3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー


住所 :

Sekido, Tama, 〒206-0011 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Webサイト : https://piers-cafe.jp/seiseki-sakuragaoka/
街 : Tokyo

Sekido, Tama, 〒206-0011 Tokyo,Japan
endoroid now on Google

I've always thought that the female at the cash register is unfriendly, but today I was about to get 600 yen for a blend of 540 yen. Without apologizing, "that? Is it different?" The rest is good, but it's a waste.
Tiga on Google

くまざわ書店隣りある、落ち着いた雰囲気のカフェ。 サンマルクのグレードアップ版みたいな感じ。 壁際席と丸カウンター席にコンセントあり。 ケーキがおいしく、コーヒーがたっぷりめなのがうれしい。
A relaxing cafe next to the Kumazawa bookstore. It looks like an upgraded version of Saint Marc. There are outlets at the wall and round counter seats. I'm glad the cake is delicious and the coffee is plenty.
三井麻衣子 on Google

It is crowded depending on the time of day. Can you separate the customers who choose bread from the customers who order food and drinks? The morning rice ball set meal is delicious! There is no splash prevention tsuitate in the seat.
ケンケン on Google

7階の無印の横に突如として現れるカフェ☕️? ここの雰囲気が好きなので星4つ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ ミルクティーは安いのと高いのがあります。 感染対策しっかりしてますね。
A cafe that suddenly appears next to MUJI on the 7th floor ☕️? I like the atmosphere here so 4 stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Milk tea is cheap and expensive. Infection control is solid.
sho on Google

ノマドワーカーとして、よく利用させて頂いております。 (今日も来ている笑) 充電はできるし、WIFIの速度が早くて1時間ごとに再接続とかないのがとても魅力です! めちゃくちゃいいこと尽くしなのですが、 唯一モーニングで食べられるゆで卵がどうしても剥きにくいのです・・・ そもそもサービスのものなので、提供してくれるだけありがたいですし、好きなお店だからこそ期待を込めて ゆで卵を剥きやすいように下処理してください!!
As a nomad worker, I often use it. (Laughs coming today) It can be charged, and the speed of WIFI is so fast that it doesn't reconnect every hour, which is very attractive! I'm doing all the good things, The only boiled egg that can be eaten in the morning is hard to peel off ... It's a service in the first place, so I'm grateful that it's offered, and I'm hoping that it's my favorite shop. Please prepare the boiled egg so that it can be easily peeled off! !!
ka no on Google

味はともかくとして、接客が△ カウンターで注文する際も「いらっしゃいませ」の一言もない。作っている途中も学生バイト?同士でお喋りしており急いでいる感じが全くない。挙句の果てにマスクをベッタリ触った手で商品を渡された。なんだか。。。空感がいいだけにもったいない。
Regardless of the taste, there is no word "Welcome" when the customer service orders at the △ counter. Even during the making process, the student part-timers are talking to each other and I don't feel like I'm in a hurry. At the end of the day, I was handed the product with my hand touching the mask. what. .. .. It's a waste because the feeling of sky is good.
Jeremiah ketner on Google

Ryo Flying on Google

Coffee is pretty good. Good atmosphere for being in a department store. Soy milk sub is free. Everything is on a pricey side. An upside is that you can bring in books from the book store right next to it.

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