Pension Good Luck Takayama - Takayama

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Pension Good Luck Takayama

住所 :

4302-23 Shingumachi, Takayama, Gifu 506-0035, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8779
Postal code : 506-0035
Webサイト :
Description : Simple guesthouse offering a snug dining room, plus a deck with mountain & river views.

4302-23 Shingumachi, Takayama, Gifu 506-0035, Japan
まちくろ on Google

ご飯多めでペット連れに理解があるお宿です。 ご飯はしゃぶしゃぶと焼き肉を両方とも楽しめます。お肉は飛騨牛を使用しておりますので味も最高です。他にもサイドメニューで茄子のおひたしや麻婆豆腐、ナムルなどがついてきます。もちろんご飯などもあります。 お水などはセルフサービスでした。 お部屋は柴犬2頭、大人2人では十分な広さがありました。初めての宿で広すぎると落ち着かないため丁度良いサイズ感です。 大型犬だと一部屋一頭がベストだと感じます。 お風呂は各部屋でとるスタイルです。 温泉はないので他で楽しみましょう。
It is an inn with a lot of rice and an understanding for pets. For rice, you can enjoy both shabu-shabu and yakiniku. The meat is made from Hida beef, so the taste is great. In addition, the side menu includes eggplant tofu, mapo tofu, and namul. Of course, we also have rice. Water was self-service. The room was large enough for two Shiba Inu and two adults. It's a good size because it's uncomfortable if it's too wide for the first time. For large dogs, I feel that each room is the best. The bath is a style taken in each room. There is no hot spring so let's enjoy it elsewhere.
和田恵美子 on Google

During the Obon holidays, I visited with my husband and wife and two pet dogs. The room is normal because it is a pension. However, the amount of food is large and it makes me full. The Hida beef was very delicious.
蘇慧玲 on Google

After watching Dandan's video to find a map, I finally found Nana's house! Great homestay! Fans from Taiwan love "Dafu"
zero kuro on Google

The room is clean and keeps you warm when it's cold. The food is delicious and generous. Especially the dumplings are excellent. Of course, the amount of Hida beef is large and the meat tastes great. If you come to the folds again, I definitely want to stay.
みっちみっち on Google

週明けに夫とマルプーと宿泊しました。ワングッズは全て持ち込みしました。 お部屋は簡素でユニットバスです。アメニティは良い物でした。食事の時ワンは部屋で留守番とwebで見たので心配してましたが、心良く一緒にどうぞと言って貰えました。お宿の方々はいつも素敵な笑顔で、とても感じが良かったです。食事は全て美味しかったです。私は人一倍 鼻が良いせいか部屋の匂いは気になりました。消臭剤は持参してましたが、これからは芳香剤かアロマを持ち歩いても良いかなと勉強になりました。
I stayed with my husband and Maltipoo at the beginning of the week. I brought in all the one goods. The rooms are simple and have a unit bath. The amenities were good. At the time of meal, I was worried because I saw Wan in the room with an answering machine and on the web, but he kindly asked me to join him. The people at the inn always had a nice smile and it felt very good. All the food was delicious. I was worried about the smell of the room, probably because I have a better nose than anyone else. I brought a deodorant with me, but from now on I learned that it is okay to carry an air freshener or aroma.
下崎薫 on Google

It is used with dogs. The rooms were clean and hot drinks were available. Both meals are very delicious and perfect. I felt comfortable because there are many dogs.
Pa san on Google

歴史のある建物ですが、清掃もゆきとどき、とてもきれいです。部屋の水道をひねるとでるのは井戸水!これをコーヒーや紅茶にできるようにセットがおかれていて、おいしいのです♡♡ 外気温マイナスでしたが、到着時刻にあわせて暖房してくださり、あったか! お部屋はロフトつき。子どもたちがとても喜びました! お風呂が小さい!みたいな口コミがありますが、ペンションですから。大きなお風呂がいいかたは、温泉宿をご予約されたらいいと思います。 オーナーさんご夫婦の優しいご対応が、本当にすばらしく、心があたたかくなりました。 他のかたの口コミにあったように、お料理がとてもおいしいです!飛騨牛はもちろんのこと、野菜の高騰が著しい昨今ですが、お野菜もふんだんに使っておられ、フライや濃い味付けに頼らない、シンプルでおいしいお料理はどれもすばらしかったです! 犬づれ、子連れの訪問てしたが、親、子ども、犬、みんなが本当に満足するよいお宿です。
Although it is a historic building, it is clean and clean. Well water comes out when you twist the water supply in the room! The set is set so that this can be made into coffee or tea, and it is delicious ♡♡ The outside temperature was negative, but it was warm when it arrived! The room has a loft. The children were very happy! The bath is small! There is a word of mouth like this, but it's a pension. If you prefer a large bath, you should reserve a hot spring inn. The kind response of the owner and his wife was really wonderful and warmed my heart. The food is very delicious, as was the case with other people's reviews! Not to mention Hida beef, the price of vegetables is soaring these days, but the simple and delicious dishes that use plenty of vegetables and do not rely on frying or strong seasoning were wonderful! I visited with dogs and children, but it is a good inn where parents, children, dogs and everyone are really satisfied.
Marc Poot on Google

Great place to stay when visiting Takayama. Clean accommodation and very friendly hosts that speak Japanese, Chinese and English.

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