanuts, I always wanted to eat it. Thank you for the meal. Shio ramen ★★★ The assari soup and salty taste were firmly felt and it was delicious. It's a little salty to me, so it would be nice to be able to customize it with a light taste. The char siu is also lean and the fat makes the soup cloudy. Scorched green onion? The accent of is also good. I'm glad that the green onions are white onions. I like this one. Thank you for the meal. × 1 Fried chicken set meal ★★★ There are 4 fried chicken breasts. I'm happy with the lemon. It was hot and had gravy, and the clothes were crispy. It is a set meal that I would like to recommend when ramen is not enough. Thank you for the meal. × 2 Red miso ramen ★★★ When I ordered it because I thought it was Aichi's red miso (bean miso), it was red miso ramen (spicy). However, the crispy thick noodles are entwined with the miso sauce soup, which is delicious. The accented sesame and char siu are also spicy, and if you eat a heap of patisserie le paradi, char siu and umeboshi on a lotus, it is also delicious with a taste like alcohol. I like this one more than spicy. Thanks for the meal. ✕ 1 Fried rice (half) ★★★ The rice is hot and delicious, even though it's fluffy. The soy sauce sauce has a strong taste, so it seems to be appreciated by those who like strong taste. The end char siu of the ingredients is well entwined and integrated. It's very different from mixed soba. This one also has a strong taste, so it is generally rich. It seems to be full and busy today. I was able to wait comfortably around the capacity, telling me that the cooking time would be longer. Fried rice has some variations depending on the skill of the cook. As with any store, I think it was better to stir-fry than I had eaten before. Thank you for the meal. ✕ 2 Curry ramen ★ I love curry, I love ramen. It's a dream collaboration. The feeling of spice is not strong. The spiciness is about the medium spiciness of commercial roux. Thick noodles are delicious. However, it is too salty for me. I added 4 glasses of water. I felt the salty taste like adding about 1 tablespoon of curry paste to ordinary soy sauce ramen. The char siu, which I always feel moderately with the salt content of the soup, felt like ham. I expected ramen like a certain curry chain without permission, but the direction seems to be different. I'm sorry I won't reorder. Thank you for the meal. Oni ramen ★★ It was a product of shredded green onions used in ordinary ramen and entwined with green onions. Speaking of green onion ramen, the image of dossari is that white-haired green onions are spicy, so only the green onion version Rairaitei. I've asked for it several times in the past, but at any store, the green onions aren't carved well in the state shown in the photo, so they don't get entangled in the noodles. I think it's difficult to cut the green onions, but I'm sorry. I managed to solve the mountain of green onions, but it was a mess. It's long and thin, so it's hard to bite off. In this case, it might be more like the green onion ramen that I imagined to have the table gang entwined with the green onion topping ✕2. I would like to ask for the gray onion version every time. Thank you for the meal. Tianjin rice ★★★ It goes well with ramen. Tamagoyaki is also good for crab sticks, but it was good to keep the price down. I think it's better than fried rice. However, when it comes to Tianjin rice at a ramen shop, the image of crab is that the soup is the same as the ramen soup and has a light taste, but it feels a little light. I felt it even with spicy noodles, so I wonder if Rairaitei has a strong sauce. Also, I'd be happy if the tamagoyaki could be cooked in a preheated manner with a shorter burning time. It may be difficult because it seems to be busy. The charred meat leads to a crispy texture and is delicious, but the charred egg has a unique texture and I think that everyone will not receive it. If you overcook it, it will feel like a hard boiled egg yolk. But if you ask for it as a set, it's a good deal, so it may be repeatable. I did a lipstick. It was delicious with a lot of bean paste. Thank you for the meal. ✕ 2 Pork kimchi ★★ Ribs char siu? Stir-fried kimchi and spicy sauce. The sourness is low and the taste of chili oil is strong. The taste of rice or beer. The green onions were attached to the top, but I feel that it will be more delicious if you stir-fry it together. Rairaitei also has green onions scattered on the other menus, but unlike hot ramen, it would be nice if you could have the green onions cooked together. The meat was cooked in advance and the taste was perfect, so I thought it was a rich pork kimchi, not the disappointing pork kimchi with the usual sourness. Thanks for the meal. On the last day of the pass, there was an energetic capacity who provided excellent service. Guidance and explanations tailored to the situation with the elderly and families. I was kind to other employees, followed up on the work of my colleagues, and had a pleasant meal. Thanks for the meal. I'm happy with my wallet and good luck for a month with the Gorudo Pass. Thank you to all the staff
うどんそば on Google

感染対策ずさんでした、、 消毒は店の外だけでテーブルには何にもありませんでした。 アルコールありますか?と聞いてもないですねー。で終わり、貸してくれる様子もなし、、 極め付けに調理スタッフの1人は、マスクを顎にしていました。せめてスタッフの感染対策はしっかりしていただきたいです。
Infection control was sloppy ... The disinfection was only outside the store and there was nothing on the table. Do you have alcohol? I haven't heard that. It ends with, and it doesn't seem to lend me ... Ultimately, one of the cooking staff had a mask on his chin. At the very least, I would like the staff to take proper measures against infection.
亜久竜夫 on Google

毎回思うのだがチェーン店でこんなに違うの?と感じる⚠️ 他店では元気に挨拶されますがココはね? やはり同じチェーン店でも多少は遠くなるけど他のお店に? 同じ値段を払うなら気持ち良い方が良いですもんね?
I think every time, but I feel that it's so different at a chain store ? ⚠️ You will be greeted cheerfully at other stores, but here is ? After all it will be a little far from the same chain store, but to other stores ? If you pay the same price, you should feel good.
トシピン on Google

I got a leek ramen. was delicious. However, the green onions are a bit bluish and cannot be chewed, so we will order another one next time. It seems that how to cut leeks varies from store to store.
cafeすけ on Google

株式会社来来亭は、滋賀県野洲市に本社を置く飲食事業者、ならびに同社が運営する日本のラーメンチェーン店。 豊田方面に出かける用事があり、道すがらにあった来来亭の東郷店でランチ。ワンタン麺と半チャーハンのセットを注文。ワンタン麺はワンタンとスープの相性が良く、スープと一緒に食べるととても美味しいです。チャーハンは油を多く使ってるためかちょっとくどいかも。写真では分かりにくいが提供時表面がテカってて、油ぎってた。味はちょっとしょっぱい。麺は細麺で丁度いい。感動する旨さではないが。注文はタッチパネル式です。水はセルフ。会計は対面。レジに自動精算機を導入したらスムーズになると思うのだけれど、、、まぁお昼ご飯を食べるならば価格的にも味的にもいいと思います。ごちそうさまでした。
Rairaitei Co., Ltd. is a restaurant company headquartered in Yasu City, Shiga Prefecture, and a Japanese ramen chain store operated by the company. I had a business trip to Toyota and had lunch at Rairaitei's Togo store along the way. I ordered a set of wonton noodles and half fried rice. Wonton noodles go well with wonton and soup, and are very delicious when eaten with soup. Fried rice may be a little confusing because it uses a lot of oil. It's hard to see in the photo, but the surface was shiny and oily at the time of provision. The taste is a little salty. The noodles are thin and just right. I'm not impressed. The order is a touch panel type. Water is self. Accounting is face-to-face. I think it will be smoother if we introduce an automatic checkout machine at the cash register, but I think that if you eat lunch, it will be good in terms of price and taste. Thank you for the meal.
松岡洋一郎 on Google

My top 3 in my personal list of good ramen shops in the places I have lived, you can choose the type of your noodle from soft, hard, etc. You can add toppings on your ramen too! their gyoza is amazing and their fried rice a.k.a. chahan, I would suggest to try their Chashyu Ramen Shoyu it's awesome if you don't mind the oilyness of the bowl of hot ramen. I visited the shop during the night had the dinner with my wife and kid and they have a child seat, and unfortunately they have an elderly waitress so please be nice to her she is very polite and professiobal but she might have a bit of a problem in hearing, over-all experience is AMAZING!

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