Oyake Dermatology Clinic - Tokorozawa

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Oyake Dermatology Clinic

住所 :

おやけ皮膚科医院 5-16 Kamiyasumatsu, Tokorozawa, Saitama 359-0025, Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Postal code : 359-0025
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–1PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 10AM–1PM
Tuesday 10AM–1PM
Wednesday Closed
Thursday 10AM–1PM
Friday 10AM–1PM

おやけ皮膚科医院 5-16 Kamiyasumatsu, Tokorozawa, Saitama 359-0025, Japan
海藤歩 on Google

優しい先生で綺麗な病院です。 混んでますが、ちゃんとしてるので安心してかよえます。
It is a beautiful hospital with a kind teacher. It's crowded, but you can rest assured that it is proper.
ねこ on Google

The cause remained unknown because he did not investigate the symptoms in detail. The same medicine was recommended even though it got worse. I have the impression that he doesn't listen to me very quickly. As a result, the symptoms remain unhealed. I can't go anymore.
マーサ on Google

・老若男女問わずいつも混んでいる ・待合室など全体的にきれい(スリッパは抗菌ボックスみたいなのに入れる) ・先生は早口だけど的確に診断 ・医院前の無料駐車場は3台のみ ・提携駐車場もあるがちょっと歩く ・先生が学会に出席等で急な休診があるのもののホームページがないため直接電話して聞くか、行ってみてドアの貼り紙をチェックするかしかないのが最大のネック
・ It is always crowded regardless of age or gender ・ The waiting room is clean overall (slippers can be put in like an antibacterial box) ・ The teacher speaks fast but makes an accurate diagnosis ・ Only 3 free parking lots in front of the clinic ・ There is an affiliated parking lot, but a short walk ・ The biggest bottleneck is that although the teacher has a sudden leave of absence due to attending an academic conference, there is no homepage, so there is no choice but to call directly or go and check the door sticker.
ぽん on Google

いつも混んでいますが、雰囲気のいい病院で、先生も優しいです。 しかし、少し診断が雑なことがあります。基本水虫と診断することはないです(笑)
It is always crowded, but the hospital is nice and the teacher is kind. However, the diagnosis may be a little complicated. I never diagnose basic athlete's foot (laughs)
クマナツコ on Google

子供が赤ちゃんの時から通っているから、しょうがなく行っていたけど、もう我慢の限界。 先生はいつも面倒くさそうに診察をし、質問しようもんなら怒りをあらわにしてくる。 素直にずっと処方された薬を塗ってきたけど、他の病院に行ったら、すぐ治りました。 子供のかかりつけ医にしていたことを後悔。 もう一生、行かない最低の病院と私は感じました。
I had to go because my child was a kid since I was a baby, but I have to put up with it. The teacher always consults in a painful manner, and when he asks a question, he becomes angry. I've been obediently applying the prescribed medicine, but when I went to another hospital, it soon healed. I regret that I was a family doctor for my child. I felt that it was the worst hospital I would never go to for the rest of my life.
im db on Google

受付も看護師さんも親切です。 お医者さんは、一人一人ちゃんと観てくれてる気がします。病院を転々としてきましたが、このお医者さんなら信頼出来ると思いました。 ただ待ち時間が長く、混んでる時は1時間~2時間待ちます。
The receptionist and the nurse are kind. I think the doctor is watching each and every one of them. I have been moving from hospital to hospital, but I thought this doctor could be trusted. However, the waiting time is long, and when it is crowded, wait 1 to 2 hours.
れもん on Google

他の方のクチコミに書いてあるように、いつも混んでいます。 駐車場は3台ですが運が良いのか今まで停められなかったことは無いです。 受付の方や看護師さんは親切ですし、先生は早口ですがいつも的確に診断してくれます。 診察も雑だなぁと感じたことは無いです。 1度で理解出来なくても、聞いたらまた説明してくれます。(早口なのは変わりませんが^^;) 急いでいる時は来院されない方が良いと思います。
It's always crowded, as written in other people's reviews. There are 3 parking lots, but I've never been able to park because of my luck. The receptionist and the nurses are kind, and the teacher speaks fast but always makes an accurate diagnosis. I have never felt that the medical examination is also complicated. Even if you can't understand it at once, if you ask, he will explain it again. (It's still fast, but ^^;) I think it is better not to come to the hospital when you are in a hurry.
もももゆゆゆ on Google

When it is free, you can respond very politely. It's a rare type for a male doctor, and he talks for a long time and explains it properly. When it's crowded, waiting for an hour or two is rough, so be sure to aim for a free time. The closest dermatologist was terrible, so it's a little far away, but I've been to this point.

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