めん屋 正㐂

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact めん屋 正㐂

住所 :

Oya, Ōgawara, Shibata District, 〒989-1201 Miyagi,Japan

Webサイト : https://honesta.yu-nagi.com/touhoku/index.html
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–3PM
Sunday 11AM–3PM
Monday Closed
Tuesday 11AM–3PM
Wednesday 11AM–3PM
Thursday 11AM–3PM
Friday 11AM–3PM
街 : Miyagi

Oya, Ōgawara, Shibata District, 〒989-1201 Miyagi,Japan
安倍正明 on Google

Arrived at 13:20 on Sunday, entered the side of the store and parked at the designated parking place. Unpaved! After entering, I bought Chinese soba and char siu bowl at the ticket vending machine on the right side [Niboshi Chinese was sold out], and when I sat down at the counter, the staff at the counter brought water to pick up the ticket. The bumps are served in about 10 minutes! The chewy thin noodles have a nice texture and are delicious! The soup is boiled and scented with salt, and the char siu is elastic, which I don't like, but the overall balance of the ramen is good and delicious. The char siu bowl has a lot of sauce, so it feels salty! I think many people eat it as a set with ramen, so I think it's good to have a light taste!
おさけのみこ on Google

煮干し中華をオーダー。優しく煮干しを感じるエグ味のないスープに細ストレート麺。非常に美味しい一杯でした。 なので、煮干しMAXじゃないと満足出来ないという人には物足りないかも。 ご主人がマスクでなくマウスシールドだったのが若干気になりました。
I ordered dried sardines. Thin straight noodles in a soup with no astringent taste that gently feels dried. It was a very delicious cup. So, it may not be enough for people who can not be satisfied unless it is Niboshi MAX. I was a little worried that my husband was a mouse shield instead of a mask.
はやてぷう on Google

優しい味、食感の良い麺で飽きない? 色々悩んで煮卵入り中華そばを食べてます
You won't get tired of the gentle taste and texture of the noodles ? I'm worried about various things and I'm eating Chinese noodles with boiled eggs
Yuki Sato (WHY) on Google

千本桜を車から眺めてからふと目についたので入りました。 綺麗なのれんや店内から味も間違いないだろうと思っていたらやっぱり美味しかったです。 麺の硬さと言いスープの丁寧さ、気をてらわないバランス感覚がストライクでした。また近くに行った際は寄ります。 2021年4月初旬において黙食のお願いやアルコール消毒などの感染対策もしっかりされていました。
After looking at Senbonzakura from the car, I suddenly noticed it, so I entered. It was delicious when I thought that the taste would be correct from the beautiful goodwill and the inside of the store. The hardness of the noodles, the politeness of the soup, and the unobtrusive sense of balance were the strikes. Also, I will stop by when I go nearby. At the beginning of April 2021, infection countermeasures such as requesting a silent meal and disinfecting alcohol were also taken.
ヒロ on Google

日曜日のお昼に訪問。そんなに混んでなかった。外観からは店内は狭いかと思いきや厨房を囲んでカウンター席20席はあるかな?1人ずつパーティションが設置され箸や薬味や水等置いてありコロナ対応?️ 店内には自家製麺室がありました。夫は中華そばと私は辛味噌ラーメンを注文。中華そばは細麺で煮干しの香りがスゴイ。メニューには煮干し中華そばもあったので間違ったのかと思うほど(笑)。味は濃い目かな。辛味噌ラーメンは太麺でモチモチ。辛味噌は別皿にありお好みで?️ 味はあっさりで私好みでした?
Visited at noon on Sunday. It wasn't so crowded. From the outside, I think the inside of the store is small, and I wonder if there are 20 counter seats around the kitchen. Partitions were set up for each person, and chopsticks, condiments, water, etc. were placed. Corona compatible ?️ There was a homemade noodle room in the store. My husband ordered Chinese noodles and I ordered spicy miso ramen. Chinese noodles are thin noodles and the aroma of dried sardines is amazing. There was also dried sardines on the menu, so I wondered if it was wrong (laughs). The taste is strong. Spicy miso ramen is thick noodles and chewy. The spicy miso is on a separate plate and I like it ?️ The taste was light and I liked it ?
Shiho on Google

醤油ラーメンのワンタン麺があり、自家製ワンタンのツルッとした食感と、細麺のシャキッとした歯応えが最高です! そしてやはりスープ! 節系もありますが、普通醤油、味噌もあります。 節系は生臭みはなく、深いコクと懐かしい中華そばの香り。 普通は優しい節系の香りと、コクのある味わい。 味噌は濃すぎず飽きない、スッキリとした味わい。 毎日通ってもまた食べたいラーメン屋さんですね!
There are soy sauce ramen wonton noodles, and the smooth texture of homemade wonton and the crispy texture of thin noodles are the best! And after all soup! There are also knots, but there are also ordinary soy sauce and miso. The knot system has no fishy odor, and has a deep richness and a nostalgic Chinese noodle scent. Normally, it has a gentle knotty aroma and a rich taste. Miso is not too thick and you won't get tired of it. It has a refreshing taste. It's a ramen shop that you want to eat again even if you go every day!
係長たぬきち on Google

4号バイパスから少し入ったところにあるラーメン屋さん。 店内は広くオールカウンター席で、席数も多く綺麗。 入り口入ってすぐ食券機があるので、購入してからの着席になります。席には全て飛沫防止のパネルが設置されてますので感染症対策もバッチリ!消毒用アルコールも各席ごとにあります。 今回は「汁なし ダブル」700+200円をオーダー。濃い目の味付けに魚介のダシが効いていて美味。そしてなんといっても麺が美味い!自家製麺らしく、細麺ながらコシがあり小麦の香りも素晴らしかった。 またお邪魔しますー。
A ramen shop just a short distance from the No. 4 bypass. The inside of the store is large and all counter seats, and the number of seats is large and beautiful. There is a ticket machine right after you enter the entrance, so you will be seated after purchasing. All seats are equipped with splash prevention panels, so infectious disease countermeasures are perfect! Rubbing alcohol is also available for each seat. This time, I ordered "Double without juice" 700 + 200 yen. The soup stock of seafood is effective for the deep seasoning and it is delicious. And after all, the noodles are delicious! Like homemade noodles, it was thin but chewy and had a wonderful scent of wheat. I will bother you again.
天の邪鬼 on Google

煮干しラーメン食べました 麺は細麺ストレート この煮干しのスープは好きです 何故か煮卵をTpしました 入ってました サヤエンドウとナルトが良いですね
I ate dried sardines Noodles are thin noodles straight I like this dried sardine soup For some reason I Tp the boiled egg Was in Saya pea and Naruto are good

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