QB House - Kasukabe

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact QB House

住所 :

ララガーデン春日部, 2F, 1 Chome-1-1 Minami, Kasukabe, Saitama 344-0064, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8799
Postal code : 344-0064
Webサイト : https://www.qbhouse.co.jp/search/552
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–8PM
Sunday 10AM–8PM
Monday 10AM–8PM
Tuesday 10AM–8PM
Wednesday 10AM–8PM
Thursday 10AM–8PM
Friday 10AM–8PM

ララガーデン春日部, 2F, 1 Chome-1-1 Minami, Kasukabe, Saitama 344-0064, Japan
がのんちパワプロ on Google

何回も行っていますが店員さんのクオリティにはかなりの差があります。 上手い人は接客も丁寧でカットも上手いですが下手な奴はほんとにイライラするレベル。 しかも全然カットしてないのにもういいですか?とか言ってくる。 多分二度と行かない。
I go there many times, but the quality of the clerk is quite different. Good people are good at customer service and polite and good at cutting, but bad people are really frustrating levels. And is it okay to cut it at all? I will say. I will never go again.
Etsushi Sato on Google

顧客の対応が良かった。 散髪中のマスクの付け外しが選択制だったのも良かったです。
The customer response was good. It was also good that the removal of the mask during the haircut was optional.
なおりあ on Google

It may be crowded because it is in a commercial facility, but many of the staff are pleasant and the cospa is good.
ドラゴン on Google

まだ一度なのでこの評価にしておきます。 若い女性に対応してもらったが最初愛想悪いのかな?思ったけど?相談して髪型決めて切ってもらった良い対応! また行って他の人になった時はまた損時判断していきます。
It's only once, so I'll leave it to this evaluation. I had a young woman deal with me, but I wonder if it's unfriendly at first. I thought? Good response after consulting and deciding on a hairstyle! When I go again and become another person, I will judge the loss again.
マグロ旨い on Google

平日はすぐ切ってもらえて、休日も長く待たせず切ってくれます。 1人10分程度でカットしてくれるので、時間がない方にはオススメです。 ただ、短時間でカットしてくれるので、会話はなく、カット後の質には技術者により差があります。
You can cut it immediately on weekdays, and you can cut off holidays without waiting too long. It will cut in about 10 minutes per person, so it is recommended for those who do not have time. However, since it cuts in a short time, there is no conversation, and the quality after cutting varies depending on the engineer.
りなゆ on Google

閉店時間10分前くらいに行ったんですが、嫌な顔されず、しかも丁寧に細かいところまでしっかり切って貰えました。 名前は忘れてしまったんですが、黒髪でオールバック?の、眼鏡の男性店員さんに切ってもらいました。 髪を全体的に梳いてもらって、長さを整えてもらう感じだったのですが、切ってもらっている最中に「前下がりボブを目指してますか?」など色々と聞いて頂けて、最終的には悩まされていた毛先のハネも無くなり、このまま髪が伸びれば前下がりボブになるようにしてくれました! 1200円でこのクオリティは凄すぎます。
I went there about 10 minutes before the closing time, but I didn't have any disgusting faces, and I was able to cut them carefully and finely. I forgot the name, black hair and all back? I had a male clerk in glasses cut it. I had the hair combed over the entire length and had the hair straightened, but while I was having it cut, I was able to hear various things like "Are you aiming for Bob to fall forward?" The hair at the tip of the hair, which was bothering me, disappeared, and if my hair grew as it was, she would drop down to Bob! This quality is too great for 1200 yen.
1919 shiraoka on Google

ごく普通のQBハウスです。 スタッフが多いので少し混んでいてもすぐに順番が回ってきます。
It's a normal QB house. Since there are many staff, even if it is a little crowded, the turn will come soon.
シマのふ on Google

There are a lot of customers, but I think it's a good idea to turn around because we can handle 3 or 4 people. I like it because it does it politely.

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