Paseonuevo (New Walk) Tsukuba - Tsukuba

4.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Paseonuevo (New Walk) Tsukuba

住所 :

3 Chome-22-3 Ninomiya, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-0051, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8898
Postal code : 305-0051
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–6:30PM
Sunday 9AM–6:30PM
Monday 9:30AM–6PM
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday Closed
Thursday 9:30AM–6PM
Friday 9:30AM–6PM

3 Chome-22-3 Ninomiya, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-0051, Japan
全自動肉焼機 on Google

子供の入園記念の撮影に利用させていただきました。 とっても素敵なスタジオで、撮影背景が豊富です。スタッフの対応も温かく、子供たちもリラックスして良い写真が撮れました。イベントごとに リピート確定です!
I used it to take a picture of the children's entrance commemoration. It's a very nice studio with a lot of shooting backgrounds. The staff were very friendly and the children were able to relax and take good pictures. For each event Repeat is confirmed!
Shizuka Haga on Google

I had them take a picture of 100 days. It was a fun time with very kind and kind staff! My daughter cried on the way, but it looked fun! I would like to use it again. It was great.
にゃゆき(ykn) on Google

This time, I used it with the brothers and sisters of Shichigosan. The costumes and background were very cute with a natural atmosphere. I was able to do my best to make my child laugh. The girl rolled up, put on gorgeous hair ornaments, and even made up. At the end, you showed me a slide show. I want to use it again.
koma2ken on Google

お宮参り記念として、初めて利用しました。従業員の対応も良く、子供を上手く笑顔にしてくれながら撮影してくれました。 満足のいく撮影ができて良かったです。 また機会があればお願いしたいと思います。
I used it for the first time to commemorate my visit to the palace. The employees responded well, and they took pictures while making the children smile well. I'm glad I was able to shoot with satisfaction. I would like to ask if there is another opportunity.
K Y on Google

フォトウェディングで利用させて頂きました。ポーズなど慣れておらずかなり不安でしたが、当日は細かいポーズ調整もすべて分かりやすく指示してくれました。その場で少し見せて頂いた写真を見ると、まるでファッション誌の一面のような完璧な仕上がりで大変満足できました。 美容担当の方も高い技術があり少しイメージを伝えるだけでカッコ良く仕上げてくれました。 また機会があればぜひ利用したいと思います。
I used it for a photo wedding. I wasn't used to the poses and was quite anxious, but on the day he gave me all the fine pose adjustments in an easy-to-understand manner. Looking at the photos that I showed you a little on the spot, I was very satisfied with the perfect finish, just like the front page of a fashion magazine. The person in charge of cosmetology also has a high level of skill and just conveys a little image to make it look cool. I would definitely like to use it if I have the opportunity.
Hiro nemo on Google

入学式の記念に利用しました。 七五三でも写真を撮ってもらいました。 子供を飽きさせず、笑顔を引き出すトークに感動です!増やせるアルバムに節目節目の写真を足していくのが楽しみです。
I used it to commemorate the entrance ceremony. I had them take pictures at Shichigosan. I am impressed by the talk that brings out a smile without getting the child bored! I'm looking forward to adding photos of milestones to the albums that can be increased.
みっちーみっちー on Google

スタジオもすごく可愛くて感動しました! ポーズ等もしっかり指示していただいて助かりました。 撮影の時も楽しく盛り上げてくれてすごくいい笑顔で撮影ができてよかったです! また娘たちの七五三でもぜひ利用させていただきたいです☆
The studio was also very cute and impressed! It was helpful for me to give instructions on poses. I'm glad that I was able to shoot with a very nice smile because it was fun and exciting when shooting! Also, I would like to use it for my daughters' Shichigosan ☆
みる on Google

スタジオの雰囲気に一目惚れし、県外からはるばるやってきました。 雰囲気抜群のドライフラワー&自然光、子供大興奮の風船ルーム、どのセットもとても素敵でした。 子供のヘアスタイルやメイクも、美容室でセットするかのごとくしっかりセットしていただけたのが嬉しかったです。 衣装チェンジの際も全く違う髪型にしていただけました♪ 何気に、親のヘアスタイルをオプションでしていただけたのが一番助かりました(笑) わざわざ撮影前に美容室へ行く手間なし! そして何より、撮影された写真が素晴らしかったです!!! あの子供のグダグダからよくこんな奇跡の一枚…どころか何十枚も…!! ありがとうございました!!! 携帯での動画・静止画の撮影OKなので、撮影風景も含めていい思い出が出来ました♪ 滞在時間は9:00〜13:30頃。 駐車場複数台分あり、データ渡しプランありです。
I fell in love with the atmosphere of the studio at first sight and came all the way from outside the prefecture. Dried flowers and natural light with a great atmosphere, a balloon room with children's excitement, all the sets were very nice. I was glad that the children's hairstyles and makeup were set firmly as if they were set in a beauty salon. I was able to have a completely different hairstyle when changing costumes ♪ It was most helpful to have my parents' hairstyle as an option (laughs). No need to go to the beauty salon before shooting! And above all, the photos taken were amazing! !! !! One of these miracles from that kid's gudaguda ... on the contrary, dozens of ...! !! thank you! !! !! It's OK to shoot videos and still images on your mobile phone, so I made good memories including the shooting scenery ♪ Staying time is from 9:00 to 13:30. There are multiple parking lots, and there is a data transfer plan.

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