KEIO ATMAN Seiseki-Sakuragaoka

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact KEIO ATMAN Seiseki-Sakuragaoka

Sekido, Tama, 〒206-0011 Tokyo,Japan
暇人生 on Google

基本的に親切で良いと思いますが5階の鍵コーナーの店員は良くなかったです 鍵コピーで合わなかったら返金するしないの説明の前に使えるかどうか分からないけどそれでも良いなら作りますと言われ非常に不愉快でした。 フロアの奥にあるので二度と近寄らないことにします。時間の無駄でした。 お隣の百貨店3階の鍵屋さんは対照的に可否はっきりして好印象でした
I think it's basically kind and good, but the clerk at the key corner on the 5th floor was not good. I don't know if it can be used before the explanation that I will not refund if the key copy does not match, but I was told that I would make it if it was okay, which was very unpleasant. It's in the back of the floor so I'll never approach it again. It was a waste of time. In contrast, the locksmith on the 3rd floor of the department store next door was clearly impressed.
トムトム on Google

At the largest sales floor (probably) among Keio Atman, there are also products that I thought "I don't think this is for sale", which is very useful.
Meli Dad on Google

Easy to see and convenient department store. Many shop assistants are also kind. The smoking space is clean and easy to enter.
k m on Google

高過ぎ? 量少ないし。 お隣の韓国と同じ詐欺紛いの商品なんとかなりませんか??
Too expensive ? The amount is small. Isn't there a lot of fraudulent products like the one in Korea next door? ?
Osamu Takahashi on Google

The stationery corner on the 3rd floor has a wide selection of items, and you can get most of them. I also handle fountain pens, so I think it's a medium one.
Taka尾 on Google

It is a pity that the handling and sales floors of highly specialized products are shrinking. I had purchased it in the past, so when I asked the clerk about such a product a while ago, I was unfortunately introduced to a specific home improvement store in the neighborhood. I'm glad I got it safely, but as I felt the changing times of Ātman, the professional clerk seemed pitiful. In recent years of the outdoor boom, there have been camping equipment sales corners for each manufacturer, including camping equipment from manufacturers that should not have been sold in stores.
Ryo Flying on Google

They carry lots of hobby related items, crafts, art supplies, bags, cosmetics, interior decorations etc. What is great is the size of assortment. They carry some items that seemingly turn slowly, but that makes this place a destination for me. This particular branch is bigger than some other ones. Some items could be pricey.
Gunnar Larsson on Google

I really like attan stores and this onekligen in particular.

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