Ozawa Orthopedic Surgical Clinic - Kuwana

3.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Ozawa Orthopedic Surgical Clinic

住所 :

3 Chome-19-9 Noda, Kuwana, Mie 511-0904, Japan

電話 : 📞 +898
Postal code : 511-0904
Webサイト : https://www.kuwana-med.com/shoukai/iin/ozawa8000/

3 Chome-19-9 Noda, Kuwana, Mie 511-0904, Japan
ことㄘゃ!! on Google

I was on land, and I was allowed to pass when my waist broke down. The director and the staff were good and very pleasant. Now that I have recovered from a safe failure, I can run well now. Thank you
hiroshi yuki on Google

足をひねって歩けなくなってしまい受診し、ギプスで「く」の字の形状の添え木を作ってもらっている時のこと。先生がギプスで添え木の形を作り、固まるまで看護師さんが保持していました。固まった頃に先生がチェックしに来て、はじめに自分が作ったのと角度が違うと指摘し、その場で看護師さんを強めに叱り始めました。そして、それにもかかわらず添え木を作り直すことはしませんでした。わざわざ不適切な形状であることを患者の前でアピールしたのに…そんな先生がやっている医院です。 そのまま他の病院に行き適切な診断と処置を受けました。
I was twisting my legs and couldn't walk, so I had a medical examination and had a cast form a splint in the shape of a "ku". The teacher made a splint with a cast and the nurse held it until it solidified. When I was settled, the teacher came to check it, pointed out that the angle was different from the one I made at the beginning, and started scolding the nurse on the spot strongly. And nevertheless, he didn't rebuild the splint. Although I appealed in front of the patient that the shape was improper, it is the clinic that such a doctor does. I went to another hospital as it was and received appropriate diagnosis and treatment.
眼鏡さん on Google

When I was in trouble because I had a pain in my lower back and body, I went to see this at the recommendation of an acquaintance. Many people came, probably because it was a popular clinic. Thanks to you, my body feels better and I can send it every day without suffering from pain.
Exced on Google

診断書料金がボックリです!2700円!!! 初受診でしたが、院長は何言っているか分からない。診断書をもらうまで病名も教えてくれない、診断書貰いに来てるのにも関わらず「リハビリしますね」こっちは診断書求めてんだよ。 全てが雑でした! 継続してお金を取ろうとしてるような感じで怪しい所です、二度と来ないです。 レントゲンだけで何が分かるねん!
Medical certificate fee is boxy! 2700 yen! ! ! It was the first visit, but the director does not know what he is saying. I will not tell you the name of the disease until I get a medical certificate, but despite coming to the medical certificate, I will "rehab" I'm asking for a medical certificate. Everything was messy! It's a suspicious place, like trying to get money continuously, never comes again. What do you know with X-rays only!
mama aoki on Google

You will be treated carefully for pain. However, it is difficult to hear the teacher's voice. I'm okay with a broken bone or a bruise, but even if the pain disappears, I've never heard that the water hasn't drained yet or that I should rehabilitate, so I've never heard of it because it's completely healed. Prescribing money, painkillers and vitamins lasts so long that I eventually stop going on my own.
tomohiko mietai on Google

肘の痛みが酷く来院。 先生からの痛みの仕組みや原因ついての説明も大変に納得いくもので、それだけでも信頼できると感じてましたが、処置された治療の注射で数秒後にほゞほゞ痛みが緩和されました。魔法ですか? ありがとうございました。
I visited the hospital because of severe elbow pain. The teacher's explanation of the mechanism and cause of the pain was very convincing, and I felt that it was reliable by itself, but the injection of the treated treatment relieved the pain a few seconds later. Is it magic? Thank you very much.
nakatani masahiro on Google

やー素晴らしい 丁寧に診察してくれます 院長の声がハスキーボイスなので聞こえにくいとか低評価の方もいらっしゃいますが、きちんとお話しして下さいますし良いと思いますよ~ 半月板を損傷しましたが、修復する薬を頂いて1カ月ほどで普通に膝が曲がるようになりました。 接骨院ではそうは行かないでしょうね 看護師さんも美人が多いし一見の価値あり。。。知らんけど 笑
Oh awesome Will give you a careful examination Since the director's voice is a husky voice, there are some people who are hard to hear or have a low rating, but I think it's good to talk properly ~ I damaged the meniscus, but after about a month of receiving medicine to repair it, my knees began to bend normally. That wouldn't be the case at Sekkotsuin Many nurses are also beautiful and worth a look. .. .. I don't know, but lol
のの on Google

ずっと通わされると書いてる人は本当に完治してないだけだと思います。 整形外科はそのあたりつきものですから仕方ないです。 私はヘルニアですがよくなってる、終わりまでもう少しと声をかけてもらい、完治の認定ももらいました。 主人は1ヶ月前に足を怪我してしまい、治ってきたのに足の動きが悪いとわたしのついでに受診したら足の腱が切れてるとしっかり診察してもらい、総合病院への紹介状をもらいました。 総合病院でも意見は同じでした。 きちんと診察してもらえる病院です。 先生はハスキーボイスですが聞き取りづらいことはないです。 オープン前に行くと入り口に名前を記入するボードがあるのでそちらに名前を記入します。 はじめてのとき誰も案内してくれなかったので書きそびれてしまいました
I think that the person who writes that he will be passed on all the time is not really cured. Orthopedics is a natural thing, so it can't be helped. I have a hernia, but it's getting better, and I was asked to say a little more until the end, and I was certified as a complete cure. My husband injured his leg a month ago, and when he was healed but his leg wasn't moving, he had a medical examination when he had a broken leg tendon and received a letter of introduction to a general hospital. I did. Opinions were the same at general hospitals. It is a hospital where you can get a proper medical examination. The teacher is a husky voice, but it's not hard to hear. If you go before the opening, there is a board to write your name at the entrance, so write your name there. When it was my first time, no one showed me, so I missed it.

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