Kunitominaikageka Clinic - Tokorozawa

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Kunitominaikageka Clinic

住所 :

532-8 Kume, Tokorozawa, Saitama 359-1131, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8999
Postal code : 359-1131
Opening hours :
Saturday 8:30AM–12:45PM
Sunday 8:30AM–12:45PM
Monday 8:30AM–12:45PM
Tuesday 8:30AM–12:45PM
Wednesday 8:30AM–12:45PM
Thursday 8:30AM–12:45PM
Friday 8:30AM–12:45PM

532-8 Kume, Tokorozawa, Saitama 359-1131, Japan
毛利浩 on Google

I went to the hospital for nearly 20 years. In May, I received a catheter treatment at the Tokorozawa Heart Center and gave me a medical certificate from Mr. Kunitomi. I told you a bookstore. It's frustrating what it means to say from the top. If you can't issue a medical certificate, you can't do it at home. It ’s just a story. Don't say it yelling at me. Don't take care of you, Yasukuni Tomi-That ’s not great because it ’s a doctor. Don't get me wrong 患者 Patients who use the Kunitomi Clinic in the future. It ’s better to consider it well. Don't talk from the top, don't be shy. Never stop going to hospital. The patient is foolish. The doctor must always be humble ❗ If you are in my position, I think you will feel the same way. We patients pay high medical expenses. Take patient's feelings firmly and with heart 心 It is funny to yell ❗
mitsu miya on Google

先生はとても親身になってくれます。 妻の病気も"だと思う"を確信に変える為、国立病院へ紹介状を書いてくださいました。結果、くにとみ先生の診断通りでした。 また、土日もやってるので、便利この上ない!
The teacher is very kind to me. In order to change my wife's illness "I think" to a certainty, I wrote a letter of introduction to a national hospital. As a result, it was according to Dr. Kuni's diagnosis. Also, because I do it on Saturdays and Sundays, it is not convenient.
みんとこ on Google

外科の倉永医師の診察を受けました。 ここで書かれている、低評価にビビりながら、受診しましたが 丁寧で、わかりやすい説明。こちらの質問にも対応してくれる、今時の当たり前をしてくれる、キビキビした外科医らしい方でした 結果は経過観察となり、引き続きこちらを利用します
I was examined by Dr. Kuranaga of surgery. I went to see the doctor while being afraid of the low evaluation written here. A polite and easy-to-understand explanation. He was a sharp surgeon who could answer this question and take it for granted. The result will be a follow-up and will continue to be used
なとまき on Google

先日、高熱が続き初めて受診しました。 日曜の朝、受付開始15分後くらいに伺ったのですが、すでに待合室は9割ほど埋まっている状態でした。 検査も含めトータル40分くらいかかったと思います。 全体の印象としては特に可もなく不可もなく、普通の町医者さんという感じです。 代診の先生でしたが、検査結果や症状についてわかりやすく親切に説明していただきました。 原因は単純なものでしたので、いただいた薬ですぐ治りました。
The other day, high fever continued and I visited for the first time. I asked about 15 minutes after the start of reception on Sunday morning, and the waiting room was already 90% full. I think it took about 40 minutes in total including the inspection. The overall impression is neither good nor bad, just like a normal town doctor. Although I was a substitute doctor, he kindly explained the test results and symptoms. The cause was simple, and I was cured with the medicine I received.
とととと on Google

以前夜の微熱、倦怠感等の不調が長く続いたので二度受診しました。一度目の診察では女性医師に「ただの疲労かもね」と言われ念の為に血液検査だけ行い、後日結果を聞きに行きました。 二度目の診察では男性医師(おそらく院長先生)が担当。結果が異常なしだったのは良かったのですが、その後に「コロナかどうかが心配なの?気にしすぎなんじゃないの?」と投げ捨てるように言われてしまいました。 私はコロナ云々の心配よりも、明らかにいつもと違う症状が長く続くからそれを解決したかっただけです。それを「気にしすぎ」という言葉だけで終わらせるのはどうかと思います。 コロナのニュースで不安になるから症状が続くんじゃないの?とも言われましたがそういう訳じゃないし、仮にそうだったとしても患者は誰でも少なからず不安を持っているわけで、それに寄り添う言葉もなく血液検査の結果だけ見て決めつけるのは…対応に悲しくなりました。 受付の方や女性医師の対応には問題ありませんでした。
I had a long-term illness such as low-grade fever and fatigue at night, so I visited the clinic twice. At the first examination, a female doctor told me that it might be just fatigue, so I just did a blood test just in case, and went to hear the results at a later date. A male doctor (probably the director) is in charge of the second examination. It was good that the result was normal, but after that I was told to throw it away, "Are you worried about whether it is a corona? Isn't it too much of a concern?" Rather than worrying about Corona, I just wanted to resolve it because the apparently unusual symptoms lasted longer. I think it's a good idea to end it with just the word "too much care". Isn't the symptom continuing because the news of Corona makes me uneasy? It was said that this is not the case, and even if that is the case, every patient is not a little anxious, and it is sad to decide by looking only at the blood test results without any words to follow it. became. There was no problem with the receptionist and the female doctor.
// on Google

Isn't the director of the clinic blunt at first? I thought ... I think he is a reliable teacher! How are your children? A kind teacher who asks me!
ハイチーズ on Google

忙しかったからかもしれませんが、医師のインフルエンザ接種希望患者への対応が雑だった。 時間が限られているとしても丁寧に対応できる人間になりたいと思った。 受付の対応は、普通。
Maybe it was because I was busy, but the doctor's response to patients who wanted to get the flu was messy. I wanted to be a person who can respond politely even if time is limited. The reception is normal.
常盤兼成 on Google

アンチコメントに首を傾げるばかりです。 迅速対応を雑だと考える… 医師の判断を横柄と捉える… 直球回答に高圧的と判断する… そんな人は向きません 親身の捉え方は人それぞれですが、ぶっきらぼうかもしれませんが、医師を神格化しすぎではありませんか? 話術に長けた優しさではなく、最短距離で結論を伝え、対処法を説くのは医師の姿としてあるべき姿と感じます とにかく早いし求める治療を提案してくれることに関しては、ここを置いて他にはありません。受付してから会計までが10分って、患者さんの時間を奪わない最高の顧客満足サービスではないでしょうか? 無駄に長い待ち時間、不必要な検査、診療報酬の加点につながる対応があっても良いと思う方は他所を使ってほしいです。 うちの子供は優しい対応をしてくれる院長先生が大好きです。子供は優しさを理解できますからね ●看護師さんが4人程常勤しており、医師が点滴や採血をしなくても良い効率の良さ ●駐車場は線路そばの北斗パークとドコモショップの隣に提携があります❨駐車券発行で1時間無料❩ …★1の書き込みの人って、他所でも★1しか書いてないですね。心が窮屈なんですね
I just tilted his neck to anti comment. Think about quick response to her ... Regarded as arrogant the physician's discretion ... It is determined that the high-handed in fastball answer ... Such a person is not suitable But how to catch of caring is each person, but you might bluntly, Not too deified the doctor? Not a kindness that was good at narrative, told a conclusion in the shortest distance, to preach the workaround I feel the way it should be as a figure of the doctor It comes to us to propose anyway early to seek treatment, there is no other place here. Known to accounting from the receptionist 10, I think the best of customer satisfaction services that are not deprived of the patient's time? Uselessly long waiting time, unnecessary testing, those who think that there may be a corresponding lead to added points of medical fees is I want you to use elsewhere. Out of children love the director teacher that brings a friendly correspondence. Children guess because you can understand the gentleness ● good of the nurses have full-time for about 4 people, it is not necessary physician is a drip and blood collection efficiency ● parking there is a tie-up next to the North Star Park and DoCoMo shop of buckwheat line ❨ parking ticket issued free of charge for 1 hour ❩ ... ★ I 1 of a person's writing, I do not even ★ 1 only wrote elsewhere. It is but I was cramped mind

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