proto 器とタカラモノ

4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact proto 器とタカラモノ

住所 :

Kuramae, Taito City, 〒111-0051 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8998779
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–7PM
Sunday 11AM–7PM
Monday 12–7PM
Tuesday 12–7PM
Wednesday 12–7PM
Thursday 12–7PM
Friday 12–7PM
街 : Tokyo

Kuramae, Taito City, 〒111-0051 Tokyo,Japan
Shinichiro Seki on Google

I have been indebted to them for a long time, and I actually use a lot of the products I bought here. Good product selection sense! The store owner's character, respect for the product and the creator, the background story, and the product knowledge are wonderful, interesting, and you will stay longer. I personally have a great deal of trust in telling me what creator I like and telling me about other stores without hesitation.
もり on Google

This is the shop where I bought the artist's vessel for the first time, and I have been there for about 3 years. Even if you are not very interested in vessels, I think the open atmosphere that makes it easy to invite people to ask, "Why don't you go for a while?" Is the most wonderful thing. (Although the entrance of the shop is certainly quiet) The owner's serious and friendly personality is also wonderful. This is a shop that you will definitely want to stop by when you want to find a vessel.
MINO on Google

So far, the young husband seems to be doing it alone. The story I got from talking with the artist through the purchase can be one of the motivations for buying a vessel, so I think it's good that the information is gathered by one person.
Saito Ryu on Google

The selection of works matches the atmosphere inside the store, and it is a space where you can concentrate on choosing your favorite vessel. The shop owner will explain the background of each artist carefully, so you can use each piece with attachment.
n a on Google

大通りから少し横にそれた雑居ビルの中にありますが、道端に看板が立っているので分かりやすいと思います。二階にあるので、ビルに入り、階段を上がればすぐ入り口のドアが見つかります。 ドアを開ける前は想像がつきにくいですが、思ったよりも店内は広く、テーブルから床まで、商品が所狭しと並べられています。 セレクトとしては、日常使いの器というよりも、作家性や個性、物語性を感じさせるようなものが多い印象でした。ガシガシ使う道具というより、少し作品寄りという感じでしょうか。好きな人は好きだろうなという感じです。器だけでなく、陶器のオブジェなども充実していました。普段行く店ではあまり見ないものが多かったので新鮮でした。 ほぼほぼ陶器でしたが、少しだけガラスもありました。 店員さんは若い男性の方で丁寧でした。
It's in a multi-tenant building that's a little off the main street, but I think it's easy to understand because there's a sign on the side of the road. Located on the second floor, you can find the entrance door as soon as you enter the building and go up the stairs. It's hard to imagine before you open the door, but the store is wider than you think, and the products are lined up from the table to the floor. As a selection, it was an impression that there were many things that made me feel the writer's character, individuality, and narrative rather than the vessels used everyday. It's a bit more like a piece of work, rather than a tool to use. I feel that people who like it will like it. Not only pottery, but also pottery objects were fulfilling. It was fresh because I didn't see much in the shops I usually go to. It was almost pottery, but there was a little glass. The clerk was a young man and was polite.
soucyan on Google

It is a shop where you can fully enjoy the works of potters. I also felt the warmth of the store owner's response. Thanks to you, I bought a nice one-wheeled insert.
89 supply on Google

Even though I entered for the first time, I received a friendly customer service and a polite explanation. The atmosphere of the mother who comes occasionally is fun and I buy a lot. Of course, the items were very nice and I was very pleased with the gifts. Please tell me the store! Is said to be. I didn't have any tentacles in ceramic art, but thanks to that, I started to be interested in vessels. thank you! Please continue for a long time.
Tokotoko on Google

いろんな作家さんのうつわが並んでいるのかと思って訪れたのですが、たまたまなのか、特定の作家さんの作品がメインで作品展のような感じでした。 入り口の台の上に荷物は置いて見て回るスタイルのようで、いろんなうつわやさんに行きますが、初めてだなと思いました。間違いは起こったことがないのでしょうけど、念のため財布とスマホは手に持って。 作品の並べ方や品揃えは店主の方のこだわりとセンスが感じられ、スッキリとした素敵なお店でした。
I wondered if there were various writer's vessels lined up, but it happened that the work of a specific writer was the main work, and it felt like an exhibition. It seems to be a style of putting luggage on the table at the entrance and looking around, so I went to various Utsuwaya-san, but I thought it was my first time. I don't think I've made any mistakes, but just in case, hold your wallet and smartphone in your hand. The arrangement and assortment of works was a refreshing and wonderful shop, with the owner's commitment and sense.

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