Puff - Osaka

4.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Puff

住所 :

1F 7 Chome-2-23 Tanimachi, Chuo Ward, Osaka, 542-0012, Japan

電話 : 📞 +89998
Postal code : 542-0012
Webサイト : http://cafe-puff.business.site/

1F 7 Chome-2-23 Tanimachi, Chuo Ward, Osaka, 542-0012, Japan
今田真理 on Google

The coffee bowl and cake bowl were very delicious and the atmosphere of the shop and the customer service were very good ~ ☆
Rika atamakutiaranoyas on Google

ノスタルジックで優しい雰囲気 体が喜ぶごはん 素敵なcafeです
Nostalgic and gentle atmosphere Rice that body is pleased with Nice cafe
Chikako Karakama on Google

It's a bit narrow, but it's a little retro shop that's considered well. When you sit down, do you want cold water? Do you want white water? I was relieved. I had hot water. Of course, the meals were all 30 but this was light but delicious.
LIN TOMORI on Google

I've been stretching my legs when I have time for a long time. It's hot today, too. ☀️?☀️ Customers come from locals and tourists. I came after 1 o'clock today, but the customers are already full (> _ <) I was able to sit at the last shared table ? I ordered today's lunch, various kinds of ??? in the plate Because there is food, you will have an appetite ~ ⤴ All the tastes are light and gentle on the body Today's most delicious is fried chikuwa It was delicious because there are slightly different foods inside, a little more slowly I'm going to go home after doing this, but I'm back today because customers are coming ?
猫師 on Google

空堀商店街にある小さな小さなカフェ。 最近は食べログでは探し辛くなってきたマイナーな良い店を他のサイトで探してますが、 こちらはrettyの投稿を見て見つけたお店です。 どこに行くか悩んでいたのでrettyで美味しそうな写真を見つけてその日のうちに すぐ訪問しました。 空堀商店街の中程で道を1本入ってすぐの所にあります。 入り口は昔ながらの引き戸で 風情がありますね。 店に入ると、1人で切り盛りされてる本当に小さなカフェでした。 1時くらいに行くと先客は女性2人。 その後も女性2人が来たので女子率高い(慣れてるけど、笑) 入る直前に店の前のメニュー看板を見ると日替わりしか聞いていなかったので 日替わりを注文しました。 が、入り口入って扉の上の壁に貼ってあるメニューには別のものも書いていたのでご注意を。 ま、私は日替わりで良かったので問題なかったですが。 ◆本日のパフランチ 価格 800円 メインは塩麹チキンカツのフレッシュトマトソース、他にはまぐろ大根煮込み、 かぶらとセロリの柚子胡椒マリネ、蓮根たっぷりのサラダ、カブ菜と干しエビを ふりかけたもち麦ご飯、味噌汁です。 見た目も可愛くて女性心をくすぐりそうなランチです。 鶏肉は塩麹効果もあってか柔らかくしっとり美味しい。 トマトソースも果肉入りで美味しいんですw 他の小鉢料理は普通に美味しいかな。 野菜はそれほど多くはありませんが色々入っているので満足♪ ご飯の盛り方が寝転んだ雪だるまの上にカブ菜と干しエビが乗ったみたく可愛らしくて、 ほっこりするランチでした。 このカフェ独特の空気感とほっこりするランチに満足。 写真を見た直感で訪問して正解でした、笑 ご馳走さまでした!
A small small cafe in the Karahori shopping street. Recently, I'm looking for a minor good restaurant on other sites that has become difficult to find in Tabelog, This is the shop I found by looking at the retty post. I was wondering where to go, so I found a photo that looked delicious on retty and that day I visited immediately. It is located in the middle of Karahori Shopping Street, just after entering one road. The entrance is a traditional sliding door There is a taste. When I entered the store, it was a really small cafe that was cut by myself. When I go around 1 o'clock, there are two women. After that, two women came, so the rate of girls is high (I'm used to it, but lol) When I saw the menu sign in front of the store just before entering, I heard only daily changes. I ordered a daily change. However, please note that there was another item on the menu on the wall above the door when you entered the entrance. Well, I'm glad that it changes daily, so there was no problem. ◆ Today's Pafranchi Price 800 yen The main is fresh tomato sauce of salted chicken cutlet, and the others are stewed tuna radish, Marinated yuzu pepper with turnip and celery, salad with lotus root, turnip vegetables and dried shrimp Sprinkled glutinous barley rice and miso soup. It's a lunch that looks cute and seems to tickle the hearts of women. Chicken is tender, moist and delicious, probably because of the salted koji effect. The tomato sauce is also delicious with the pulp w I wonder if other small bowl dishes are usually delicious. There aren't many vegetables, but I'm satisfied with the variety. The way to serve rice is cute, like a turnip greens and dried shrimp on a snowman lying down. It was a relaxing lunch. Satisfied with the unique atmosphere of this cafe and a relaxing lunch. I visited with the intuition of seeing the photo and the answer was correct, lol It was a feast!
a s. on Google

I liked the atmosphere of the shop and the atmosphere of the clerk. Rice that makes you feel happy. It was a treat.
Mathew Vo on Google

Really cute and serene Cafe that I even bothered to write a review about. The owner is the best!!
Charlie on Google

Custom made a vegetarian lunch set for us. Great combination of flavors and really nice owner

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