Pizzeria Calda Mano - Yonago

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Pizzeria Calda Mano

住所 :

810 Ryomitsuyanagi, Yonago, Tottori 683-0853, Japan

電話 : 📞 +889
Postal code : 683-0853
Webサイト : https://www.calda-mano.com/

810 Ryomitsuyanagi, Yonago, Tottori 683-0853, Japan
Sophie Marquezin on Google

Atendimento bom. Salada de frutos do mar muito boa, recomendo. Pizza macia e saborosa. Pasta de sabor agradável e bem apresentada. O frango assado é uma excelente opção. Suco sem gelo servido em copo cheio, parabéns.
Good service. Very good seafood salad, I recommend. Soft and tasty pizza. Paste with a pleasant taste and well presented. The roasted chicken is an excellent option. Juice without ice served in a full glass, congratulations.
Heos Canon on Google

料理はふつうに美味しいです。しかし、、、 入り口の左側の赤い部分の段差に店から出る時に躓き、危うく転倒しそうになりました。 誰かのアイデアか施工上の都合なのかわかりませんが、出口にあのような段差…あり得ません。ドアを押しながら右斜め前に出て歩くパターンは多いと思います。 年配者や子供は転倒して大怪我をする可能性があります。 怪我人が出る前にオーナーの方は早急に改修されたほうが良いと思います。 食事の後に非常に不快になりました。
The food is usually delicious. However,,, When I got out of the store, I stumbled on the step in the red part on the left side of the entrance, and I almost fell. I don't know if it's someone's idea or construction convenience, but there's no such step at the exit. I think there are many patterns of walking diagonally forward to the right while pushing the door. Elderly people and children can fall and be seriously injured. I think that the owner should repair it as soon as possible before the injured person appears. I became very uncomfortable after eating.
ベッキーBecky on Google

ランチで利用しました。?? 味、店内の雰囲気ともに大満足です! ただトイレにウォシュレットがないのが残念でした。?
I used it for lunch. ?? I am very satisfied with the taste and the atmosphere inside the store! However, it was a pity that there was no washlet in the toilet. ?
MARUKO金時 on Google

平日の夜7時辺りになると結構お客さんで席が埋まっている様子。 サラダ、ピザ、パスタ、アヒージョとパンそれとステーキ等を四人でシェアしながら食べて 1人2500円位。 たまにお洒落な店で女子会的に話ながら気分転換に出掛けるには良いかな? 男子は物量的に物足りないかも。 美味しかったです!
At around 7 o'clock on weekdays, the seats are filled with customers. Salad, pizza, pasta, Ajillo, bread and steak etc. are shared with four people and eat for around 2500 yen per person. Would it be good to go out and change the mood while talking like a girls' association at a fashionable store? Boys may be unsatisfactory in terms of quantity. It was delicious!
孤高のカズさん on Google

ランチを頂きました ピザがモチモチで美味しかった 駐車場が少ないのに 隣の席は3人別々の車で来るなんて こっちはこんなもんなんかいな… 後から来た客々が『駐車場は?』『駐車場は?』 都会じゃ考えられん 迷惑千万
I had lunch The pizza was chewy and delicious Even though there are few parking lots, the seats next to each other come in separate cars for three people. This is something like this ... Customers who came later asked, "What about the parking lot? "What about the parking lot?" 』\ I can't think of it in the city.
Hikari on Google

2人前のコースを^ ^ ピザはサクもちでとても美味しかったです✨ パスタも美味しかったのですが、海鮮出汁たっぷりのボンゴレビアンコというよりペペロンチーノ?という印象でした。 また閉店(オーダーストップ)ギリギリにお伺いしたこちらも悪いですが、入店時に大丈夫かと確認し入店→なるべくさっさと食べるようにしていましたがパスタを食べている途中にアイスなど溶けるものの乗ったデザートを持って来れられました? 早く帰りたかったのかな、と思いました。
A course for two people ^ ^ The pizza was crispy and very delicious ✨ The pasta was also delicious, but it's a peperoncino rather than a vongole bianco full of seafood soup? It was the impression that. I also visited the last minute of closing the shop (order stop), but this is also bad, but I confirmed that it was okay when entering the store and entered the store → I tried to eat as quickly as possible, but while eating pasta I had a dessert with something that melts like ice I was able to bring it ? I thought I wanted to go home early.
wings blue on Google

We went to dinner with two people. There are several kinds of courses to share, you can choose an appetizer, a farm salad, 1 plate of pasta, 1 plate of pizza, and a main dish. Added an ice cake style catalana to the dessert. I especially enjoyed the chewy rice pizza (bacon and soft-boiled egg Bismarck) and the main meat dish. The table space is also spacious and has a social distance. I want to go to lunch next time.
Iwakuni Foodie on Google

We had dinner here last night and we were very happy with everything we ordered. The restaurant is very nice and the service was great. We ordered a pizza, a pasta, some garlic bread, and the local pork with balsamic sauce. I was so hungry that I completely forgot to take a picture of the pizza! We ordered the Bismarck and it was delicious. The carbonara was also really good. The highlight of our dinner was that local pork though. It was cooked perfectly, and the balsamic sauce went well with it. It didn’t over power the pork flavor though so it was perfect. I wanted to try a dessert, but I was too full. We will definitely go back the next time we are in the area.

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