
4.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Qlover志都呂店

住所 :

Yuto, Nishi Ward, Hamamatsu, 〒431-0103 Shizuoka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88799
Webサイト : https://beauty.hotpepper.jp/kr/slnH000422761/
街 : Shizuoka

Yuto, Nishi Ward, Hamamatsu, 〒431-0103 Shizuoka,Japan
鈴木玖実子 on Google

初めてのホワイトニングだったのでカウンセリングからスタート! コーヒーもタバコもだったので結構黄ばんでいたけど終わった頃には3トーンアップ⤴️ これからの結果も楽しみです٩( ᐕ)و
It was my first whitening, so I started with counseling! It was quite yellow because it was coffee and cigarettes, but by the time it was over, 3 tones were up ⤴️ I'm looking forward to the results from now on ٩ (ᐕ) و
伊奈明香 on Google

初来店‼︎お店の方の説明もとってもわかりやすくGood? お肌の悩みもちゃんと聞いて頂けます♪ そして一回でとっても効果あり‼︎ お家ケアも大事ですがちゃんとプロにやってもらうことも大事だなと実感しました♪ 次回もきます♪
First visit! ︎ The explanation of the shop staff is very easy to understand Good ? You can listen to your skin problems ♪ And it is very effective once! ︎ Home care is important, but I realized that it is also important to have a professional do it properly ♪ I will come again next time ♪
太田芙実香 on Google

毛穴の開きとイチゴ鼻にずっと悩んでいて ハーブピーリングが良いと聞き 初めて体験してみました。 1回ではあまり期待していませんでしたが 1回目で鼻の汚れはほぼ綺麗になくなり 毛穴もかなり小さくなりました! 長年悩まされていたので 結果が直ぐに実感出来て嬉しいです
I've been worried about the opening of pores and the strawberry nose I heard that herbal peeling is good I tried it for the first time. I didn't expect much at one time The first time, the dirt on the nose disappears almost completely The pores are also much smaller! I've been troubled for many years I'm glad that I can feel the result immediately
ポロン on Google

Face hair loss that I started because I didn't like blue beard. Now, even the 4th time, I don't care at all! I shave my beard about twice a week! The staff are also very polite and knowledgeable, so I think they are professionals! ? Recommended for those who are interested in hair removal! ?
Risa8377 on Google

I was very impressed with the very kind and easy-to-understand explanations, as I was able to get results for both whitening and slimming teeth in one go. The handwritten message also warmed my heart. I still want to use it.
chiemi yoshida on Google

歯のホワイトニングを無料で体験したのですが、マウスピース代550円のみで施術時間も30分で完了出来てお手軽でした。 気になる方は一度お試しを!
I experienced tooth whitening for free, but it was easy because the treatment time was only 550 yen and the treatment time was 30 minutes. If you are interested, please try it once!
江原亜矢子 on Google

初めてハーブピーリングを受けました。丁寧な御説明を受けました。 ベースとなる基本料に、オプションを付ける事で更に効果を得ることが出来るそうです。 こするなどの刺激は少し強めに感じました(以前受けていたエステがとても優しかったのでギャップがあります。) 終わったあとはお肌ピカピカになりました。基礎化粧品もお肌がやわらかくなりました。
I received herbal peeling for the first time. I received a polite explanation. It seems that you can get more effect by adding an option to the basic basic charge. I felt the stimulus such as rubbing was a little stronger (there is a gap because the beauty treatment salon I received before was very kind). After finishing, my skin became shiny. Basic cosmetics also soften the skin.
うーたんりたん on Google

先日ホワイトニングで御来店しました! 歯があまり綺麗な方ではないので 自信もなく、不安ばかりでしたが しっかり白くなっていました? たったの1回から効果が実感できるので 是非気になる方は行ってみてください!!
I came to the store for whitening the other day! I don't have very beautiful teeth I wasn't confident and I was worried It was white ? Because you can feel the effect from just once If you are interested, please go! !!

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