Paseos - Kawagoe

3.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Paseos

住所 :

ウニクス南古谷 1階 3-1 Izumicho, Kawagoe, Saitama 350-0026, Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Postal code : 350-0026
Webサイト :

ウニクス南古谷 1階 3-1 Izumicho, Kawagoe, Saitama 350-0026, Japan
三浦登志江 on Google

I wonder if I didn't have much clothes!
森田貞義 on Google

It has just been reopened recently, so I do not know the place of the product at all, and it will waste much time. When I buy clothes, I usually use them because they are almost here.
t tomomi on Google

I often go to buy socks and underwear for children. It's cheap, so it's helpful.
118 piyon on Google

南古谷ウニクス内の2階にあります。 土曜日日曜日祝日などは平面駐車場?は大変混み合いますのでヤオコー2階の駐車場を使いました。閉店セールをしていました。玄関マットと寒くなって来たのでフローリングの上に敷く中敷カーペットを購入しました。手頃な価格だと思います。
Located on the 2nd floor of Minami Furuya Unicus. The flat parking lot ? is very crowded on Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays, so I used the parking lot on the 2nd floor of Yaoko. We had a closing sale. It's getting colder with the entrance mat, so I bought an insole carpet to lay on the flooring. I think it's affordable.
風Invincibilité on Google

リニューアルオープン後来店したが、リニューアル前は2階にあったので、わざわざ2階に上がる手間はなくなり、広さも広くなっている気がした。 商品の品揃えが好みのタイプでは無くなった気がして2階にあったときの方がタイプが良かったな。と感じた。 ハンガーの位置が高すぎる。
I visited the store after the reopening, but it was on the 2nd floor before the renewal, so I didn't bother to go up to the 2nd floor. I felt that the product lineup wasn't the type I liked, and the type was better when I was on the second floor. I felt. The hanger position is too high.
ぐれいすさん on Google

After renovation, I moved to the first floor next to the shoe store. The assortment is abundant. There are shoes, bags and hats. There are underwear, socks and bedding, so we have a complete set of clothing.
平田麻衣 on Google

リニューアルして3月にオープンしたが、前の方が、広くて品物も多かった気がします。 赤ちゃんから年配の方、男女共に衣料品が揃います。 他に、寝具、玩具、雑貨、靴、バックなど販売あり。
It was renewed and opened in March, but I felt that there were more items and more items in the front. Garments from baby to elderly people and men and women are perfect. Besides, there are bedclothes, toys, sundries, shoes, bags, and more.
植竹将治 on Google

お店は広めで綺麗です。 婦人服が多めで、妻や子供の服をよく買いに行きますが、紳士向けの大きめサイズ(3L以上)は、隅っこの方の極一部のみで、自分に合うものを探すのは大変です。家族の物を買いに行くときについでに見て、着れそうなものがあれば買う感じ。
The shop is wide and beautiful. I often go to buy clothes for my wife and children because I have a lot of women's clothes, but the large size for gentlemen (3L or more) is only a small part of the corner, so it is difficult to find the one that suits me. .. When I go shopping for family items, I look at them, and if there is something I can wear, I feel like buying it.

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